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Amount Of Allowance For Voluntary Probation Worker

Original Language Title: Höhe der Aufwandsentschädigung für ehrenamtlich tätige Bewährungshelfer

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449. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice on the amount of compensation for volunteer probation workers

On the basis of § 12 (5) of the probation aid act, BGBl. No. 146/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 64/2010, shall be:

§ 1. The amount of volunteer probation helpers without proof of cash outlays to be paid compensation (§ 12 para. 4 second sentence of the probation aid act 1969, BGBl. No. 146, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 64/2010) per Schützling is 64 Euro per month.

§ 2. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2011 in force.

(2) With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Justice on the amount of compensation for volunteer probation workers, BGBl. II No 4/2010, repealed. However, the repealed Regulation continues to be the case before the 1. Jänner 2011, to apply the facts.
