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Lifting A Phrase In Section 4 Kbgg Hardship Cases Regulation By The Constitutional Court

Original Language Title: Aufhebung einer Wortfolge in § 4 der KBGG-Härtefälle-Verordnung durch den Verfassungsgerichtshof

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107. Presentation by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the cancellation of a phrase in § 4 of the KBGG Hardship Case Regulation by the Constitutional Court

In accordance with Art. 139 (5), first sentence B-VG and § 60 (2) VfGG in conjunction with § 4 paragraph 1 Z 4 BGBlG, it is made known:

The Constitutional Court, with the recognition of 24 February 2011, V 76 /10-11, delivered to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on 16 March 2011, rightly recognized:

" I. The phrase "and applies to births after 31 December 2001" in § 4 of the regulation of the Federal Minister for Social Security and Generations, with the criteria for hardship cases according to the Child Care Money Act are established (KBGG-Härtefalls-Regulation), BGBl. II No 405/2001 idF BGBl. II No 91/2004, is repealed as being illegal.

II. The repealed word sequence shall no longer apply. "
