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Change Of The Measurement And Calibration Act

Original Language Title: Änderung des Maß- und Eichgesetzes

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115. Federal law, which changes the law of measure and calibration

The National Council has decided:

The measure and calibration law, BGBl. No 152/1950, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 137/2004, shall be amended as follows:

1. § 1 (1) reads:

"(1) For the purposes of measurement data, the units of measurement referred to in § 2 or to be formed in accordance with § 2 (hereinafter referred to as statutory units) shall be used in the official and legal trade, health and safety systems."

2. § 1 (3) reads:

" (3) The additional indication of units of measurement other than those mentioned in § 2 shall be permitted. However, the units of measurement referred to in § 2 shall be highlighted in this case and shall be expressed in at least as large characters. "

(3) The following paragraph 5 is added to § 1:

" (5) Legal units of measure are:


base units,


units derived from the basic units,


the units referred to in Article 2 (3);


the multiples and parts of the units referred to in § 3, excluding the kilogram (§ 2 para. 1 (2)), where the rates are to be applied to the grams unit and the degree Celsius (§ 2 para. 2 Z 16),


the units referred to in Article 2 (5), and


the products and the quotients of the units listed in the Z 1 to 5, except for the millimeter of mercury (§ 2 para. 5 Z 7). "

4. The phrase "Legal units of measure are:" at the beginning of § 2.

5. § 2 (1) reads:

" (1) Base units and their characters are:


for the length of the meter (m):

The meter shall be the length of the distance, which shall cover the light in a vacuum for a duration of 1/299 792 458 seconds;


for the mass the kilogram (kg):

The kilogram shall be equal to the mass of the international prototype of the kilogram;


for the time the second (s):

The second is the 9 192 631 770 times the period of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine structural levels of the base state of atoms of the Nuclide Cäsium-133;


for the electric current intensity of the ampere (A):

The ampere is the strength of an electric current which is immutable in time and which is caused by two rectilinear, infinitely long conductors of negligibly small, circular cross-section which are arranged in a vacuum parallel to one another at a distance of 1 meter from one another. fluent, between these ladders per 1 meter of conductor length the force of 0,000 000 2 Newtons (2 x 10 -7 N) would cause;


for the thermodynamic temperature the Kelvin (K):

The kelvin is the 273 ,16 th part of the thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of the water; this definition refers to water whose isotopic composition is defined by the following ratios of substance: 1 H, 0.000 379 9 Mol 17 O per mol 16 O and 0.002 005 2 mol 18 O per mol 16 O;


for the amount of substance the mol (mol):

The mole is the amount of material of a system which consists of as many individual particles as atoms in 0.012 kilograms of the nuclide carbon-12. When the mole is used, the individual particles of the system must be specified; it may be atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, and other particles or groups of such particles of precisely specified composition;


for the light intensity the candela (cd):

The candela is the light intensity of a radiation source, which monochromatic radiation of the frequency 540 x 10 12 Hertz sends out in a specific direction, in which the beam intensity is 1/683 Watt by steradian. "

6. The subsection of Section 2 (2) reads as follows:

"For the following units, which are coherent from the base units, there are special names and signs:"

7. § 2 para. 2 Z 16 reads:

" 16.

for the Celsius temperature of degrees Celsius (° C):

where the Celsius temperature T is equal to the difference t = T-T 0 between two thermodynamic temperatures T and T 0 with T 0 = 273.15 K; a temperature interval or a temperature difference can be expressed either in Kelvin or in degrees Celsius; the unit degree Celsius is equal to the unit Kelvin; "

8. The subdivision of § 2 Abs.3 reads:

"The following units and symbols may be used in addition to the units resulting from paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article:"

9. § 2 para. 3 Z 9 reads:

" 9.

for the flat angle of the Neugrad or the Gon (gon):

1 Neugrad = 1 gon = p/200 Radiant. "

10. § 2 (4) and (6) deleted.

11. The subsection of Section 2 (5) reads as follows:

" The following units and symbols may be used in addition to the units resulting from paragraphs 1 and 2, but not with the operations referred to in § 3:

12. In § 2 (5), the Z 1 is deleted; the Z 2 is:

" 2.

for the planar angle

the full angle = 2 p Radiant,

the degree (°) = p/180 Radiant,

the (angle) minute (') = 1/60 degree = p/10 800 Radiant,

the (angle) second (") = 1/60 minute = p/648 000 Radiant,

the new inute ( C ) = 1/100 Neugrad = p/20 000 Radiant and

the New Customer ( cc ) = 1/100 Neuminute = p/2 000 000 Radiant; "

13. In the introduction sentence to § 2 para. 5 Z 5, the phrase "Pearls and" is deleted.

14. § 2 (5) Z 7 reads:


for the blood pressure and pressure of other body fluids the millimeter of mercury column (mmHg):

1 mmHg = 133,322 Pa.

