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Scope Of The Vienna Convention On The Establishment Of An International Classification Of The Figurative Elements Of Marks

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich des Wiener Übereinkommens über die Errichtung einer internationalen Klassifikation der Bildbestandteile von Marken

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66. Revelation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the scope of the Vienna Convention on the establishment of an international classification of the image components of trademarks

According to the Communications of the Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the following countries have ratified their instruments of ratification or ratification. Certificates of accession to the Vienna Convention on the Establishment of an International Classification of Image Components of Brands (BGBl. III n ° 178/1999, last proclamation of the BGBl area. (III) No 123/2008):


Date of deposit of the instruments of ratification. Certificate of Accession:

Bosnia and Herzegovina

19. January 2012

Korea, Republic of

17. January 2011

the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia

26 February 2010


9 December 2011


15 July 2009


29 April 2009

In addition, the Kingdom of the Netherlands has 30. Jänner 2012 states that the Convention is effective from 10. It will also apply to the Caribbean part of the Netherlands in October 2010.
