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Scope Of Multilateral Special Agreement Rid 5/2010 Referred To In Section 1.5.1 Of Rid Concerning The Carriage Of Un 1057 Lighters And Un 1057 Lighter Refills For Lighters

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich der Multilateralen Sondervereinbarung RID 5/2010 gemäß Abschnitt 1.5.1 des RID betreffend die Beförderung von UN 1057 Feuerzeuge und UN 1057 Nachfüllpatronen für Feuerzeuge

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114. Statement by the Federal Chancellor concerning the scope of the Multilateral Special Agreement RID 5/2010 in accordance with section 1.5.1 of the RID concerning the promotion of UN 1057 lighters and UN 1057 refill cartridges for lighters

The Multilateral Special Agreement, RID 5/2010, in accordance with section 1.5.1 of the RID concerning the promotion of UN 1057 lighters and UN 1057 refill cartridges for lighters (BGBl. III No 35/2011) was signed by France on 18 April 2011.