15. The subsection of section 4 (1) reads as follows:

"The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen) has as national metrology institute of the Republic of Austria for the legal units according to the state and the requirements of metrology"

16. § 4 (2) reads:

" (2) The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen) has the statutory units of measurement in accordance with the state and requirements of the measurement technology.


Calibration of measuring instruments and


Testing and calibration of measuring instruments in the physical-technical testing service

to pass. "

17. § 4 (4) reads:

"(4) Regulations adopted by the Bundesamt für Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Bundesamt für Eich-und Vermessungswesen) on the basis of this Act shall be published in the" Official Journal for the Eichwesen " (Official Journal), which is to be published in electronic form, and shall be published at the web address Query ready to hold. Unless a later entry into force is ordered, the Regulations enter into force at the end of the day of release to the query. Each number of the Official Journal shall contain this date. "

18. According to § 4, the following § 5 is inserted:

" § 5. (1) The Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs, Family and Youth is responsible for the use of a metrology board.

(2) The Metrology Council has to advise the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth in all matters relating to measurement and calibration. This consultation is carried out in particular with regard to the following matters concerning metrology:


Improvement of metrological infrastructure in Austria,


the issues of European legislation,


Coordination of research and development,


Anchoring the repatriation of measurements to national or international standards in all technically relevant areas and


To ensure that different interests are observed in the context of the production and implementation of European and national legislation.

(3) The Advisory Board shall include the following members:


a member and a substitute member of the


Federal Chancellery;


Federal Ministry of Finance;


Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs;


Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth;


Federal Ministry of Health;


Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management;


Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection;


Federal Ministry of Science and Research;


Federal Ministry of the Interior;


Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology;


three members of the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen;


two members who are appointed by the Austrian Chamber of Commerce;


one member appointed by the Federal Chamber of Labour and the Austrian Trade Union Confederation;


a member appointed by the liaison office of the Federal States, the Austrian Association of Cities and the Austrian Municipal Debt;


a member appointed by the Conference of Presidents of the Austrian Agricultural Chambers,


a member who is appointed by the Austrian Senior Citizens ' Council.

(4) If necessary, the Advisory Board may be able to provide further expert advice.

(5) Provisions concerning the membership and the rules of procedure of the Metrology Council, as well as the convening, management and conduct of the meetings, shall be laid down by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth by Regulation. "

Section 8 (1) Z 3 reads as follows:

" 3.

(a) quantity measuring instruments for gas without and with additional equipment relevant to the accounting


Quantity measuring instruments for liquids without and with additional equipment


Quantity measuring instruments for thermal energy (heat meters, cold meters) without and with additional equipment relevant to the billing, "

20. In § 8 paragraph 1 Z 4 lit. a is after the word "with" the word "accounting-relevant" inserted.

21. In § 8 (1) (12), the point at the end of Z 12 shall be replaced by an accoration; the following Z 13 shall be added:

" 13.

Measuring systems for the determination of value-determining characteristics of roundwood. "

22. The subsection of Section 8 (7) reads as follows:

"The measuring instruments shall not be subject to the calibration duty in the following areas:"

Section 8 (7) Z 3 reads as follows:

" 3.

Inspection bodies (Accreditation Act-AkkG, BGBl. N ° 468/1992, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 85/2002), "

Section 8 (7) Z 5 reads as follows:

" 5.

First inspection bodies (Kesselgesetz, BGBl. N ° 211/1992, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 80/2007), "

25. In § 8 (7) Z 7 the point at the end of the Z 7 shall be replaced by a supplement and the following Z 8 shall be added:

" 8.

Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen, as well as this subordinate office and departments. "

26. The subdivision of § 11 Z 2 reads:

"Scales used or kept ready for the determination of the mass"

27. § 11 Z 3 reads:

" 3.

