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Multilateral Agreement M221 In Accordance With Section 1.5.1 Of Adr Concerning The Carriage Of Lpg Tanks Or Lp Gas Storage Systems From Vehicles, With Gases Of Un Numbers 1011, 1049, 107...

Original Language Title: Multilaterale Vereinbarung M221 gemäß Abschnitt 1.5.1 des ADR über die Beförderung von Treibgastanks oder Treibgasspeichersystemen aus Kraftfahrzeugen, die mit Gasen der UN Nummern 1011, 1049, 107...

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129. Multilateral agreement M221, pursuant to section 1.5.1 of the ADR, on the transport of propellant tanks or propellant gas storage systems from motor vehicles operated with gases of UN numbers 1011, 1049, 1075, 1954, 1965, 1966, 1969, 1971 or 1978

[Agreed text in German see annexes]

[Agreed text in English see annexes]

The agreement was signed by Austria on 8 August 2011.

In addition, the following ADR Parties have signed this Agreement:

ADR Parties:

Date of signature:


12 July 2010


14 July 2010


4 August 2010

Czech Republic

24 August 2010


11 May 2011
