Key Benefits:
88. Federal Law on the Cross-border merger of Neusiedler Seebahn GmbH as a acquiring company with the NSB Railway Fertövidéki Helyi Érdekü Vasút Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság (NSB Railway Neusiedler Seebahn Gesellschaft mit limited liability) as a transmitting company and with regard to the transfer of the shareholding rights in the Fertövideki Helyi Erdekü Vasut Zartkoruen Mukodo Reszvenytarsasag (Neusiedler Seebahn Aktiengesellschaft) to the Neusiedler Seebahn GmbH (NSB-G)
The National Council has decided:
§ 1. The Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology is authorized, in agreement with the Federal Minister of Finance, for the Federal Government as shareholder of the Neusiedler Seebahn GmbH and the NSB Railway Fertövidéki Helyi Érdekü Vasút Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság (NSB Bahn Neusiedler Seebahn Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) of the cross-border merger of the Neusiedler Seebahn GmbH as a acquiring company with the NSB railway Fertövidéki Helyi Érdekü Vasút Korlátolt Felelösségü Társaság (NSB Bahn Neusiedler Seebahn Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) as Transferring company by means of the overall legal order in accordance with the EU Merger Act, BGBl. I No 72/2007.
§ 2. The Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology is authorized, in agreement with the Federal Minister of Finance, to the total share of the federal government in Fertövideki Ghelyi Erdekü Vasut Reszvenytarsasag (Neusiedler Seebahn Joint-stock company) to Neusiedler Seebahn GmbH by way of an introduction in accordance with Art. III Reformation Tax Law, BGBl. N ° 699/1991 idgF BGBl. I No 9/2010.
§ 3. With regard to § § 1 and 2, the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology is responsible for the implementation of the law with the agreement of the Federal Minister for Finance.