Key Benefits:
147. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on Vocational Training in the Apprenticeship Profession Electronics (Electronics Training Order)
On the basis of § § 8, 24 and 27 of the Vocational Training Act (BAG), BGBl. No. 142/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 40/2010, shall be arranged:
Teaching profession electronics
§ 1. (1) The teaching profession electronics is set up as a module teaching profession.
(2) In addition to the basic module binding for all apprentices, the apprentice must be trained in one of the following main modules:
1. |
Applied Electronics (H1) |
2. |
Microtechnology (H2) |
3. |
Communication electronics (H3) |
4. |
Information and telecommunications technology (H4) |
(3) In order to deepen and specialise in training, a further main module or one of the following special modules may be selected, taking into account Article 1 (4):
1. |
Network technology (S1) |
2. |
Railway telecommunications technology (S2) |
(4) The following combinations of main modules and special modules are possible:
Main Modules |
can be combined with |
H1 |
H2 |
H3 |
H4 |
S1 |
S2 |
H1 |
X |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Duration |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 |
H2 |
X |
Duration |
4 |
H3 |
X |
X |
Duration |
4 |
4 |
H4 |
X |
X |
X |
Duration |
4 |
4 |
4 |
(5) The training in the module teaching profession electronics lasts for a maximum of four years. In the first two years of teaching, the basic module is to be conveyed. The training in the basic module and in the chosen main module lasts three and a half years. If a further main module or a special module is completed, the teaching time takes four years. A combination of further modules is then no longer possible.
(6) The terms chosen in this Regulation shall include the male and female form. In the teaching contract, teaching certificate, teaching letter and in the certificate of teaching qualification, the teaching profession is to be described in the form corresponding to the sex of the apprentist (electronics technician, electronics technician).
(7) All or The main modules and special modules are to be noted in the teaching contract, certificate, letter of instruction and in the certificate of teaching qualification by a corresponding notice in addition to the name of the teaching profession.
Professional profile
§ 2. (1) apprentices trained in the basic module and the main module Angewandte Elektronik are in a position to carry out the following activities after vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school:
1. |
Erecting, commissioning and testing of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems |
2. |
Systematic searches, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems, |
3. |
Maintenance and maintenance of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic controls, |
4. |
Assembling, assembling, commissioning and testing of electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and equipment, |
5. |
Systematic searches, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and equipment, |
6. |
Maintenance and maintenance of electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and equipment, |
7. |
Carry out the work, taking into account the relevant quality, safety and environmental standards. |
(2) apprentices trained in the basic module and the main module of microtechnology are able to carry out the following activities after vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school:
1. |
Programming, setting, operating, charging, upgrading and monitoring of production facilities, |
2. |
Monitor, log and optimize production processes |
3. |
Carry out process-related tests and final tests as well as their computer-aided documentation, |
4. |
Systematic searches, limitations, and elimination of defects, defects and faults in manufacturing facilities, |
5. |
Maintenance and maintenance of manufacturing facilities, |
6. |
Comply with the operational guidelines regarding cleanroom clothing and behaviour in the clean room, |
7. |
Carry out the work, taking into account the relevant quality, safety and environmental standards. |
(3) apprentices trained in the basic module and the main module for communication electronics are in a position to carry out the following activities after vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school:
1. |
Construction, commissioning and testing of components and assemblies of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, reception and transmission technology, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.), |
2. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in components and assemblies of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.), |
3. |
Maintenance and maintenance of components and assemblies of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.), |
4. |
Construction, commissioning and testing of components, assemblies, systems and devices of video and audio technology, |
5. |
Systematic searches, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in components, assemblies, systems and devices of video and audio technology, |
6. |
