Key Benefits:
444. Regulation of the Federal Minister for the Interior, amending the Regulation on the design of passports and passports
On the basis of § 3 of the Passport Act 1992, BGBl. No. 839, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 135/2009, shall be assigned in agreement with the Main Committee of the National Council:
The regulation of the Federal Minister of the Interior on the design of passports and passports (passport regulation-PassV), BGBl. No 861/1995, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 45/2010, shall be amended as follows:
1. In Section 6c (2), after the turn of the "Equipment A" the parenthesis expression "(with the exception of ordinary passports for certain cases in accordance with Section 4a of the Passport Act 1992)" is inserted and the following sentence is added: " Existing inventories of ordinary passports for certain starting cases (§ 4a passport law 1992) according to the model of Appendix A in the version of the Ordinance BGBl. No 861/1995, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 222/2006, may continue to be used until 31 December 2012. "
2. In Section 7 (3), the word order shall be " BGBl. II No 45/2009 " through the phrase " BGBl. II No 45/2010 " replaced.
(3) The following paragraph 4 is added to § 7:
" (4) § § 6c (2) and (7) (3) in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 444/2011 shall enter into force at the end of the day in which they are held. '