Key Benefits:
332. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on Surveying Fees (Surveying Fee Ordinance 2011)
On the basis of § 47 and Section 59 (1) of the Vermessungsgesetz (Vermessungsgesetz-Vermessungsgesetz, VermG), BGBl. No. 306/1968, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 100/2008, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance:
§ 1. For the exhibition of excerptions pursuant to § 47 paragraph 2 Z 1 and Z 2 VermG, BGBl. No. 306/1968, in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 100/2008, as well as for official acts and certifications pursuant to Section 47 (2) (3) of the German Act on the Law of the Arts, the following amounts are to be paid:
Extracts from the list of land or extracts from the list of coordinates of the technical operatas
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No. 01 for each 12 pages in the format A 4 |
10,00 Euro |
Other extracts from the technical operat on paper
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No. 02 Format A 4 |
5,00 Euro |
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No. 03 Format A 3 |
7,50 Euro |
Official acts
Property associations according to § 12 VermG
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No. 04 Basic expenditure per application (two plots) |
25,00 Euro |
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No. 05 for each additional property in addition |
5,00 Euro |
Conversion according to § 18 VermG
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No. 06 effort per application (one plot) |
86,00 Euro |
Boundary measurements according to § 34 VermG
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No. 07 Basic expenditure per application |
237,00 Euro |
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No. 08 effort for plan creation (up to five plots) |
154,00 Euro |
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No. 09 for each further five affected plots in addition |
70,00 Euro |
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No. 10 for each of the ¼ hours of work |
25,00 Euro |
Collection of the type of use according to § 38 Abs. 1 Z 1 VermG
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No. 11 Basic expenditure per application |
75,00 Euro |
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No. 12 Cost of planning |
37,00 Euro |
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N ° 13 for each of the ¼ hours of work started |
19,00 Euro |
Exhibition of certificates according to § 39 VermG
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No 14 Basic costs per plan (up to five plots) |
83,00 Euro |
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No. 15 for each additional affected property in addition |
14,00 Euro |
Limit recovery according to § 40 VermG
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No. 16 Basic expenditure per application |
192,00 Euro |
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No. 17 Cost of planning (at the request of the owner) |
93,00 Euro |
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No. 18 for each of the ¼ hours of work started |
25,00 Euro |
Border investigations according to § 41 VermG
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No 19 Basic expenditure per application |
222,00 Euro |
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No. 20 Cost of planning |
154,00 Euro |
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N ° 21 for each of the ¼ hours of work started |
25,00 Euro |
Assessments according to § 13 of the Liegenschaftsteilungsgesetz, BGBl. No 3/1930,
in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 100/2008
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No. 22 Basic expenditure per application (one split) |
107,00 Euro |
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No. 23 for each additional piece in addition |
20.00 Euro |
§ 2. This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 December 2011. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Surveying Fee Ordinance 1994, BGBl. No 753/1994, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 57/2009, except for force.