Maintenance and maintenance of components, assemblies, systems and devices of video and audio technology, |
7. |
Carry out the work, taking into account the relevant quality, safety and environmental standards. |
(4) apprentices trained in the basic module and the main module for information and telecommunication technology are able to carry out the following activities after vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school:
1. |
Erecting, commissioning, testing and disrupting systems of information and telecommunication technology, |
2. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of errors, defects and faults in information and telecommunication systems, |
3. |
Maintenance and maintenance of information and telecommunications equipment, |
4. |
Erecting, commissioning, testing and disrupted analog and digital communication systems and their components, |
5. |
Systematic searches, limitations and elimination of errors, defects and faults in analog and digital communication systems and their components, |
6. |
Maintenance and maintenance of analog and digital communication systems and their components, |
7. |
Carry out the work, taking into account the relevant quality, safety and environmental standards. |
(5) apprentices trained in the special module network technology are in a position to carry out the following activities after vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school:
1. |
Erecting, setting up, commissioning, managing and securing server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (Audio, Video, VoIP [Voice over Internet Protocol], Broadband technology, Compression), |
2. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of errors, defects and faults in server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (audio, video, VoIP, broadband technology, Compression), |
3. |
Maintenance and maintenance of server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (audio, video, VoIP, broadband technology, compression), |
4. |
Production of standard-compliant technical drawings as well as documentation documents of the network topology. |
(6) apprentices trained in the special module railway telecommunication technology are in a position to carry out the following activities after vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school:
1. |
Installation of control panels on hot runner systems, video installations, loudspeaker systems, watch systems, automatic train target display systems, computer-assisted train monitoring, |
2. |
Accepting fault messages, creating error diagnoses and taking immediate action, |
3. |
Systematic error searches for systems of railway telecommunication technology as well as limitations and repair of these errors, |
4. |
Carrying out the periodic inspection of installations, |
5. |
Service of help desk systems and workflow systems for handling customer orders. |
Professional image
§ 3. (1) In order to acquire the skills in the sense of the occupational profile, the apprentice is to be trained in the following knowledge and skills by the end of the basic module:
Pos. |
Basic module Electronics |
1. |
Teaching |
1.1 |
Know the range of services offered by the teaching staff |
1.2 |
Knowledge of the processes in the course of teaching and the organization of the teaching staff and conduct themselves afterwards |
1.3 |
Know the legal framework of operational performance (legal form of the company) and other relevant legislation and behave according to the law |
1.4 |
Know and behave according to operational risks as well as their reduction and avoidance |
1.5 |
Knowing and applying the principles of operational quality management |
1.6 |
Use, maintain and maintain the operating and auxiliary equipment (machines, equipment, etc.) |
2. |
Apprenticeship training |
2.1 |
The obligations of the apprentiate and the teaching staff (§ § 9 and 10 BAG) resulting from the apprenticeship contract are familiar |
2.2 |
Know the content and aim of the training |
2.3 |
Have a basic knowledge of the labour law regulations which are subject to the law |
3. |
Cross-disciplinary training (key qualifications) |
3.1 |
Method competence, eg develop solution strategies, obtain information independently, select and structure, make decisions, etc. |
3.2 |
Social competence, eg work in teams, etc. |
3.3 |
Personal competence, eg self-confidence and self-confidence, willingness to develop further education, needs and interests articulate etc. |
3.4 |
Communicative competence, for example with customers, superiors, colleagues and other groups of people to communicate in a targeted way; English at the same level of industry and operating proficiently to be able to deny everyday and expert discussions |
3.5 |
Working principles, such as diligence, reliability, responsibility, punctuality, etc. |
3.6 |
Customer orientation: In the center of all activities in operation, the orientation has to stand to the needs of the customers |
4. |
Specialist training |
4.1 |
Knowledge of work planning and work preparation and participation in work planning, setting of work steps, work equipment and working methods |
4.2 |
