Key Benefits:
306. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology concerning the ID of the telecommunications authority's organs
Due to § 86 (4) of the Telecommunications Act, BGBl. I n ° 70/2003, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 96/2013, and Section 14 (2) of the Federal Act on Funkanlagen and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, BGBl. I n ° 134/2001, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 123/2013, shall be arranged:
§ 1. This Regulation lays down more detailed rules on the ID of the institutions of the Telecommunications Authority, which act as supervisory bodies in full telecommunications legislation.
§ 2. (1) Institutions of the telecommunications authority shall be issued with a certificate (annex) in order to demonstrate their use in the exercise of surveillance by telecommunications authorities in accordance with the provisions of the following provisions.
(2) The card is a plastic card printed on both sides of the size 5.4 cm x 8,5 cm without the function of a citizen card according to § 2 Z 10 of the eGovernment Act, BGBl. I No 10/2004. The ID card is to be issued by the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology.
§ 3. Staff shall be required to show their identity card in the exercise of the supervision of the telecommunications authorities.
§ 4. (1) Treten circumstances which require a change in the data printed on the ID card, as well as after the expiry of the validity, the ID card must be drawn in and a new passport must be issued in accordance with § 2.
(2) In the event of the identity of the ID card, the staff member shall immediately report to a security service (loss-). A confirmation of the notification shall be submitted to the Authority without delay.
(3) The validity of the badges shall be limited to a maximum of ten years.
(4) If a public-law staff member from the service level or a staff member from the private-law service relationship is out of service, the ID card shall be drawn in.
§ 5. The ID card shall contain the following data:
1. |
Front (picture page) |
a) |
Document "Republic of Austria-ID"; |
b) |
Lettering "Fernmeldebüro für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland" or "Fernmeldebüro für Steiermark und Kärnten" or "Fernmeldebüro für Oberösterreich und Salzburg" or "Fernmeldebüro für Tirol und Vorarlberg" or "Fernmeldebüro für Tirol und Vorarlberg" or " Büro für Funkanlagen und telecommunications terminal equipment "; |
c) |
Federal coat of arms; |
d) |
light image; |
e) |
Document "Function" and function designation "Organ of the Telecommunications Authority"; |
f) |
Official title, academic grade, stand name, first name and surname; |
g) |
the date of birth and the date in question; |
h) |
"Serial number" and the serial number of the ID card; |
i) |
"Valid until" and the date of validity of the card; |
j) |
the signed signature of the staff member; |
2. |
Rear |
a) |
Lettering "Fernmeldebüro für Wien, Niederösterreich und Burgenland" or "Fernmeldebüro für Steiermark und Kärnten" or "Fernmeldebüro für Oberösterreich und Salzburg" or "Fernmeldebüro für Tirol und Vorarlberg" or "Fernmeldebüro für Tirol und Vorarlberg" or " Büro für Funkanlagen und telecommunications terminal equipment "; |
b) |
The essential powers of the institutions of the telecommunications authority shall be indicated on the back of the official document as follows: |
" Essential powers of the organs of the telecommunications authority in accordance with the Telecommunications Act 2003 (TKG 2003), BGBl. I n ° 70/2003, idgF, and federal law on radio equipment and telecommunications terminal equipment (FTEG), BGBl. I No 134/2001, idgF
- |
Entering of land and spaces |
- |
Use of the assistance provided by the institutions of the Civil Security Service to ensure the monitoring powers |
- |
Verification of telecommunications equipment |
- |
Obtaining information and documents |
- |
Arrangement of measures for the protection of troubled installations |
- |
Non-operation of authorised and operated telecommunications equipment |
- |
Obtaining information, documents and user information |
- |
Drawing samples |
- |
provisional seizure " |
c) |
Writing "a.sign premium" and card number of the ID card; |
d) |
Writing " Fee for Fees. § 2 GebG ". |
Transitional provision
§ 6. The service documents not corresponding to the provisions of this Regulation for the exercise of the supervision of telecommunications authorities shall cease to apply with the expiry of 31 December 2015.
In-and out-of-power
§ 7. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation on official documents for the organs of the telecommunications authority, BGBl, shall enter into force. II No 98/2007, except for force.