Dosimeters for ionizing radiation used or kept in the medical instrument, unless they are subject to the metrological control according to § 12b:


for photon radiation,


for electron beams produced by accelerators, and


for the determination of the dose-length product, "

§ 12 reads:

" § 12. Medical devices with measuring function in the sense of the Medical Devices Act, BGBl. No. 657/1996, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 143/2009, which are subject to the obligation of verification in accordance with § 11 Z 3 or § 11 Z 5, are to be placed on the market or put into service for the first time in accordance with the provisions of the Medical Product Act. The CE marking in the sense of the Medical Devices Act is equivalent to the Austrian first-time calibration. This shall not be without prejudice to the confespation. "

29. In Section 12b (5), the parenthesis shall be "(Section D)" by the parenthesis expression "(Section E)" replaced.

30. The following paragraph 4 is added to section 12c:

"(4) The provisions of the verification of the verification of oak police (Section E) shall apply mutatily."

31. § 13 para. 2 Z 1 reads:

" 1.

Measuring instruments for the determination of axe and wheel loads, "

32. § 13 (2) Z 5 reads:

" 5.

Tachometer for roadside inspection inspections, "

(33) The following paragraph 4 is added to § 13:

" (4) The calibration obligation shall be subject to the measuring instruments referred to in section 1 (3) and (4), even if they are subject to the provisions of Section 13 of the intervention regulation BGBl. II. No 145/2007. "

34. § 15 Z 3 to 6 reads:

" 3.

three years in traffic speed measuring devices,


four years


in the case of length scales, length-of-length tapes, rods and bands, when their scale is divided according to length units,


hardness test diamonds,


five years


for cold, hot and hot water meters,


in the case of state-of-the-art gases,


for transport containers,


in the case of thermometers of liquid glass with the exception of thermometers or pycnometers,


in the case of measuring instruments for the determination of the viscosity of liquids, provided that these measuring instruments are not exempted from the confespation in accordance with § 17 Z 1,


in the case of mass measuring instruments for thermal energy (heat meters, cold meters),


in the case of electronic gas meters according to the microthermal measurement principle,


eight years


in the case of electronic electricity meters without and with additional equipment,


in the case of induction electricity meters with additional equipment, with the exception of those for which the retention periods are set in Z 9,


in the case of electrical tariffs,


for ultrasonic gas meters with a maximum flow rate of up to 65 m 3 /h "

35. § 17 Z 2 reads:

" 2.

Hollow dimensions up to 2 l content, "

36. In § 17, the Z 7 is deleted; the Z 8 to 14 are given the names "7." to "13." .

37. § 17 Z 8 reads:

" 8.

Tape dimensions for single use, "

38. In § 17, the point at the end of Z 13 is given by the word "and" , the following Z 14 shall be added:

" 14.

Ultrasonic gas meter with a maximum flow rate greater than 65 m 3 /h. "

39. In § 18, the Z 1 is deleted; the Z 2 to 5 are given the names "1." to "4." .

40. § 18 Z 4 reads:

" 4.

Having regard to the state of the art of science and technology, obligations under international law of the Republic of Austria, comparable provisions of the country of origin, as well as directives of international organizations and community of states the following:


the procedure for determining the conformity of measuring instruments with certain legislation (conformity assessment procedures), provided that they are prescribed in a European Union directive,


the requirements for bodies involved in these procedures;


Conformity markings, which shall be regarded as equivalent to the approval designation for calibration and the calibration stamp. "

41. § 18a deleted.

42. § § 20 to 23 are replaced by the following § § 20 to 22:

" § 20. In order to be paid for payment by certain drinks to be determined in accordance with Article 21 (1) (1) of the Regulation, the use of vessels shall be used for the purchase of vessels or for the purpose of Tank vessels or dispensing measures are hollow dimensions designed for the determination of a fixed volume of a liquid to be released for immediate consumption (excluding pharmaceuticals). They must comply with the requirements laid down by Regulation.

§ 21. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth must be defined as follows:


the drinks which have to be served in vessels or in accordance with the provisions of Section 20;


the specific requirements for vessels and the dimensions of the vessels, in particular:


the materials and nominal contents,


the derogations allowed for placing on the market (error limits),


the provisions relating to labelling.

§ 22. The owner of a holding with a payment of charges shall be responsible for the fact that the storage vessels used or made available by him or for use shall comply with the provisions of this Federal Law. "

43. § 33 reads:

" § 33. (1) Eichings by the calibration authorities shall be carried out


in the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen und in den Eichämtern,


in terminal posts and


at the place of manufacture or installation of the measuring instruments.