Knowledge of the work and auxiliary materials, their properties, processing possibilities, processing possibilities and possible uses |
4.3 |
Handling and maintenance of the equipment to be used, tools, machines, measuring and testing equipment and working methods |
4.4 |
Knowledge of electrical engineering and electrical measurement technology |
4.5 |
Basic knowledge of the generation, conversion and distribution of electrical energy |
4.6 |
Knowledge of electronics (zB components, circuits) |
4.7 |
Knowledge of analog and digital technology |
4.8 |
Basic knowledge of building technology |
4.9 |
Basic knowledge of grounding systems and overvoltage protection systems |
4.10 |
Reading and applying technical documentation (also in English) such as sketches, drawings, schematics, operating instructions, etc. |
4.11 |
Production of sketches and simple standard-compliant technical drawings as well as circuit diagrams with computer-supported systems |
4.12 |
Basic knowledge of the production and design of printed circuit boards |
4.13 |
Measurement of electrical and non-electrical quantities using measuring instruments or sensors |
4.14 |
Manual and machine-machining of materials |
4.15 |
Manufacture of detachable connections (e.g. clamp, plug, screw connections) and insoluble compounds (e.g. kerb compounds, soft soles) |
4.16 |
Dimensioning, dressing, forming, laying and connecting lines, cables and cable-like cables |
4.17 |
Manufacture of simple electronic circuits and ready-to-use simple assemblies |
4.18 |
Assembly, adjustment and testing of electromechanical components |
4.19 |
Search, limit and eliminate errors, defects and faults on simple electronic and electromechanical components and assemblies |
4.20 |
Maintenance and maintenance of simple electronic and electromechanical components and assemblies |
4.21 |
Knowledge of the structure, working methods, application and peripheral equipment of microcomputer systems |
4.22 |
Basic knowledge of operating systems and user interfaces |
4.23 |
Basic knowledge of networks, networks, and connection techniques |
4.24 |
Application of the operational hardware and software |
4.25 |
Log and graphical evaluation of work results with and without EDP support |
4.26 |
Basic knowledge of electromagnetic compatibility EMC and electrostatic ESD discharge |
4.27 |
Basic knowledge of first-time supply in case of occupational accidents |
4.28 |
The measures and regulations on the protection of the environment relevant to the teaching profession: basic knowledge of the operational measures for the sensible use of energy in the work-relevant work area; basic knowledge of the work-related work area residual materials and their separation, recovery and disposal of waste |
(2) In order to acquire the competences in the sense of the occupational profile, the apprentice is to be trained in the following knowledge and skills until the end of the chosen main module:
Pos. |
Main Module Applied Electronics |
1. |
Conduct discussions with superiors, colleagues, customers and suppliers in accordance with the appropriate language of expression |
2. |
Perform work planning; set work steps, work equipment and working methods |
3. |
Reading and applying technical drawings, presentations of technical contexts, operating instructions (also in English), etc. also using computer-based systems |
4. |
Manufacture of standard-compliant technical drawings as well as circuit diagrams with computer-assisted systems |
5. |
Carrying out manual and machine manufacturing processes on materials (machining and machining) |
6. |
Selection of measurement methods and measuring instruments for measuring electrical and professional non-electrical quantities as well as assessments of the measurement results |
7. |
Manufacture of analog and digital circuits with complex semiconductor components |
8. |
Planning, dimensioning, assembling and wiring of electronic components to assemblies |
9. |
Knowledge of the production, manufacture and placement of printed circuit boards |
10. |
Manufacture of simple mechanical, electrical and electronic testing devices |
11. |
Basic knowledge of electronic measuring, control and control technology |
12. |
Basic knowledge of pneumatic and hydraulic control systems |
13. |
Basic knowledge of the programming language used for programmable logic controllers |
14. |
Knowledge of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems |
15. |
Erecting, commissioning and testing of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems |
16. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems |
17. |
Maintenance and maintenance of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems |
18. |
Knowledge of electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and operating equipment |
19. |
Assembling, assembling, commissioning and testing of electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and operating equipment |
20. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and operating equipment |
21. |
Maintenance and maintenance of electrical, electromechanical and mechanical equipment and equipment |
22. |
Knowledge and application of operating systems and user interfaces |
23. |
Knowledge and application of simple networks and networks as well as connection techniques |
