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Accreditation By Bureau Veritas Austria Gmbh

Original Language Title: Akkreditierung der Bureau Veritas Austria GmbH

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350. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the Accreditation of Bureau Veritas Austria GmbH

On the basis of § 17 para. 1 of the Accreditation Act, BGBl. No. 468/1992, as last amended by Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 85/2002, is being assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection:

§ 1. The Bureau Veritas Austria GmbH, based in 1030 Vienna, Apostelgasse 25-27, will be the body responsible for the management systems (according to ÖVE/ÖNORM EN ISO/IEC 17021). 1 ) and persons (according to ÖVE/ÖNORM EN ISO/IEC 17024 2 ) Certified, accredited.

§ 2. The certification authority includes the certification of management systems in the following areas:


Quality management systems according to ÖNORM EN ISO 9001 3 in accordance with the Annex specified scope,


Safety and health management systems according to the regulations "Safety Certificate Contractors (SCC), Safety Certificate of Human Resources (SCP)" and OHSAS 18001 "Occupational health and safety management systems".

§ 3. The certification authority in the field of persons comprises the certification according to the regulations "Safety Certifical Contractors (SCC)".

§ 4. The certification authority applies to those areas in which the Federal Government is responsible for legislation and enforcement, provided that the federal laws governing these areas do not comply with the provisions of the Accreditation Act relating to the accreditation of such bodies.

§ 5. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on the Accreditation of Bureau Veritas Certification Austria GmbH, BGBl. II No 211/2009.
