Key Benefits:
350. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, with which the Admissions Regulation is amended (5. Novelle zur ZustV)
Pursuant to Section 40 (2a), § 40a (2) and 41 (2) of the KFG 1967, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 267, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 149/2009, shall be ordered:
The Admissions Ordinance, ZustV, BGBl. II No 464/1998, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 92/2010, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 5 reads:
" § 5. The approval bodies shall be displayed in a manner which can be clearly identified from the outside with a yellow, RAL colour shade of 1023 (traffic yellow) or Pantone colour shade 109 C, in each case corresponding to the model of Appendix 1, or within the admissions office at a show, or a foil attached to the outside windows. On this blackboard/foil the name of the insurance must be indicated on a white, rectangular field. In this field, you can also display an image of the insurance company. On this board/foil or on a yellow additional panel/additional film it is necessary to indicate which authority or authorities the approval body is to act for. "
2. In § 8 (1), paragraph 5 is deleted, where the existing paragraph 6 becomes paragraph 5.
3. According to Article 13 (1), the following paragraph 1a is inserted:
" (1a) The registration certificate Part I in the chip card format, which functionally corresponds to the certificate of approval Part I in the paper format (Section 41a (1) of the KFG 1967), must correspond to the design of the systems 7 and 7a in accordance with the form and content. The external characteristics are based on the ISO standards 7810 and 7816-1 and in accordance with the requirements of Directive 2003 /127/EC, OJ L 327, 30.12.2003, p. No. OJ No L 10, 16. Jänner 2004. The carrier material shall contain the following forgery security features:
1. Map material polycarbonate |
2. Security sub-pattern using guilloche printing and microfonts |
3. Inside hologram strips on the front |
4. Optically variable component (OVI) on the back |
5. Use of laser engraving to personalize |
6. High-embossing of the card surface on the front side |
7. Tactile lasing on the front |
8. Iris pressure of UV fluorescent inks. |
In the case of application for a registration certificate Part I in the chip card format, the applicant receives a leaflet, in which, among other things, the possibility of data correction, time limits and validity with regard to the registration certificate in the chip card format. The amount of the cost replacement for the registration certificate part I in the chip card format is 19.80 euros, of which 16.80 euros will be charged to the producer, namely Österreichische Staatsdruckerei AG. "
4. In Section 13 (3), the second sentence reads:
" Certification certificates may be issued by the authorities, by authorised insurers, directly by admissions offices or, in the case of a technical change to the vehicle (§ 33 (3) and (3a) of the KFG 1967), by the regional governor, or in the case of a Registration certificate Part I in the chip card format, requested there. "
Section 13 (4) reads as follows:
" (4) Admissions certificates shall have a serial number. The name of the authority must be applied by the admissions office on the front of the registration certificate in paper format by means of a stampiglie, in the case of a certificate of approval, Part I in the chip card format, inter alia, in the area of the C 4 field together with the registration number on the card. In box A 1 of the letter of approval in the paper format, at least the registration number must be indicated. If according to § 33 (3) or (3a) of the KFG a new registration certificate is issued by the regional governor, the relevant official stamp shall be on the front of the registration certificate in the paper format instead of the name of the competent authority. of the Governor of the State. In the case of box A 1, in this case, instead of the admissions office, it must be registered that the exhibition has been issued by the Governor of the State for the respective competent authorisation authority. The admissions office shall have accurate records (entry in a list) of imprinted, damaged or otherwise unusable approval certificate forms. "
6. § 13 (4a) is supplemented by the following sentence:
"In the case of vehicles already registered, a duplicate of the registration certificate can only be issued in paper format."
Section 13 (5) reads as follows:
"(5) Admissions certificates in accordance with the model of Appendix 6, or in accordance with the model of Appendixes 7 and 7a in the case of a certificate of registration, Part I in the chip card format, shall also be used with the procedures reserved for the authorities."
8. Section 13 (6) is supplemented by the following two sentences:
" In the case of a registration certificate Part I in the chip card format, any change in the entries requires the application for a new registration certificate Part I in the chip card format, unless the switch to a registration certificate part I in the Paper format is requested. After a sign-off or otherwise invalidated registration certificates Part I in the chip card format, these will be devalued by means of a perforation and then re-followed by the applicant. The perforation must be carried out in such a way that the microchip remains intact in this case. "
9. § 14 is added in accordance with Section 3 of the following paragraph 4:
" (4) § 13 (1a), section 13 (5), annex 3, annex 4, points 22, 26, 27, 33 and 70, annex 7 and annex 7a, respectively, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 350/2010, enter into force on 1 December 2010. Registration certificates in the chip card format may be requested from the entry into force of these provisions. The first edition of the registration certificates in the chip card format will be issued from 1. Jänner 2011. "
10. Annex 3 is (see annexes):
11. In Appendix 4, the figure is 22:
" 22 |
for use in commercial renting without the assistance of a handlebar " |
12. In Appendix 4, the figure is 26:
" 26 |
on the use of furniture transporters (§ 106 para. 13 KFG 1967) " |
13. In Appendix 4, the figure is 27:
" 27 |
For use as a school vehicle according to § 112 para. 3 KFG 1967 " |
14. In Appendix 4, the following code number 33, including the use determination, is inserted after the identification number 32:
" 33 |
for municipal use in a local authority or in a community association " |
15. In Appendix 4, the figure is 70:
" 70 |
for use in the area of financial management " |
16. In Appendix 6, the contents of the certificate of registration in paper format are for natural or legal persons:
17. Annex 7 and Annex 7a are added after Appendix 6 (see Annexes):