24. |
Knowledge of electromagnetic compatibility EMV and electrostatic discharge ESD |
25. |
Knowledge of quality assurance, including the processing of complaints and product liability |
26. |
Application of the protective measures and safety rules for the prevention of personal injury and property damage (ETG, ETV, ESV, ÖVE, ÖNORM, EN, TAEV) |
27. |
Use of the relevant machinery and electrical safety regulations and standards |
Pos. |
Main module Microtechnology |
1. |
Conduct discussions with superiors, colleagues, customers and suppliers in accordance with the appropriate language of expression |
2. |
Perform work planning; set work steps, work equipment and working methods |
3. |
Reading and applying of technical drawings, presentations of technical correlations, operating manuals and data sheets of technical equipment and equipment, also using computer-based systems |
4. |
Handling of gases, etchings, and other working materials and materials, in particular of chemicals, in compliance with operational quality environmental and safety standards |
5. |
Compliance with the operational guidelines regarding cleanroom clothing and behaviour in the clean room |
6. |
Securing and checking cleanroom conditions |
7. |
Professional use of the personal protective equipment and behaviour in use of the working materials to be used (e.g. safety goggles, chemical resistant gloves, etc.) |
8. |
Knowledge of the microtechnical manufacturing processes (e.g. coating, exposure, doping, etching, galvanizing, scoring, equipments, in-circuit testing, etc.) |
9. |
Basic knowledge of occupational measurement technology (e.g. pH meter, conductivity measuring instruments, aresometers, etc) |
10. |
Knowledge of the analytical determination of the working materials used (e.g. content and/or content) Concentration determination by pH measurement, titration, measuring strip, etc.) |
11. |
Knowledge of microsystems engineering manufacturing processes (such as B. Equipments, Soldering, Mounting, Contacting and Hess of Chips, Chip on Board (COB) and other electronic components) |
12. |
Programming, setting, operating, charging, retrofitting and monitoring of production facilities |
13. |
Monitoring, logging and optimising production processes |
14. |
Carry out quality assurance measures (eg using rule cards) |
15. |
Knowledge of microtechnical soldering and welding techniques (e.g. protective gas soldering, hot air soldering, wire bonding, etc.) as well as the materials required for this purpose (e.g. soldering tin, fluxes, etc.) |
16. |
Knowledge of the Reworks of PCBs |
17. |
Carry out process-related tests and final tests, as well as their computer-aided documentation |
18. |
Knowledge of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic control systems |
19. |
Maintenance and maintenance of electrical, electronic and electropneumatic Controls |
20. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of defects, defects and faults in manufacturing equipment |
21. |
Maintenance and maintenance of manufacturing facilities |
22. |
Knowledge of water treatment (e.g. filtration, softening, osmosis, etc.), waste water treatment and proper disposal of the resulting waste according to official regulations |
Pos. |
Main module Communication electronics |
1. |
Conduct discussions with superiors, colleagues, customers and suppliers in accordance with the appropriate language of expression |
2. |
Perform work planning; set work steps, work equipment and working methods |
3. |
Reading and applying technical drawings, presentations of technical connections, operating instructions, etc. also using computer-based systems |
4. |
Manufacture of standard-compliant technical drawings as well as circuit diagrams with computer-assisted systems |
5. |
Selection of measurement methods and measuring instruments for measuring electrical and professional non-electrical quantities as well as assessments of the measurement results |
6. |
Applying analogue technology and digital technology |
7. |
Basic knowledge of power electronics |
8. |
Knowledge of the power supply (e.g. switching power supplies, voltage doublers) for audio and video technology |
9. |
Manufacture of electronic circuits and assembly of assemblies |
10. |
Planning, dimensioning, assembling and wiring of electronic components to assemblies |
11. |
Knowledge of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, radio interference, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.) |
12. |
Construction, commissioning and testing of components and assemblies of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, reception and transmission technology, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.) |
13. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in components and assemblies of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.) |
14. |
Maintenance and maintenance of components and assemblies of high-frequency technology (radio technology, modulation, antenna technology, satellite reception technology, etc.) |
15. |
Knowledge of the signal sources (video and audio signal sources, bandwidths, qualities, audio server, video server) |
