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Pt-Personalverrechnungs And Pension Data Transmission Regulation - Pt Pvpdüv

Original Language Title: PT-Personalverrechnungs- und Pensionsdatenübermittlungsverordnung - PT-PVPDÜV

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63. Ordination of the Federal Minister The Federal Minister of Finance concerning the Federal Minister for Finance concerning the Post-Structure Act to the Federal Minister, respectively. The Federal Minister for Finance (Federal Minister for Finance) (PT-Personnel settlement and pension data transfer regulation-PT-PVPDÜV)

Due to § 17 Section 7b Z 3 of the Postal Structure Act, BGBl. I n ° 201/1996, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 52/2009, shall be ordered:

Data to be evaluated

§ 1. (1) Companies pursuant to Section 17 (1a) of the Postal Structure Act (PTSG) have the documents (data) referred to in § 17 paragraph 7b Z 1 PTSG concerning the Federal Officials of the Federal Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany and Federal Officials of the Federal Republic of Germany, respectively. the Federal Minister of Finance shall be made available no later than the sixth working day before the end of each month. The evaluations to be transmitted or Data shall be made available in the following breakdown:


Personnel expenses for active federal civil servants for the following month,


Personnel expenses for active federal civil servants in the Karenzurlaub prior to retirement offset in accordance with § 25 (5) of the Federal Law on the Law of the Federal Order of Merit, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 138/1997, as amended, each for the following month; and


Transfer amounts according to § 311 of the General Social Insurance Act (ASVG), BGBl. No 189/1955 in the current version, respectively for the current month.

(2) The companies referred to in paragraph 1 have the Federal Minister, respectively. The Federal Minister of Finance shall also, by the fifth working day of each month, make a monthly estimate-related to the following month in relation to the monthly estimates in section 17 (7b) of the PTSG, BGBl. I n ° 201/1996, as amended, to provide the data referred to in this Annex.

(3) The data to be evaluated pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be broken down on the basis of the presentation principles of the Federal proposal in accordance with the following criteria:


Financial positions (proposals for proposals, estimates),


Estimates of estimates with subtotals relating to an attachment.

The names of these criteria change with the entry into force of the second stage of the reform of the budget, from 1. Jänner 2013 in:


Budget headings (pre-stop posts, accounts),


Estimates-posts with intermediate subtotals.

(4) By way of derogation from the dates referred to in paragraph 1, the data referred to in paragraph 5 shall be:

1. (a)

the newly added pensions of the previous calendar quarter,


the total pensions of the previous calendar quarter

until the tenth working day in January, April, July and October each year, and


up to the 31. January of each calendar year the data of all pensions existing on 31 December of the previous year

to the public.

(5) The pension data referred to in paragraph 4 shall be broken down according to the following criteria:


the date of retirement,


Month of birth and year of birth,


company affiliation at the time of the retirement of the pension,




the use group at the time of the retirement,


Legal basis of the transfer or transfer into retirement or pension entitlement (e.g. § 14 or § 15 or § 15 in conjunction with § 236b of the Civil Service Law 1979 (BDG 1979), BGBl. No. 333, or § 14 of the Pension Act 1965 (PG 1965), BGBl. 340,


Type of pension (e.g. pension, widow's or widows ' supply, orphan's supply),


the monthly pension level, broken down into the respective reference components (gross).

Type of transmission

§ 2. The data referred to in § 1 shall be transmitted by the companies mentioned therein as follows:


the data referred to in § 1 (1) (1) (1) and (2), as well as (2), electronically in a form corresponding to the structure of the Federal estimate, electronically processed using a spreadsheet program, as well as in addition in electronically non-processable form,


the data referred to in Article 1 (1) (1) (3) for each individual case and for the due month by forwarding an anonymized copy of the letter of rewriting of the competent pension insurance institution or of the service provider of the new service, with which is confirmed by the calculation of the transfer amount to be paid in accordance with § 311 ASVG.


the data referred to in § 1 (4) and (5) in one of the Federal Minister's Data format to be agreed by the Federal Minister of Finance electronically by two anonymized individual data sets per person,


the first data set is sorted according to the month of birth and the year of birth and the data types listed in § 1 (5) (1) to (7) are comprehensive,


the second data set is sorted according to the pension level and the data types listed in § 1 (5) (4) to (8) are comprehensive.
