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Multilateral Agreement M226 In Accordance With Section 1.5.1 Of Adr Concerning The Carriage Of Calcium Carbide-Containing Desulphurisation Products Of Un 1402 (Calcium Carbide), Class 4.3, Packing Group I.

Original Language Title: Multilaterale Vereinbarung M226 gemäß Abschnitt 1.5.1 des ADR, über die Beförderung von calciumcarbidhaltiger Entschwefelungsmitteln der UN 1402 (CALCIUMCARBID), Klasse 4.3, Verpackungsgruppe I

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Multilateral agreement M226 in accordance with section 1.5.1 of the ADR on the transport of calcium carbide-containing desulphurisation agents of the UN 1402 (CALCIUM carbide), class 4.3, packaging group I

[Agreed text in German see annexes]

[Agreed text in English see annexes]

The agreement was signed by Austria on 23 December 2010.

In addition, the following ADR Parties have signed this Agreement:

ADR Parties:

Date of signature:


19 October 2010


9 November 2010


7 December 2010