16. |
Knowledge of video and audio technology (equipment and equipment, signal types and contents, bandwidths, signal processing and distribution, cable types, encryption techniques, components of sound technology, sound propagation, level, loudspeaker systems, Performance classes, stereo and surround systems, power amplifiers, etc.) |
17. |
Construction, commissioning and testing of components, assemblies, systems and devices of video and audio technology |
18. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in components, assemblies, systems and devices of video and audio technology |
19. |
Maintenance and maintenance of components, assemblies, systems and devices of video and audio technology |
20. |
Knowledge of display technology |
21. |
Erecting, commissioning and testing of display technology devices |
22. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of defects, defects and faults in display technology |
23. |
Maintenance and maintenance of display technology devices |
24. |
Basic knowledge of bus technology |
25. |
Knowledge of optical transmission technology |
26. |
Knowledge of the multiroomic technique (signal distribution) |
27. |
Make changes and extensions to systems of audio and video technology, according to information or plans |
28. |
Knowledge of server operating systems, operator interfaces, and standard software |
29. |
Knowledge of networks, networks, and connection techniques and their planning |
30. |
Maintenance and maintenance of networks |
31. |
Knowledge of quality assurance, including the processing of complaints and product liability |
32. |
Professional knowledge of the protective measures and safety rules for the prevention of damage to persons and property as well as the avoidance of EMC disturbances (e.g. ETG, ETV, ESV, ÖVE, ÖNORM, EN, TAEV) |
Pos. |
Main module Information and telecommunication technology |
1. |
Conduct discussions with superiors, colleagues, suppliers and customers (e.g. management of technical consultations, conduct sales discussions, offer services) with due regard to the target group and the language-appropriate language |
2. |
Knowledge of the company-specific offers and products as well as the fundamentals of product presentation |
3. |
Basic knowledge of the process of purchasing, acceptance of goods and acceptance of goods as well as the inventory |
4. |
Perform work planning; set work steps, work tools and working methods as well as influence your own activities on the success of your operations. |
5. |
Reading and applying technical drawings, presentations of technical connections, operating instructions, etc. also using computer-based systems |
6. |
Production of circuit diagrams with computer-based systems |
7. |
Selection of measurement methods and measuring instruments for measuring electrical and professional non-electrical quantities as well as assessments of the measurement results |
8. |
Knowledge of the manufacturing of analog and digital circuits with complex semiconductor components |
9. |
Knowledge of transmission technology and communication protocols |
10. |
Erecting, commissioning, testing and disrupting systems of information and telecommunication technology |
11. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in systems of information and telecommunication technology |
12. |
Maintenance and maintenance of information and telecommunications equipment |
13. |
Knowledge of the structure, working methods, application and peripheral equipment of microcomputer systems |
14. |
Knowledge of the structure and function of computer systems and their peripheral equipment |
15. |
Knowledge of networks, networks, and connection techniques |
16. |
Configuring networks |
17. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of errors, defects and faults in networks |
18. |
Maintenance and maintenance of networks |
19. |
Basic knowledge of mobile networks and mobile communications |
20. |
Knowledge of the structure and function of analog and digital communication systems and their components |
21. |
Erecting, commissioning, testing and disconnection of analog and digital communication systems and their components |
22. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of errors, defects and faults in analog and digital communication systems and their components |
23. |
Maintenance and maintenance of analog and digital communication systems and their components |
24. |
Knowledge of data storage, data security and antivirus protection |
25. |
Knowledge of the grounding systems and overvoltage protection systems in the job-specific area |
26. |
Knowledge of electromagnetic compatibility EMV and electrostatic discharge ESD |
27. |
Knowledge of quality assurance and operational quality management, including documentation |
28. |
Professional knowledge of the protective measures and safety rules for the prevention of damage to persons and property as well as the avoidance of EMC disturbances (e.g. ETG, ETV, ESV, ÖVE, ÖNORM, EN, TAEV) |
(3) In order to acquire the competences in the sense of the occupational profile, the apprentice is to be trained in the following knowledge and skills until the end of the chosen special module.