(2) Points of departure for the calibration of measuring instruments may be set up at the request and at the expense of individual undertakings; they shall be authority only in the time of the official presence of a calibration official. There is no entitlement to the setting up of a terminal.

(3) On request or on its own account, calibration may be carried out at the place of manufacture or installation of the measuring instruments. The calibration rules or the authorisation may provide for the calibration to be carried out at the point of manufacture or installation of the measuring instruments. The applicant shall ensure that the necessary means of calibration, work assistance and, if necessary, a suitable space are provided. "

44. In Section 35 (1), the word order shall be "Accredited calibration centre" through the phrase "authorised oak office" replaced.

45. § 35 (2) and (3) reads as follows:

" (2) Any physical or legal person or registered personal company which deals with the metrological assessment of measuring instruments as referred to in paragraph 1 may be authorized by the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen as the oak.

(3) Measuring instruments which are authorised for the initial calibration of the EC and which comply with the relevant EC directives may, in the case of the first calibration, be obtained by authorized calibration points instead of the national calibration mark with the symbol for the EC first calibration if this is included in the scope of the authorization. "

46. § 35 (5) to (7) are:

" (5) The granting, the extent and the withdrawal of the appropriations shall be published in the Official Journal for the calibration of the appropriations.

(6) The authorised oak offices shall have the power to issue certificates concerning the result of the calibration. These certificates are public documents.

(7) Where certain measuring instruments are authorised for calibration, the calibration authority shall not be allowed to carry out calibration tests on these measuring instruments. The transfer of the activity to the oak stations shall be carried out at the latest within one year of the authorisation and shall be published in the Official Journal for the calibration of the oak. "

47. The following paragraph 9 is added to § 35:

"(9) The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen is authorized to publish guidelines for the technical equipment of calibration sites and guidelines for the procedure in the calibration of the calibration."

48. In § 36 (4), the name shall be: "§ 18 Z 5" by the name "§ 18 Z 4" replaced.

49. § 37 (1) reads:

"(1) Measuring instruments may only be calibrated if they are capable of being calibrated and have complied with the requirements applicable to them in the course of metrological testing."

Section 37 (2) Z 2 reads as follows:

" 2.

the conformity has been established in accordance with a procedure in accordance with § 18 Z 4, which is equivalent to the initial calibration. "

51. The title before § 38 reads " 3. Calibration " .

52. In § 38, para. 2 to 4 are given the names "4" , "5" and "6" .

53. § 38 (1) to (3) reads:

" (1) Measuring instruments and measuring equipment parts are able to be calibrated,


approved by the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office of Eich-and Vermessungswesen) for calibration,


in respect of which conformity has been established in accordance with Article 18 (4) of the Regulations, or


if they are to be treated as equivalent in accordance with § 49.

(2) The provisions of paragraphs 4 to 8 shall apply in the context of paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (3). The provisions of the respective regulation according to § 18 Z 4 are to be applied for paragraph 1 Z 2.

(3) Non-calibratable measuring instruments or measuring instrument parts shall not be designated as calibratable. "

54. In Section 38 (6), the name shall be: " 3 " by the name " 5 " replaced.

55. § 38 (9) reads:

" (9) The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen shall, at the request of the manufacturer, his authorised representative or the importer, make the existence of equivalence in accordance with section 49 (1) and thus the calibration capability for the measuring instruments applied for, or Measuring device parts fixed. The presence of the calibration capability shall be published in the Official Journal for the Verification of Oak. "

Section 39 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen has


to adopt the calibration rules; and


to allow the measuring instruments or measuring instrument parts which correspond to the calibration requirements to be calibrated. "

Article 39 (4) reads as follows:

"(4) The calibration rules shall be published in the" Official Journal of the Verification of Eichwesen ".

§ 40 reads:

" § 40. The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen has the power to:


determine whether, and under which conditions, measuring instruments shall, exceptionally, be permitted for calibration which do not fully comply with the calibration requirements or which have not yet been adopted in accordance with the provisions of the calibration rules; and


to determine in which cases the stamp shall be shown in whole or in part. "

§ 44 shall be replaced by the following § § 43 and 44:

" § 43. (1) In the course of commercial transactions with loose products, the price determination on the basis of the mass may be based on only net weight values.

(2) The provisions of paragraph 1 shall not apply to:


the co-weighing of sheets with a mass not exceeding 1 g per sheet;


legal transactions with persons who use the products in their self-employed professional or commercial activity;


measurement operations carried out by the purchaser;


Commercially available protective papers of loose confectionery, in particular chocolates or candy.

