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Removal Of The Phrase "or Criminal Police" In The First Sentence Of § 106 1 Of The Code Of Criminal Procedure 1975 By The Constitutional Court

Original Language Title: Aufhebung der Wortfolge „oder Kriminalpolizei“ im ersten Satz des § 106 Abs. 1 der Strafprozessordnung 1975 durch den Verfassungsgerichtshof

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1. Revocation of the Federal Chancellor on the annulment of the phrase "or criminal police" in the first sentence of Section 106 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure in 1975 by the Constitutional Court

According to Art. 140 (5), (6) and (7) B-VG and § 64 (2) of the Constitutional Court Act 1953, BGBl. No. 85, is made known:

The Constitutional Court, with the recognition of 16 December 2010, G 259 /09-12, G 19 /10-13, G 20 /10-13, G 21 /10-13, G 22 /10-13, G 106 /10-11, was sent to the Federal Chancellors on 13 December 2010. Jänner 2011, rightly recognized:

"The phrase" or "criminal police" in the first sentence of § 106 (1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1975, BGBl. No. 631 idF of the Criminal Procedure Reform Act BGBl. I n ° 19/2004, is repealed as unconstitutional.

The raised word sequence is no longer to be applied.

Previous legal provisions do not enter into force again. "