Pos. |
Special module network technology |
1. |
Advising customers on network technology issues |
2. |
Knowledge of the establishment, installation, commissioning, management, maintenance, maintenance and safeguarding of server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (audio, video, VoIP, Broadband technology, compression) |
3. |
Erecting, setting up, commissioning, managing and securing server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (audio, video, VoIP, broadband technology, compression) |
4. |
Systematic search, limitations and elimination of faults, defects and faults in server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (audio, video, VoIP, broadband technology, Compression) |
5. |
Maintenance and maintenance of server operating systems as well as related applications in the specific field of application of communication technology (audio, video, VoIP, broadband technology, compression) |
6. |
Knowledge of access rights, encryption systems, logically sealed networks, and maintenance technology |
7. |
Knowledge of encryption and compression procedures, rights management (DRM) |
8. |
Knowledge of the evaluation of existing networks on the expected data sets of data-bandwidth resources with regard to real-time transmissions |
9. |
Knowledge of the security and management of multimedia data |
10. |
Backing up and managing multimedia data |
11. |
Knowledge of the requirements for operating rooms for setup for network technology, communication technology and multimedia technology |
12. |
Knowledge of the server room planning for systems of communication and multimedia technology with regard to UPS systems, data protection systems, access control systems, overvoltage protection and potential compensation |
13. |
Production of standard-compliant technical drawings as well as documentation documents of the network topology |
14. |
Setting up and remote maintenance of Mediacenter programs and their applications |
Pos. |
Special module railway telecommunication technology |
1. |
Advice from customers on questions of railway telecommunication technology |
2. |
Reading of operational plans (map, lock plan, apparatus sign) |
3. |
Knowledge of the maintenance process (inspection, maintenance, repair, interference suppression, operational management, documentation, operational planning, interfaces) |
4. |
Knowledge of the relevant laws, regulations and standards for energy technology in the case of railways as well as of the company-specific regulations |
5. |
Knowledge of work and plant responsibility |
6. |
Performing the Recurring Inspection of Assets |
7. |
Knowledge of the company-specific communication systems, (e.g. operating telephone systems, allied radio equipment and train radio equipment) as well as basic knowledge of their programming and parameterization |
8. |
Knowledge of railway specific characteristics in the production, management and repair of data and telephone lines |
9. |
Knowledge of the hot runner systems, train control systems, video systems, loudspeaker systems, watch systems, automatic train target display systems, computer-aided train monitoring as well as basic knowledge of their programming and parameterization |
10. |
Construction of control panels on hot runner systems, video systems, loudspeaker systems, watch systems, automatic train target display systems, computer-assisted train monitoring |
11. |
Knowledge of cable technology (ober and underground pipeline construction), railway-specific documentation procedures and power supply systems |
12. |
Manufacture of splice joints, shunting and the rest on the main distributor in copper and optical fibre cables |
13. |
Switch on transformers |
14. |
Use of help-desk systems and workflow systems for handling customer orders |
15. |
Receiving fault messages, creating error diagnoses and taking immediate action |
16. |
Systematic error searches for systems of railway telecommunication technology as well as limitations and repair of these errors |
17. |
Basic knowledge of operational management in railway operations (e.g. organisation, operating areas, responsibilities, interfaces, standards) |
18. |
Knowledge of the rules of protection of workers in the railway sector, the safety-related behaviour in the field of rail tracks, and the protective measures and behaviour in the area of railway power systems |
19. |
Knowledge and application of the rules on security posts |
Rejecting Audit
§ 4. (1) The final examination shall be divided into a theoretical and practical examination.
(2) The theoretical examination comprises the subjects electronics, applied mathematics and technical drawing.
(3) The theoretical examination shall not apply if the candidate has successfully completed the last class of the professional vocational school or if the successful completion of a vocational middle or higher school replacing the apprenticeship has been successfully completed. .
(4) The practical examination shall include the items of test work and expert discussion.
Theoretical examination
General provisions
§ 5. (1) The theoretical examination shall be carried out in writing. It can also be made in electronic form, although all the essential steps for the examination board must be comprehensible.
(2) The theoretical test shall in principle be held prior to the practical examination.
(3) The tasks shall be in accordance with the scope and level of the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice. They are to be explained separately to the examination candidates on the occasion of the assignment.
(4) The written work of the examination candidate shall be marked accordingly.
§ 6. (1) The audit shall include tasks from all the following areas:
1. |
materials and working methods, |
2. |
the fundamentals of electrical engineering, |
3. |
Fundamentals of electronics, |
4. |
the fundamentals of digital technology, |
5. |
Testing technology and measurement technology. |
(2) The examination can also be checked with electronic questionnaires. In this case, four tasks are to be carried out in each area.
(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.
(4) The test shall be terminated after 80 minutes.
