Key Benefits:
1. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Health on the 37. Night rag to the pharmacopoeia
On the basis of § 2 of the Pharmacopoa Act, BGBl. No. 195/1980, as last amended by the Federal Act BGBl. I n ° 33/2002 and the Federal Ministries of the Federal Ministries of Law 2009, BGBl. I No 3, shall be assigned:
§ 1. The German-language version of the seventh supplement to the European Pharmacopoeia, sixth edition 2008, Nachtrag 6.7, Official Austrian edition, will be put into effect.
§ 2. The monographs and texts of the European Pharmacopoeia, the sixth edition of 2008, as well as the monographs and texts of the Austrian Pharmacopoeia, each by means of the seventh supplement to the European Pharmacopoeia, the sixth edition of 2008, Night rag 6.7, replaced, will be repeal.
§ 3. The night rag 6.7 will be published by Verlag Österreich GmbH.