Key Benefits:
340. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture, with which the High School Curricule Ordinance (HCV) is amended
On the basis of § § 8 (3a) and 40 to 43 of the Higher Education Act 2005, BGBl. I n ° 30/2006, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 73/2011, shall be arranged:
The High School Curricule Ordinance, BGBl. II No 495/2006, shall be amended as follows:
1. The following lines are inserted in the table of contents after the second section:
" 2a. Section |
§ 18a. |
Modules " |
2. § 2 Z 3 reads:
" 3. |
under "Bachelor of Education (BEd)" to be awarded on the occasion of the successful completion of a teaching degree program according to § 65 paragraph 1 of the German Higher Education Act 2005 or a supplementary study course in accordance with § 65a of the Higher Education Act 2005 academic degrees. " |
3. § 3 (2) reads:
" (2) The studies are scientifically based and occupational field-related, taking into account social, educational, economic, technological and educational developments as well as the development of quality and quality assurance. to shape higher education, with requirements such as competence orientation, life-long learning, German as a second language with a view to promoting the integration of pupils with a migration background, Promotion of multilingualism, individualisation and Differentiation of teaching, including pedagogy and diversity, promotion didactics, talent promotion including talent promotion, reading, narrative and writing culture, including media literacy, pedagogical use of modern information and communication technologies, the production of international, European and intercultural references, gender mainstreaming, political education and the understanding of democracy, as well as the strengthening of social competence and conflict resolution competence. "
4. In § 5 (3) the word order is deleted at the beginning of the sentence. "The contents of the" .
5. In Section 5 (5), the phrase "About content of modules" through the phrase "About Modules" replaced.
6. § 5 (6) reads:
"(6) Building modules shall be marked as such in the curriculum and shall require the successful completion of a preceding module or several preceding modules for the attendance of their study events."
7. In § 6 the phrase "Modules with predominantly didactic" through the phrase "Courses with subject didactics" replaced.
8. § 8 (2) reads:
" (2) The curricula have the modules of the 1. To determine the degree of study, the successful completion of which is a prerequisite for admission to the second part of the study. "
9. In § 9 (1), the phrase in the second sentence shall be deleted "in the presence studies" and the following sentence shall be added:
"Curricula have to be provided that the courses provided for in the module" Study entry phase "are offered and run as a classroom course."
10. § 9 para. 2, first sentence reads:
"During the entry phase, courses from the fields of study" Humanities "," Fachwissenschaften und Fachdidaktiques "as well as" SchulPractical Studies and/or Teaching Studies " are available. To provide school and vocational language studies in the teaching profession for polytechnic schools. "
11. In the table in § 10 (1) and § 16 (1), (2), (3) and (4), the line relating to the Bachelor's thesis is omitted.
12. In § 10, the following paragraph 1 is inserted after paragraph 1:
"(1a) The curricula of the six-semester teacher training studies referred to in paragraph 1 shall provide for the completion of a Bachelor's thesis in the extent of 9 ECTS credits in addition to the subject areas referred to in paragraph 1."
13. In § 15 para. 1, first sentence, after the word order "Application, that" the phrase "the study entry phase lasts no more than four weeks," inserted.
14. In § 16, the following paragraph 4 is inserted after paragraph 4:
"(4a) The curricula of the six-semester teacher training studies referred to in para. 1 to 4 have to provide for the completion of a Bachelor's thesis in the extent of 9 ECTS credits in addition to the study areas mentioned."
15. In § 17 para. 1 Z 2 reads:
" 2. Group II for general education and subject-related subjects, "
16. After the second section, the following 2a is added. Section inserted:
" 2a. Section
University course for leisure pedagogy
§ 18a. Within the scope of the university course for leisure pedagogy (for educators for leisure time on all-day school forms-leisure pedagogues) in the scope of 60 ECTS credits are courses from the following modules to:
" Modules |
ECTS-Credits |
Hospitation and Practice |
12-14 |
Legal bases |
5-7 |
Pedagogical basics |
5-7 |
Personality development and communication |
5-7 |
Diversity |
5-7 |
Recreational pedagogical basics |
5-7 |
Art and creativity |
5-7 |
Music |
5-7 |
Sport |
5-7 " |
17. The text of the previous § 23 receives the sales designation "(1)" and the following paragraph 2 is added:
" (2) The table of contents with regard to the 2a. Section concerned lines, § 2 Z 3, § 3 para. 2, § 5 para. 3, 5 and 6, § 6, § 8 para. 2, § 9 para. 1 and 2, § 10 para. 1 and 1a, § 15 para. 1, § 16 para. 1
up to 4a, § 17 (1) (2) and (2a). Section in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 340/2011 shall enter into force 1. October 2011, in force. " |