Key Benefits:
84. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport on the selection and training of the troop officer and the troop officer (troop officer training decree 2012-TOV 2012)
On the basis of § § 26 to 31 and 149 (5) of the Civil Service Act 1979, BGBl. No. 333, last amended by the Federal Law, BGBl. I No 140/2011, shall be:
Section 1
§ 1. (1) This Regulation shall govern
1. |
the selection procedure for the training of troop officers and |
2. |
the troop officers ' training in the framework of training of troop officers. |
It is not applicable to music officers and music officers. |
(2) The persons participating in the selection procedure and the training of troop officers shall be considered as professional officers and professional officers (BOA) in accordance with this Regulation, without prejudice to their military grade.
Establishment and objectives of the training of troop officers
§ 2. (1) The training of troop officers comprises the University of Applied Sciences in Military Management and the troop of officers ' training course and has to build on the training contents to be mediated in the course of the selection procedure.
(2) The University of Applied Sciences Bachelorcourse Military Management takes six semesters, including the integrated vocational training courses. In accordance with § § 6 and 13 of the Universities of Applied Sciences Law (FHStG), the application for accreditation of this course of study according to § § 6 and 13 of the German Federal Law on Universities of Applied Sciences (Bundesgesetz BGBl) is based on the application for accreditation approved by the University Council of Applied Sciences. No 340/1993.
(3) The training of the troop officers, as a predominantly practical training, has the acquisition of the knowledge, abilities and skills that are independent of the weapons and function, the skills and skills required for a commandant and a commander, as well as the training and training of the commander and the Images of an organizational element of the sub-unit as well as for the representation of a unit commander or a unit commander are required in each case as well as in the context of the deployment preparation, as well as the for the entry function of a troop officer and a troop officer Countering techniques of the appropriate weapon or specialty.
(4) The training of troop officers and the selection procedure must be carried out by the Theresianic Military Academy as an authority responsible for training.
(5) The positive completion of the training of troop officers is considered to be a successful completion of the basic training for the M BO 2 use group, including the service examination.
Section 2
Selection procedures for training of troop officers
Establishment and authorisation
§ 3. (1) The selection procedure for the training of troop officers comprises the preparatory semester, including the final examination, and the admission procedure in the University of Applied Sciences Bachelorcurriculum Military Guidance.
(2) The admission requirements for the selection procedure are:
1. |
the positive aptitude test for the training service in accordance with § 37 (1) of the Military Act 2001 (WG 2001), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 146, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, with suitability for officer or officer, |
2. |
the obtaining of the general university entrance qualification by |
a) |
The maturity and diploma examination, the maturity check or Professional tyre test or |
b) |
the study authorization test, or |
c) |
the additional examination for the Technical University of Applied Sciences in Military Management, |
According to Z 13.13, paragraph 1, lit. a of Annex 1 to the Official Services Act 1979 (BDG 1979), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). 333, |
3. |
a relevant professional qualification |
a) |
in the cases of Z 2 lit. a and b by the successful completion of the necessary sections within the framework of the cadre training for conscripts of the militia and reserves (militias training) or the appropriate training for women, or |
b) |
in the cases of Z 2 lit. (c) the successful completion of the basic training for the use group M BUO 2 and a minimum service period of six years in the calendar year of the selection procedure, calculated from the start of the basic military service; or Training Service |
and |
4. |
a life age not exceeding 29 years in the calendar year of the selection procedure. |
(3) The maximum age pursuant to paragraph 2 Z 4 shall not apply to military pilots. In addition, the Federal Minister or the Federal Minister for National Defence shall be entitled to exceed this maximum age at the request of the professional officer or the professional officer, in accordance with the conditions of important military interests. Sport is being looked at.
Preparatory semester and final examination
§ 4. (1) The preparatory semester serves to assess the personal and professional aptitude of the professional officers and professional officers for training as a troop officer or a troop officer. On the basis of the personal capacity to conduct a military organization element, assessment contributions to the knowledge, skills and skills to be assessed in the course of the final examination are to be made. These assessed contributions shall be made under the responsibility of the commandant or the commander of the preparatory semester by means of accompanying written, oral and practical verifications.
(2) The determination of the personal and professional aptitude of the professional officers for the training of the troop officer or the military officer has to be determined by a final examination at the end of the preparatory semester shall be made.
