Key Benefits:
28. Federal Act, with which the Federal School Supervision Act is amended
The National Council has decided:
The Federal School Supervision Act, BGBl. No 240/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 25/2008, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 1 para. 2, the turn shall be "the agricultural and forestry school system" the twist "-except in respect of the provisions of § 18-" .
2. In § 3 (1) Z 3 the turn-of-the-turn " 2 " .
3. § 18 together with the title is:
" Quality Management
§ 18. (1) The relevant Federal Minister has, in relation to all schools covered by the scope of this federal law pursuant to § 1, as well as to the Higher agricultural and forestry educational institutions in accordance with the Federal Law on Agriculture and Forestry, BGBl. No. 175/1966, to establish a quality management system at all levels of the school administration and the schools. The state and county school councils are responsible for quality management at the country and district level by the officers of the school supervision and by teachers who are entrusted with school supervision functions. Other organs of the Land and District School Councils, apart from the President of the Landesschulrat, may only teach at a school in the presence of an official of quality management or a teacher who has quality management functions. is entrusted with the task of providing assistance. The quality management also includes the implementation of the school inspections, insofar as these are used to implement the target agreements (paragraph 1). 2) is required.
(2) In the quality management to be established in accordance with paragraph 1, provision should be made for a national quality framework which, in accordance with scientific criteria and in consultation with officials of quality management, of school principals to be drawn up, and of the To prepare school partners (teachers, guardians, pupils) and to accompany them in the implementation with the participation of representatives of the staff representatives of the teachers. The National Quality Framework has, in addition to general provisions, to take into account the specific characteristics of each school species and, in particular, to include:
1. |
A definition and description of school quality, |
2. |
the obligation to provide a periodic planning and reporting system (specifically for school species-specific one to three years) at all levels of school administration and schools (development plans, quality reports, quality programmes), |
3. |
the commitment to periodic target agreements at all levels of the school administration and the schools on nationwide targets and their concretization, taking into account regional and site-specific conditions in the country, district and the level of the school and the measures to be taken and the services to be provided and the performance of the measures to be taken, and |
4. |
the obligation to provide tools for the management and (self-) evaluation on the basis of factors relevant to school quality, as well as support services for schools. |
(3) The development plans of the schools referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (2) shall include in particular:
1. |
Priority themes, |
2. |
Objectives with regard to the priority themes, |
3. |
Review and current status analyses on the priority topics, |
4. |
measures to implement the objectives, |
5. |
measures to verify the achievement of objectives, |
6. |
Continuing education plans and |
7. |
Information on the strategic and operational quality management of the school. |
(4) In the implementation and evaluation of the target agreements, external feedback (e.g. educational institutions) should be provided for. "
4. The following paragraph 5 is added to § 24:
" (5) § 3 (1) (3) and (25) of this Federal Act, as amended by the Federal Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (BGBl). I No 28/2011 will enter into force with the end of the day of the event in the Federal Law Gazans. § 1 (2) and § 18, together with the title in the above-mentioned version, will enter into force on 1 September 2012, the measures of § 18 shall be implemented at the schools as of 1 September 2013 at the latest. "
5. In § 25 the Wendung "Education, science and culture" through the turn "Education, art and culture" replaced.