§ 44. A light measuring instrument shall be considered to be sufficient only if the relevant requirements and conditions of use are complied with. "

60. § 45 (2) to (5) reads:

" (2) In order to permit the use of measuring instruments after repairs up to calibration, the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen may authorize appropriate physical persons, after verification of the measuring instruments, to ensure compliance with the In order to prevent interference with the measuring instrument, which can have an influence on the metrological properties of the measuring instrument, until calibration is prevented, traffic error limits are to be closed with the safety signs specified in the communication.

(3) The authorized person shall immediately notify the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen of the affixing of the security mark in writing.

(4) Following the affixing of the security mark, the application for calibration must be submitted without delay and demonstrably.

(5) Only physical persons who have the requisite degree of reliability and a professional training relevant to the measuring instruments concerned may be authorized to affix security marks, and shall be entitled to at least Three years of relevant professional practice in the measuring instruments applied for. The Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen) has to convince itself of the existence of the conditions and, if necessary, grant the authorization. "

(61) The following paragraph 8 is added to § 45:

" (8) The security mark shall contain the month and the year of attachment and shall cease to be valid


at the end of the fourth month following the month of the affixing of the safety mark, for all measuring instruments or parts of the measuring instrument which are not mentioned in Z 2;


at the end of the eighth month following the month of installation of the safety mark, for rotary piston gas meters, turbine wheel gas meters, measuring transducers of heat meters in accordance with magnetic inductive or static measuring principles and in arithmetic units of Heat meters. "

62. The name "§ 18 Z 5" Article 47 (3) shall be replaced by the name "§ 18 Z 4" replaced.

Section 48 (1), first sentence reads:

"Measuring instruments or measuring equipment parts may no longer be used or kept in the traffic in which the goods are subject to the conditions of the traffic, if"

64. § 48 paragraph 1 lit. e shall be replaced by the following lit e and f:

" e)

even when the calibration stamp is still valid or the conformity marking is fully applied in accordance with § 18 Z 4, it is easy to recognize that the measuring instrument has become incorrect or


the authorisation or the requirements applicable to them will no longer be complied with. "

Section 49 (1) reads as follows:

" (1) Products covered by this Federal Act shall be adopted in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 764/2008, OJ L 327, 31.12.2008, p. No. OJ No L 218, 13. 08. 21, on the first placing on the market, including the tests and markings, treated as equivalent if these products are comparable to the protection of the official or legal trade, of the health care, environmental protection, safety and transport. "

66. In § 50, the name shall be: "§ 18 Z 4" by the name "§ 18 Z 3" replaced.

67. In § 51 (1), after the word "Provisions" the phrase "§ § 1 to 3," inserted.

68. In § 51 (3), after the word ". the rate "A previous announcement is not required." .

69. In § 51 para. 6 Z 3, after the word "Sample drawing" the phrase "and the metrological examination" inserted.

70. In § 53 (2) the entry section and the Z 1 are:

" In accordance with § § 1 to 3 as well as the second part of this Federal Act, the following measures may be taken, in particular:


prohibit the placing on the market, "

71. § 55 (2) and (3) reads:

" (2) The municipalities in the transferred sphere of activity, as well as those in § 35 of the Food Law 1975, BGBl. I No 86/1975, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 121/2008, in § 24 of the Food Safety and Consumer Protection Act, BGBl. I No 13/2006, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 52/2009, as well as those in § 16 of the German Marking Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 146/1992, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 6/2006, the institutions have the power to control the correct use and validity of the stamps of the measuring instruments subject to verification.

(3) The Bundesamt für Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen) must be brought to the attention of the Federal Office of Eich-und Vermessungswesen in the form of an annual report for the respective past year. "

72. In § 57 (1) the word order is deleted "in construction contracts" .

73. In § 57 (2) the word "Construction amounts" by the word "Administrative Charges" replaced and after the word "identify" a dash and the phrase "whereby administrative charges may be lump-lump in order to simplify administrative procedures" inserted.

Section 57 (3) reads as follows:

"(3) If the administrative charges in accordance with paragraph 1 are not paid on the occasion of the official act, these are to be prescribated by the Federal Office for Eich-und Vermessungswesen (Federal Office for Eich-und Vermessungswesen)."

