Key Benefits:
11. Revocation of the Federal Chancellor on the annulment of Section 18 (1) (1) (1) (1) of the Child Care Act (Kinderchildcare Money Act) by the Constitutional Court
According to Art. 140 (5), (6) and (7) B-VG, and in accordance with § 64 (2) and § 65 of the Constitutional Court Act 1953, BGBl. No. 85, is made known:
The Constitutional Court was rightly recognized by the Federal Chancellor on 4 March 2011, G 184-195/10-7, delivered to the Federal Chancellor on 9 March 2011:
" I. § 18 para. 1 Z 1 of the Child Care Money Act, BGBl. I n ° 103/2001, in its original version, it is unconstitutional.
II. The repealed provision shall no longer apply.
III. Previous legal provisions do not enter into force again. "