(3) In the course of the final examination, the following are to be assessed:
1. |
the knowledge and application of the military leadership process, as well as the management and mission principles at the group level in the context of a hunter's train, |
2. |
the ability to lead in combat techniques at group level in the context of a hunter's train, |
3. |
knowledge, skills and skills in the field of exerceration, weapons and equipment, as well as maps and terrain, |
4. |
The knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the department of the Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport as well as the Army, |
5. |
physical performance and |
6. |
the general personal and professional aptitude for the training of the troop officer or the troop officer. |
(4) The assessment must be carried out
1. |
in the cases referred to in paragraph 3 (1) and (2), by written written examination and by means of a practical examination, |
2. |
in the cases referred to in paragraph 3 (3) and (5), by means of practical verification |
3. |
in the case of paragraph 3 Z 4, by written written examination and |
4. |
in the case of paragraph 3 Z 6, on the basis of the assessed contributions referred to in paragraph 1. |
(5) In addition to a positive result of the final examination, the admission to the training of military officers is the granting of a place of study at the University of Applied Sciences BachelorCourse in Military Guidance within the framework of the admission procedure provided for this purpose. is required.
§ 5. (1) A Commission shall be set up for the conduct of the final examination at the Theresianic Military Academy. This shall consist of:
1. |
the chairman, |
2. |
two co-sitters, |
3. |
a specialist auditor or a specialist auditor per assessment subject in accordance with § 4 (3) Z 1 to 5 and |
4. |
the commandant or the commander of the preparatory semester. |
(2) The commandant or commander of the Theresians Military Academy shall have the chairperson or the chairman and the other members of the group of officials of the use groups M BO 1 or M BO 2 or equivalent In each case, use groups or comparable contract staff for the duration of one year.
(3) Membership of the Commission
1. |
Rests on the day of the initiation of a disciplinary procedure until its final conclusion and during the period of a dismissal, and |
2. |
In any case, it ends with the final imposition of a stricter disciplinary penalty than a fine or with the expiry of the period of order or with the transfer to another country or with the departure from the service. |
(4) In order to determine the result of the examination, the Commission shall use the results of the assessments in accordance with Article 4 (4), including the assessed contributions in accordance with § 4 (1), and after non-public deliberation with a simple majority of votes, the Commission shall decision. A abstention is inadmissible. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be taken by the chairman or the chairman.
(5) In addition to the case referred to in paragraph 1, the further existence of the personal and professional competence required for the achievement of the objectives shall be the subject of a request by a Commission during the training of troop officers ' training. To assess a career officer or a professional officer for the troop officer or the troop officer, and to decide on a further stay in or out of the troop officer's course. In particular, the respective specialist and methodological competence, the personal competence, the social-communicative competence as well as the activity and action competence of the person or persons concerned must be assessed. This Commission shall be ordered by the Commander or Commander of the Theresianic Military Academy and shall consist of one or one Chairman and at least four other members. Paragraphs 2 to 4 concerning the appointment, membership and decision-making of the Commission for the final examination shall apply.
Section 3
Troop officers ' walk
Construction and training
§ 6. (1) The troop training course is to be carried out between and after the semesters of the University of Applied Sciences Bachelorstudiengang Military tour and has the following in the Appendix 1 to include training subjects (teaching and hours plan "troop officers"). The training of the weapons or specialist training is based on the training centre, which is suitable for the use of the professional officer and the professional officer in each case, according to Appendix 2 , The training responsibility of the Theresians Military Academy in accordance with § 2 (4) remains unaffected.
(2) Only those persons who have been admitted to the University of Applied Sciences Bachelorcourse in Military Management shall be admitted to the first part of a training subject. In addition to the parts of a training subject which are based on them, only those professional officers and professional officers who have been given the previous part of a training subject shall be admitted to the Appendix 1 completed. A part of a training course is completed if the partial examinations corresponding to this training section have been successfully filed.
(3) If compelling service reasons require it, the head of the responsible organizing element of the Theresian Military Academy may be required to provide individual, a training subject in accordance with the Appendix 1 Assign or completely re-assign teaching content or parts of this subject to another subject.
Examination Rules
§ 7. (1) The troop training course includes the examination subjects
1. |
Train Commandant Training Part 1 to 4, |
2. |
Weapons-or technical training Part 1 to 4 and |
3. |
Body training. |
The level of requirements arises from the teaching contents of the Appendix 1 . |
(2) Examination subjects are to be placed in partial exams
1. |
1 to 3, as well as Z 2 and 3 before individual examiners, and |
2. |
1 Z 1, Part 4, before an examination senate. |
(3) The partial examinations are to be deposited in the examination subjects
1. |
in accordance with paragraph 1 (1) (1) and (2) respectively verbally and |
2. |
according to paragraph 1 Z 3 in practice. |
In the cases of the Z 1, the final test piece is the final test piece with respect to the corresponding partial test. In determining the examination result of the respective practical test part, an overall assessment of the services provided to date in the respective examination subject is to be included. |
(4) The participants in the troop training course are, after completion of the respective course content or parts of this assigned course content, by the head of the responsible organizing element of the Theresian military academy to be assigned to the respective partial exams (examination plan). In the event of an undue non-isolation of parts of the teaching contents of a training subject, this head or manager has, on the basis of an overall assessment of the services already provided, in the framework of the troop of the training course on the allocation to the next following part of a training subject. This also applies in the case of an undue non-isolation of the entire course contents of an examination subject assigned to a training subject according to paragraph 1.
