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Regulation Of Basic Training Of Parliamentary Staff

Original Language Title: Grundausbildungsverordnung der Parlamentsdirektion

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224. Regulation of the President of the National Council concerning the basic training regulation of the Parliamentary Directorate

According to § 26 of the Official Services Act 1979 (BDG 1979), BGBl. N ° 333/1979 idgF, the following basic training regulation is adopted:


§ 1. (1) This Regulation lays down the basic training for all staff members of the Parliament's Directorate, who are required to undergo basic training under contract law 1948 or contractual agreements, or to which, according to the BDG 1979, is the successful completion of a basic training as an appointment or a definition of a definitive position.

(2) Staff of other departments may take part in training measures in accordance with free places against pro-rata costs.

Objectives of basic training

§ 2. (1) The Parliamentary Directorate is committed to a future-oriented permanent training of employees, which promotes self-initiative, commitment and the willingness to provide above-average performance.

As part of the initial and continuing training, basic training is intended to ensure the fulfilment of the tasks of the parliamentary Directorate as a customer-oriented and efficient organisation to ensure the infrastructure of parliamentarianism. This is intended to support the sustainable development of employees and to promote their personal work satisfaction.

(2) In particular, the objectives of the basic training shall be:


Ensuring a high standard of qualification of the employees; the levels of the professional and methodical as well as the personal qualification are addressed in a targeted manner


Consideration of existing qualifications (training, professional experience) in the individual training of the employees


Comprehensive knowledge of the functioning of Austrian parliamentarianism as well as of its networks with the Austrian state institutions and the institutions of the European Union

Organisation of basic training

§ 3. The staff development of the Parliamentary Directorate has to organise the training, to take the necessary measures and to advise staff on basic training.

Training units and front-load

§ 4. (1) Basic training is composed of internal and external training modules.

(2) The training modules make use of all contemporary and practical forms of knowledge transfer and qualification (e.g. seminar, individual lessons, e-learning systems, training and practical use in the workplace, project work, Internship, self-study).

(3) As a speaker in the individual modules, suitably qualified staff of the Parliament Directorate for the internal modules shall, where possible, be used.

A permanent evaluation should be provided for the quality of the external modules.

Training plan and training course

§ 5. (1) The staff development of the Parliament's Directorate shall draw up a training plan for basic training for each trainee within six months of the date of the service.

In the conception of the training plan, the service staff and the trainees are to be included. Consideration should be given to the individual needs of the trainee.

(2) The training plan shall include all the modules to be completed by the staff member. At the same time, the duration and the possible sequence of completion of the individual modules must be determined.

(3) The training plan shall be designed in such a way that the completion of the basic training is possible within the training phase according to § 138 BDG or § 66 VBG 1948.

(4) Joint training modules shall be defined for the following categories of staff:


Members of categories A1 and A2


Members of categories A3 and A4


Members of the Working Group A5

(5) For members of the groups A, B, C, D and E, respectively Remuneration groups v1, v2, v3 and v4 shall apply to the training modules and to the provisions applicable to the comparable use groups as referred to in paragraph 4.

(6) Participation in courses within the framework of basic training shall be considered as a service.

(7) The courses within the framework of the basic training are to be evaluated. For this purpose, each training module is to be assessed by the trainee.

Construction of basic training

§ 6. (1) The basic training shall be:


from a theoretical training and


From a practical use made available to employees of the A1 and/or the use groups A1, respectively. A2 also forms the basis of the project work.

(2) The theoretical training is offered in the following specialist areas:




Parliamentarianism and administrative organisation


Customer orientation and communication, self-and time management


the subjects required for the parliamentary department; the training of the Ressorexiation also takes account of the fundamental issues of gender mainstreaming

(3) In the examination plan, training modules are to be defined as theoretical training, at least within the limits of the number of hours, subject to the minimum number of hours according to § 7, which is specific to the topic.

(4) In addition to the theoretical training, a minimum of 12 months before completion of the basic training in the categories A1 and A2 and a minimum of 6 months in the categories A3, A4 and A5 of the basic training shall be used. staff in the workplace. Any rotational training shall be defined in the training plan, including the specific scope.

(5) In the context of practical use, the trainees of the categories A1 and A2 have to write a project work, the subject of which is determined by the personnel development with the involvement of the respective service manager. The project work is to be submitted to the chairperson of the examination board and will be assessed in the basic modular training concluding expert discussion by the chairman, the respective service manager and the personnel developer/in.

Contents of the training units

§ 7. (1) The staff of categories A1 and A2 shall have a training of at least 270 hours in the A3 and A4 use groups of at least 200 hours to be completed by the A5 use group of at least 170 hours.

