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Accreditation Of Erc Gmbh For The Certification Of Management Systems

Original Language Title: Akkreditierung der ERC GmbH zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen

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214. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the accreditation of the ERC GmbH for the certification of management systems

Due to § 17 para. 1 and § 38 Z 1 of the Accreditation Act, BGBl. No. 468/1992, as last amended by Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 85/2002, is being prescribed in agreement with the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology:

§ 1. The ERC GmbH, based in 8020 Graz, Waagner-Biro-Straße 125, will be the body responsible for the management systems (according to ÖVE/ÖNORM EN ISO/IEC 17021 1 ) Certified, accredited.

§ 2. The certification authority includes the certification of management systems in the following areas:

within the scope of the EU Directive 2008 /57/EC, as amended

Product/Product Group

Conformity assessment procedures

Subsystems and components for the conventional trans-European rail system

-rolling stock subsystem (SRT TSI) 2 , PRM 3 , NOI 4 , WAG 5 and LOC_PAS 6 )

Test Modules D, H1, H2, SD, SH1, SH2, CD, CH, CH1

Sub-systems and components for the trans-European high-speed rail system

-Sub-system vehicles (TSI RST) 7 , SRT, PRM and LOC_PAS)

Test Modules D, H1, H2, SD, SH1, SH2, CD, CH, CH1

§ 3. The certification authority applies to those areas in which the Federal Government is responsible for legislation and enforcement, provided that the federal laws governing these areas do not comply with the provisions of the Accreditation Act relating to the accreditation of such bodies.