75. In § 58 (1), the phrase "Personal company of commercial law" through the phrase "Registered civil society" replaced.

76. In Section 61 (1), the point at the end of Z 6 shall be replaced by a line-point; the following Z 7 and 8 shall be added:

" 7.

the qualified time stamp service shall be made available,


is to provide factual information in the field of metrology. "

77. § 63 (2) and (3) shall be replaced by the following paragraph 2:

" (2) The oak authority shall be entitled to appeal against criminal knowledge or the disposition of a criminal proceedings. The Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth has the power to lodge a complaint to the Administrative Court in order to safeguard a uniform case law against the criminal proceedings of an independent administrative council. "

§ 64 reads:

" § 64. Scales with the character "ct" approved so far for calibration and with other characters as "ct" for the unit Karat may continue to be calibrated. "

79. § 65 to 68 including the headings are:

" 2. Verification of duty

§ 65. (1) A calibration obligation for cold meters according to § 8 (1) Z 3 lit. c consists of 1. Jänner 2013. Until 31 December 2018, cold meters may still be used or kept in place before the 1. Jänner 2013 were produced and do not comply with the calibration regulations.

(2) A calibration obligation for measuring instruments with additional equipment pursuant to § 8 (1) Z 3 shall consist of 1. Jänner 2013. Measuring instruments with additional equipment which are already in use at this point in time may continue to be used until the expiration of the respectively valid period of grace.

(3) A calibration duty of the measuring systems for the determination of the value-determining characteristics of roundwood in accordance with § 8 (1) Z 13 shall consist of 1. Jänner 2013.

(4) A calibration obligation for dosimeters for ionizing radiation for the determination of the dose-length product in accordance with § 11 Z 3 lit. c consists of 1. Jänner 2013.

3. Schankvessels

§ 66. Storage vessels with approved manufacturer ' s marks may be used up to 30. They will be placed on the market for the payment of a payout.

4. Oak

§ 67. (1) Accredited calibration sites shall be considered as authorised oak stations in the event of compliance with the previous conditions. The date for the next full review will be determined after the date of the first accreditation modest in five-year intervals.

(2) § 35 in the version BGBl. I No 115/2010 shall enter into force after six months following the presentation of this Federal Law Gazette with the next month's most recent month.

5. Net outweighing of loose products

§ 68. (1) § 43 in the version BGBl. I No 115/2010 shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2012 in force.

(2) The admissibility of the use of scales already in operation, which do not have the possibility of taking into account the Tara and are used in the legal trade for the purposes provided for in § 43, or are kept ready for use, ends with 31. 12. 2015. "

80. The title before § 69 reads:

" 6. Final provisions "

81. § 70 reads:

" § 70. With the enforcement of this federal law, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth is, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Health, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Health, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Health (§ § 27) and Work, social affairs and consumer protection, in respect of Section 57 (1) in agreement with the Federal Minister of Finance. "

82. The following § 72 is added to § 71:

" § 72. (1) This Act has been adopted in compliance with the provisions of Directive 98 /34/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on information society services, OJ L 206, 22.7.1998, p. No. OJ L 204, 21.07.1998 p. 37, as amended by Directive 98 /48/EC, OJ L 201, 31.7.1998, p. No. OJ L 217, 05.08.1998, p. 18, under the notification number 2010 /140/A.

(2) The following acts of the European Community shall be implemented by this Act:


Council Directive 80 /181/EEC of 20 December 1979 on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to units of measurement, OJ L 327, 31.12.1979, p. OJ L 039 of 15 February 1980 p. 40, as last amended by Directive 2009 /3/EC, OJ L 327, 31.12.2009, p. No. OJ L 114 of 7 May 2009 p. 10;


Directive 2004 /22/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 1 March 2004 on measuring instruments, OJ L 327, 30.4.2004, p. 1, as last amended by Directive 2009 /137/EC, OJ L 135, 30.5.2009, p. No. OJ L 294, 10. 11. 2009. "

83. In § 18, § 27, § 28, § 58 (1), § 59 (2) and § 62 (1) and (2), the word order shall be "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs" through the phrase "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth" replaced.

84. In § 36 (3) and § 50, the phrase "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour" through the phrase "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth" replaced.

85. In § 32 (1), (3) and (5), § 35 (4) and (8), § 49 (2) and Article 57 (1), the word order shall be "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Labour" through the phrase "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth" replaced.

86. In § 38 (8), § 59 (1) and § 60 Z 3, the word order shall be "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs" through the phrase "Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth" replaced.