Applied mathematics
§ 7. (1) The audit shall include tasks from all the following areas:
1. |
Calculation of length, area, volume and mass, |
2. |
Fundamentals of DC technology, |
3. |
Basics of AC technology, |
4. |
power supply technology, |
5. |
Metrology, |
6. |
Number systems. |
(2) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.
(3) The test shall be terminated after 80 minutes.
§ 8. (1) The examination shall include the drawing up of the following drawings:
1. |
Manufacturing drawing of a simple part from a submitted assembly drawing, |
2. |
Switching and current running plan using standard switching characters. |
(2) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 90 minutes.
(3) The test shall be terminated after 105 minutes.
Practical examination
Audit work
§ 9. (1) The audit work is based on the execution of an operational work order.
(2) The work contract shall include knowledge and skills mediated during the training in accordance with the modules agreed in the teaching contract. In any case, part of the work order are work planning, measures on safety and health protection at work, all necessary measures for environmental protection and quality control. The individual steps in the execution of the work order are to be documented.
(3) The Examination Committee has to carry out a test work on the purpose of the final examination, the requirements of the professional practice and of the main module completed, which can normally be carried out in ten hours. If a further main module or a special module has been taught, the test work must be based on a duration of fourteen hours. The extended examination period shall include an extended task in accordance with paragraph 4 or 5.
(4) The extended task in accordance with paragraph 3 during the extended examination period during the completion of a further main module shall include the following task:
1. |
An operational work order, which includes knowledge and skills that were taught during the course of the training in the main module. This work order can be integrated into the work order of the first main module. to this. In any case, part of the work order are work planning, measures on safety and health protection at work, all necessary measures for environmental protection and quality control. The individual steps in the execution of the work order are to be documented. |
(5) The extended task in accordance with paragraph 3 during the extended examination period during the completion of a special module comprises one of the following tasks:
1. |
An operational work order, which includes knowledge and skills that were taught during the training in the special module. This work order can be integrated into the work order of the main module. to this. In any case, part of the work order are work planning, measures on safety and health protection at work, all necessary measures for environmental protection and quality control. The individual steps in the execution of the work order are to be documented. |
2. |
A written processing of tasks, which include knowledge that was taught during the training in the special module. In order to process the task, the examination candidate receives documents from the Examination Committee. On the basis of these documents, he has to develop his task solution, which he/she has to document in writing. |
(6) After sixteen hours, the test work shall be completed after twelve hours, provided that a further main module or a special module has been arranged.
Expert discussion
§ 10. (1) The expert interview shall be submitted before the entire examination board.
(2) In the course of the expert discussion, the Examination Committee shall provide the examination candidate with topics from the operational practice according to the knowledge and skills acquired in accordance with the modules agreed in the teaching contract. The candidate has to develop suitable solutions. For this purpose, material samples, tools and other demonstration objects can be used for this purpose. Thematic positions on relevant safety regulations, protective measures and measures to prevent accidents should be included.
(3) The expert discussion shall last for each/every candidate for examination/in 20 minutes, during which simultaneous examination of another main module or a special module takes 30 minutes. An extension of not more than ten minutes has to be made in individual cases, if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the examination candidate without a doubt.
Repeat Review
§ 11. (1) The final examination of the Lehrabate can be repeated.
(2) In the case of the repetition of the test, only the test objects rated "not sufficiently" shall be checked.
Additional Check
§ 12. (1) After successfully completed examination of the teaching profession in a main module of the teaching profession electronics according to this version or successfully completed teaching degree examination in the teaching professions electronics, communication technician-audio and video electronics, Communication technicians-news electronics, communication technicians-IT and telecommunications, microtechnology or electromechanics for weak current can, taking into account paragraph 2, an additional examination in accordance with § 27 (1) BAG in a main module and/or special module of the teaching profession electronics according to this Collection is filed.
(2) An additional examination in the main module and/or special module of which the name may be referred to in accordance with § 14 is not possible.
(3) In this case, the additional test in a main module or a special module has to extend to the objects of test work restricted to the extended task and expert discussion. In order to carry out the restricted additional examination, the provisions for the examination of the teaching of the teaching qualification shall apply in accordance with § 9, 10 and 11.
