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Amendment Of The Regulation Of General Permits Issued

Original Language Title: Änderung der Verordnung, mit der generelle Bewilligungen erteilt werden

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436. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology, amending the Regulation granting general authorisations

Pursuant to Section 74 (3) of the Federal Law, which enacted a Telecommunications Act (Telecommunication Act 2003-TKG 2003), BGBl. I n ° 70/2003, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 50/2010, shall be ordered:

The Regulation, which grants general permission, BGBl. II No 542/2003, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 119/2009, shall be amended as follows:

In lit. A of Appendix Table 2 will be after the line "FSB-LD078 Road-Side Units (Road-Side-Units) 29.07.2008" the following lines are added:

" FSB-LD080 meter reading systems 15.10.2010

FSB-LD081 Tracking and Orting Systems 15.10.2010

FSB-LD082 Passenger help systems 15.10.2010

FSB-LD083 Passenger help systems 15.10.2010

FSB-LD084 hearing aids 15.10.2010

FSB-LD085 hearing aids 15.10.2010

FSB-LD086 train protection systems 'Euroloop' 15.10.2010

FSB-LD088 train protection systems 'Euroloop' 15.10.2010 "
