Key Benefits:
144. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, with which the Employment Services Act (Arbeitsruhegesetz-Regulation) is amended
On the basis of Section 12 (1) of the Labour Code Act, BGBl. N ° 144/1983, the annex to the regulation of the Federal Minister for Social Administration concerning exceptions to the weekend and holiday rest, BGBl. No 149/1984, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 15/2012, as amended:
In accordance with Section XVI Z 17, the following Z 17a shall be inserted:
" 17a. |
Construction workers-holiday and terminal |
Construction site checks to carry out surveys on compliance with the provisions of the Construction Workers ' Leave and Departure Act-BUAG, BGBl. No. 414/1972, and the relevant provisions of the Labour Contract Law Adaptation Act-AVRAG, BGBl. No. 459/1993. ' |