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Regulation Monitoring Programs 2010

Original Language Title: Änderung der Überwachungsprogramme-Verordnung 2010

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152. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Health, amending the monitoring programmes-Regulation 2010

On the basis of § 2 (1) (1) (1) and (2) and (3) of the Animal Health Act (TGG), BGBl. I n ° 133/1999, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 3/2009, is being prescribed in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance and the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management:

The Surveillance Programmes-Regulation 2010, BGBl. II No 102, shall be amended as follows:

The heading of the table in the Annex is:

"Investigations of different animal species, according to pathogens"
