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Convention Between The Contracting States Of The Convention For The Establishment Of A European Space Agency And The European Space Agency On The Protection And The Exchange Of Go...

Original Language Title: Übereinkommen zwischen den Vertragsstaaten des Übereinkommens zur Gründung einer Europäischen Weltraumorganisation und der Europäischen Weltraumorganisation über den Schutz und den Austausch geh...

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Convention between the States Parties to the Convention establishing a European Space Agency 2 and the European Space Agency on the protection and exchange of information requiring secrecy

[German contract text (translation) see annexes]

[English contract text see annexes]

The instrument of ratification, signed by the Federal President and countersigned by the Federal Chancellor, was signed on 19 October 2008. The Convention entered into force on 18 November 2004 in the case of the Depositary State of France; the Convention entered into force on 18 November 2004 in accordance with its Article 10 (2).

Following the communication from the French Government, the following other States have ratified, adopted or approved the Convention:

Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Czech Republic, United Kingdom.
