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Professional Regulation 2016

Original Language Title: Fachkräfteverordnung 2016

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329. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, with which in 2016 Mangeloccupations for the employment of foreign skilled workers are established (FachForces Regulation 2016)

On the basis of § 13 (1) of the Foreigners Employment Act-AuslBG, BGBl. No. 218/1975, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 113/2015, will be arranged in agreement with the Federal Minister for Science, Research and Economy:

§ 1. In 2016, foreigners may be admitted to employment as a professional in accordance with § 12a AuslBG (German AuslBG) in the following mangeloccupations:


Milling cutters




Technicians with a higher level of training (Ing.) for mechanical engineering




Graduate engineer (s) for mechanical engineering


Technicians with a higher level of training (Ing.) for heavy-current technology


Diploma engineer (s) inside for heavy-current technology


Certified nurses, nurses, who started their supplementary training prescribed in the nostriction notice of the country's main manneary by the end of 2015.

§ 2. The term of the occupations mentioned in § 1 is followed by the occupational classification of the labour market service.

§ 3. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2016 in Kraft, with expiry of December 31, 2016, out of force and applies to applications submitted until 5 November 2016.
