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Determination Of Mindestlohntaifs For Home Besorgerin For Burgenland

Original Language Title: Festsetzung des Mindestlohntaifs für Hausbesorger/innen für Burgenland

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412. Ordinance of the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection at the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which sets the minimum wage rate for domestic carers for Burgenland

The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection in accordance with Section 22 (1) of the German Labour Constitution Act, BGBl. No. 22/1974, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I N ° 58/2010 authorises the minimum wage rate to be fixed at the request of a collective contractual body if no collective contract is effective for the sector concerned.

The Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection has fixed the following minimum wage rate with a decision of 6 December 2010 following the implementation of a senate negotiation:

Minimum wage rate

for careerers-Burgenland


§ 1.


Spatial: for the Land of Burgenland;


Personal: for home-care workers, to which the home-care law, BGBl. No 16/1970, and its employer,


who, in their capacity as employers, are not members of a collectivelyable body, or


if, after the entry into force of the minimum wage, they acquire collective contractual capacity or accede to a collective contractual body, as long as no collective agreement is concluded for them;


Technical: only for the other activities of persons referred to in Z 2 within the meaning of Section 12 (1) of the Hausanxigergesetz (Hausanxigergesetz).

Services according to § 4 para. 3 of the Hausanxigergesetz

§ 2. In addition to the remuneration, which is guaranteed to him by virtue of § § 7 (1) and (12) of the House Concerned Law, the House concerned shall be entitled to the following remuneration in the case of the following work carried out at a house, this additional fee being taken from the sum of the sum of the total amount of the fee. for the residential areas, other premises, sidewalks, other accessible areas and the supervision of the elevator.


Once again, the simple payment:


in the case of repair, installation of a heat or sound insulation of a Hoffassade (or Rear side) or gas façade (or Front). If Stiegenhausfenstern is present, a surcharge of 75% is due.


in the case of the painting of the staircase, where there are several staircases and only some of them are to be painted, the proportion of the aliquot being due to the same amount. If Stiegenhausfenstern is present, a surcharge of 75% is due.


in the case of alloying of a continuous riser under plaster (per knight), provided that this is not carried out at the same time as the painting of the staircase. The aliquot part is due to the laying of a line for individual floors or increased.


in the case of installation of elevators (in the case of any aliquoting, analogous to lit. (b)


in the case of window exchange or Repair (in the case of possible aliquots analogous to lit. (b)


in the case of roof repair or Extension (in the case of possible aliquots analogous to lit. (b)


The payment of the fee for work after Z 1 has to be made after completion of this work within a period of two months, and in the other case it is to be carried out in an akeontowise manner monthly.


The payment of the remuneration after Z 1 shall be effected immediately if the employment relationship has been terminated before all repair and cleaning work has been completed.


For other extraordinary works, an hourly wage of 7.85 € is due. This fee is to be deducted in retrospect in such a way that the work performed in the previous month at the latest on 10. of the following month of payment.

This hourly wage is only valid in so far as other rates of remuneration are not fixed in the minimum wage rate of the Federal Office for Unification M 27/2010/XXVI/99/19 (German Federal Office for the Protection of the Hourly Earnings).


For the cleaning of a place used by the house parties, a monthly fee of 18,52 € is due from each of these parties. For the cleaning of a place for washing kitchens, a monthly fee of 46,30 € is due.


For an agreed purification of particularly disgracable soiling (in particular blood, urine, feces, vomit) in the interior of the house, a lump sum of € 51.49 per disposal is due.


The supplement to Z 1, 4, 5 and 6 shall be added to the surcharge in force in accordance with § 8 of the Hausanxigergesetz (Hausanxigergesetz), if it is a cleaning work.


If extraordinary cleaning work according to Z 1 and 4 must be carried out on a Sunday or public holiday for special reasons, this hourly wage is increased by 100%.


An hourly wage of € 5.88 is due for an agreed attendance obligation for the execution of other services other than those mentioned in § 4 (1) and (3) of the Hausanxigergesetz (Hausanxigergesetz). On Sundays and holidays this hourly wage increases by 100%.


For the care of machine washing kitchens charges per washing machine together with any additional equipment 15,92 € per month.

If the maintainer is to carry out an collection for the use of the facilities, a charge of 5% of the amount collected will also be charged.


For the cleaning of refuse boxes as well as the filling and replacement of refuse bins as well as for the cleaning of rubbish bins, a monthly flat rate is due, the amount of which is based on the actual work performance and on the basis of the basic income of the hourly wage defined under Z 4.


§ 3. For the cleaning of sidewalks and other accessible areas, provided that they are not already included in the calculation of the remuneration in accordance with § 7 (5) of the Hausanxigergesetz (Hausanxigergesetz), the each square metre of walking area shall be the subject of the respective applicable from the Governor for this purpose fixed remuneration.


§ 4. In-house procurers who are charged with the collection of the rent shall receive 1% per month from the amount collected.

Holiday grant and Christmas Remuneration

§ 5. In addition, the persons referred to in § 1 Z 2 shall charge each year a holiday grant in the amount of the remuneration due for the month of May and a Christmas remuneration in the amount of the remuneration due for the month of November; at least shall, however, be one twelfth of the annual reference to this activity, with the exception of the holiday allowance and the Christmas remuneration.

The holiday grant is to be paid at the time of the arrival of the holiday, but no later than 30 June, to pay the Christmas Remuneration by 30 November of each year at the latest. If the service begins or ends during the calendar year, the amount of the holiday grant and the Christmas Remuneration shall be pro rata in accordance with the period of service completed in that calendar year.

Beneficiary clause

§ 6. Existing more favourable agreements will not be affected by this minimum wage.

Linguistic equality

§ 7. To the extent that personal names are only mentioned in male form, these refer to women and men in the same way. In the case of a particular person, the gender-specific form must be used.

Gelling Date

§ 8. This minimum wage rate changes the minimum wage rate of 27 November 2009, Zl. BEA/9 -10/2009 (M 6/2009/XXVI/99/ 6) and enters into force 1. Jänner 2011 in force.