For all use groups, the maximum training amount is 400 hours.

(2) The following subjects shall be deleted:

Minimum Hours


A1/A2 Basic principles of constitutional law and of EU law


A3/A4 Basic principles of constitutional law and of EU law


A5 Guidelines of constitutional law and of EU law


A1/A2 Grundzüge des Arbeitsrechts des Bundes


A3/A4/A5 Grundzüge des Arbeitsrechts des Bundes


Parliamentarianism and administrative organisation

A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 Introduction to Basics of the State-Federal Administration-Parliamentarianism-Society


A1/A2 Rules of Procedure of the National and Federal Council


A3/A4/A5 Rules of Procedure of the National and Federal Council


A1/A2 KLR, Controlling and Budgetary Law


Customer orientation and communication, self-and time management

A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 Communication and specific exercises


A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 Customer orientation


A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 Self-and time management as well as teamwork


Ressortbins Parliamentary Directorate

A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 Legal basis of Parliament's Directorate, Mission Statement, Performance, Internal Policies, Law Firm


A1/A2 The Austrian Parliament and the EU


A3/A4/A5 The Austrian Parliament and the EU


A1/A2/A3/A4/A5 The National Council and the Bundesrat


A1/A2/A3/A4 Task-related specialist training


A5 Task-related specialist training


(3) For officials of groups A, B, C, D and E, respectively The use groups v1, v2, v3 and v4 shall be subject to the content of the training of the comparable use groups in paragraphs 1 and 2.

Service Review Commission

§ 8. (1) In the Parliamentary Directorate, a Service Examination Commission is established, whose members act as individual examiners according to § 9 para. 2 or as a member of a examination council pursuant to § 9 para. 6.

(2) Only appropriately qualified federal staff members may be appointed to the members of the Service Examination Commission. The chairperson is to appoint a staff member of the Parliamentary Directorate who has experience in the field of human resources development, and a corresponding number of vice-chairmen to be ordered.

(3) The Chairpersons and the other members of the Service Examination Commission shall be appointed by the President of the National Council for a period of five years.

(4) The membership of the Service Examination Commission shall end with the departure from the staff level of the Federal Government. It rests on the day of the initiation of a disciplinary procedure until its final conclusion, during the period of the (provisional) suspension of the service or the service. in an out-of-service position.

(5) In the event of the withdrawal of members, the Commission for the remainder of its functional period may be supplemented by new members.

(6) The members of the Service Examination Committee shall be self-employed and independent in the performance of this Office.

Examination Rules

§ 9. (1) The knowledge and skills acquired in the basic training shall be demonstrated in a service examination. The service examination consists of partial exams on the content of each training module as well as a final expert discussion.

(2) A partial examination may take place in the form of a written examination or as an oral examination and must be submitted before a single examiner. If the training success of a module is also guaranteed without examination, it can be determined in the training plan that the corresponding part-examination is no longer necessary.

(3) The assignment to the service examination shall be carried out by the Office of the Office by the staff development department.

(4) The service examination shall then be deemed to be successful if all the partial exams have been passed and the final expert discussion has been successfully completed before the Service Examination Commission, including the presentation of the all-due project work. .

(5) A certificate must be issued by the Chairman of the Service Examination Commission on the passing of the service examination. If the success of the examination in a training module is to be assessed as excellent, it must be noted in the examination certificate. The practical uses in accordance with § 6 (4) shall be briefly described.

(6) A partial examination which has not been passed can be repeated twice. The reprobative period shall be at least one month. The first repetition, with the participation of a second member of the Examination Committee, is to take place the second repetition before an examination senate under the chairmanship of the chairperson of the Commission of the Service Examination Committee.

(7) After the successful completion of the service examination, the basic training is completed.

Settlement provisions

§ 10. For reasons of expediency, external training modules may also be used by other federal departments or institutions outside the Federal Republic of Germany. The successful visit of such training modules can be credited to the basic training according to the principles of § 30 BDG 1979. If the attendance of external modules was required in the training plan, they are to be counted on successful completion within the meaning of § 30 BDG 1979. Invoices shall be recorded in the certificate.

In-force pedals and transitional provisions

§ 11. (1) The basic training regulation of the Parliament's Directorate enters into force on 1 September 2011. The provisions in force before 1 September 2011 on basic training in the area of Parliament's Directorate shall be repeal with the same date.

(2) The contents of basic training courses, which were started before 1 September 2011, are to be applied to basic training in accordance with the provisions of § 10. The basic training shall be completed in accordance with the provisions applicable from 1 September 2011.