Examination of the part-examination of the department of the professional tyre test
on the occasion of the final examination
§ 13. (1) According to Article 4 (3) of the Federal Act on the Professional Tyre Test, BGBl. I n ° 68/1997, in the version of the Federal Law, BGBl. I n ° 45/2010, in conjunction with section 22a (1) of the BAG, the apprentice may, on the occasion of the successful completion of the final examination for a modular teaching profession with a four-year training period, be able to take part in the examination of the department of the professional tyre test .
(2) The sub-examination of the department of professional tire testing consists in accordance with Section 3 (1) Z 4 of the Federal Act on the Professional Examination of Professional Tire from a written written examination and an oral examination. It is to be judged with a note.
(3) The written examination is five hours. The subject must come from the occupational field, including the professional environment, of the candidate for examination.
(4) The oral examination must be carried out in the form of an examination of the written examination, including the professional environment at a higher level. It has to take place before the entire examination board.
(5) The examination board for the examination of the part-examination of the profession examination subject to the examination of the teaching qualification of a modular teaching profession with a four-year training period consists of an expert expert according to § 8a of the Federal Law on the Examination of Occupational Qualifications as Chairman and two assessors of the Apprenticeship Commission, who are responsible for carrying out the examination and the assessment of the benefits as examiners within the meaning of Section 8a of the Federal Law on the In the case of a professional tyre test.
(6) At the latest three months before the expected date of the examination, the apprentice body shall propose to the Landesschulrat (Landesschulrat) the National Council of Education and the Chairperson-in-Office of the Chairperson-in-Office and to announce the prospective examination date. The apprentice body shall, together with the chairman, establish the concrete dates of the examination without delay, but at the latest within four weeks after the appointment of the chairman.
(7) At the same time as the proposal of the expert experts envisaged for the chairmanship is to submit to the Landesschulrat (Landesschulrat) the tasks of written examination papers. The tasks of the oral examination shall be submitted to the Chairman for approval at the latest on the day of the examination before the start of the examination.
(8) The assessment of the examination referred to in paragraph 2 shall be carried out by the examiners in agreement with the Chairman. If the examiners do not reach agreement, the Chairman's vote shall indicate the rash.
(9) The examination referred to in paragraph 2 may not be repeated on the occasion of the examination of the final examination. In the event of non-existence, the admission to the professional tyre test shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Act on the Professional Tyre Test.
Transitional provisions
§ 14. Persons who have filed the examination in the following teaching professions are entitled directly to the following name in accordance with Section 24 (5) of the BAG:
1. |
Electronics, electronics-focus on applied electronics or electrical mechanic for low power: electronics main module Applied electronics, |
2. |
Electronics-Focus on Microtechnology or Microtechnology: Electronics-Main Module Microtechnology, |
3. |
Communication technology-Audio and video electronics: electronics main module communication electronics, |
4. |
Communication technology-news electronics or communication technology-IT and telecommunications: electronics-Main module Information and telecommunication technology. |
Entry into force and final provisions
§ 15. (1) The provisions of § § 1 to 3 concerning the training regulations for the teaching profession electronics will enter into force on 1 June 2011.
(2) The provisions of § § 4 to 14 concerning the examination of the teaching degree and the filing of the partial examination on the subject of the professional tyre test on the occasion of the examination of the teaching profession of electronics will enter into force on 1 August 2012.
(3) The training regulations for the teaching profession electronics, BGBl. II No. 148/2006, communication technician-audio and video electronics, communication technicians-electronic data processing and telecommunications and communication technology-news electronics, BGBl. II No 268/1997, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 177/2005, expire on 31 May 2011, without prejudice to the fourth paragraph of this Article.
(4) For apprentices whose first year of apprenticeship before 31 May 2012, whose second year of teaching ends before 31 May 2013 or their third year of apprenticeship before 31 May 2014, the training regulations referred to in paragraph 3 shall continue to apply. These may take up to one year after the end of the agreed period of teaching on the basis of the examination regulations contained in the training regulations in accordance with paragraph 3 for the examination of the final teaching qualification. (This also applies if the teaching ratio has commenced after 1 June 2011 on the basis of teaching time/teaching time reduction.)