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Adjustments In The §§ 8 Par. 4 And 19 Para 2 Of The Referendum Act 1973 Set Fixed Amounts Of Money

Original Language Title: Anpassungen der in den §§ 8 Abs. 4 und 19 Abs. 2 des Volksbegehrengesetzes 1973 festgesetzten Geldbeträge

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128. Statement by the Federal Minister of the Interior on the adjustments to the amounts of money fixed in Section 8 (4) and (19) (2) of the People's Convention Act 1973

In accordance with § 20 of the Volksdesires Act 1973, BGBl. No. 344, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 13/2010, shall be made known:

The amount of money fixed in Section 8 (4) of the People's Convention Act 1973 shall be increased to the amount of EUR 2 739,20. In accordance with Section 19 (2) of the People's Convention Act 1973, the amount of money now amounts to 13 696 euros.
