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Change Of The Balance Of Payments Stabilization Act

Original Language Title: Änderung des Zahlungsbilanzstabilisierungsgesetzes

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90. Federal Act amending the Balance of Payments Stabilisation Act

The National Council has decided:

The Balance of Payments Stabilization Act, BGBl. I n ° 52/2009, as last amended by the BGBl Federal Act. I No 31/2010, shall be amended as follows:

§ 2a is as follows:

" § 2a. (1) For the purpose of assisting Member States of the euro area, the Federal Minister of Finance shall be authorized, in coordination with other Member States of the European Union, to the name of the Federal Republic of Germany, in the form of guarantees for the Financing of financing by the "European Financial Stability Facility", a company under Luxembourg law, or by its legal successor, up to the total outstanding amount of € 21 billion 639 million 190 thousand euros Capital plus interest and costs to be taken over.

(2) Agreements in accordance with Section 66 of the Federal Budget Act shall be permitted in accordance with Section 66 of the Federal Budget Act. "