(5) The partial exams not passed in the examination subjects according to paragraph 1 can be repeated twice. The repeat tests shall be made possible within three months. In any case, a second examination is to be taken before an examination senate.
(6) For the weapon category Fliegertruppe, the qualification achieved shall be deemed to be a successful completion of the examination subjects as defined in section 1 (2).
Audit bodies
§ 8. (1) The Examination Committee shall consist of:
1. |
the commandant or commander of the Theresian Military Academy as chairperson or chairperson, and |
2. |
the required number of other members. |
(2) The other members shall be from the circle of officials of the categories M BO 1 or M BO 2 or equivalent categories of use or of comparable contract staff or other persons recognised in their subject in each case for a period of five years. If necessary, the Examination Committee is to be supplemented by additional members for the remainder of the respective functional period.
(3) The examination senate shall consist of the members of the examination board necessary for the respective evaluation according to § 7, according to the technical requirements. In the event of a tie, the vote shall be taken by the chairman or the chairman of the Senate.
Repetition, interruption and erasing of the authorisation
§ 9. (1) A one-time repetition of a academic year or a one-off interruption of the University of Applied Sciences Bachelorcurriculum Military tour in accordance with the provisions referred to in § 2 para. 2 shall also have a corresponding repetition or interruption of the troop officers ' passage.
(2) For professional officers and professional officers,
1. |
who are leaving the University of Applied Sciences in Military Leadership, or |
2. |
which, after obtaining the recommendation of the Commission pursuant to Article 5 (5) thereof, personal and professional aptitude for a stay in the troop officers ' passage has been determined by the Federal Minister of State or the Federal Minister for National Defence and Sport, or |
3. |
who did not pass the second repeat examination in accordance with Section 7 (5), |
, the authorisation shall be granted for Troop officers ' walk. |
Section 4
Final provisions
Transitional provisions
§ 10. (1) The successful completion of the basic training for the use groups H 2 and M BO 2 as well as the training of troop officers in accordance with the regulations in force at the time of the respective conclusion shall be considered to be a successful conclusion of the Training of troop officers in accordance with this Regulation.
(2) On troop officers ' training, which is before 1. Jänner started in 2011 and will be terminated by the end of February 28, 2014, unless otherwise specified in paragraph 3, the troop officers ' training regulation 2009 (TOV 2009), BGBl, which expires on 31 March 2012. II No 145, further to be applied.
(3) For the troop officers ' passage, which will be closed regularly after the end of the summer semester 2013 (model year 2013), the troop furnace training regulation 2009 applicable until the end of the 31 March 2012 is to be applied further. The following measures shall apply:
1. |
The 3. Part of the training subject Gefechtstechnik/Subunit including the corresponding partial examination in accordance with § 7 sec. 1 Z 1 TOV 2009 deleted. |
2. |
By way of derogation from § 6 para. 2 TOV 2009, the allocation to the 4. Part of the training course Gefechtstechnik/Subunit without a postive conclusion of the corresponding 3. Part allowed. |
(4) The troop officers 'training regulation 2012 (TOV 2012) is to be applied for the troop officers' training course, which will be closed regularly after the end of the summer semester 2014 (the 2014 model year). The following measures shall apply:
1. |
The successfully completed partial examination of the 1. Part of the training subject Gefechtstechnik/Subunit according to § 7 (1) Z 1 TOV 2009, is considered as a successfully filed partial examination Zugskommandantenapprenticeship Part 1 in accordance with § 7 Abs. 1 Z 1 TOV 2012. |
2. |
The 2. and the 3. Part of the training course Zugskommandantentraining, including the corresponding partial exams pursuant to § 7 paragraph 1 Z 1 TOV 2012, are no longer required. |
3. |
By way of derogation from § 6 para. 2 TOV 2012, the allocation to the 4. Part of the training course Zugskommandantenapprenticeship without a positive conclusion of the corresponding parts 2 and 3 admissible. |
In-and out-of-power
§ 11. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 April 2012.
(2) With the end of March 31, 2012, the German Troop Officers Training Decree 2009, BGBl, will take place. II No 145, except for force.