Key Benefits:
155. Regulation of the Federal Minister for the Interior, amending the regulation of the Federal Minister for the Interior, which is the subject of the guidelines for the intervention of the institutions of the Public Security Service (Directive-Regulation-RLV),
On the basis of § 31 of the German Security Policy Act (SPG), BGBl. No 566/1991, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 13/2012, will be in agreement with the Federal Minister for Justice and the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology:
The Regulation of the Federal Minister of the Interior, with the guidelines for the intervention of the institutions of the Public Security Service (RLV), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). N ° 266/1993, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 1 (3), first sentence reads:
" If the obligation to act outside the service does not already arise on the basis of the provisions of the service law, the institutions of the public security service shall only intervene in the performance of their duties if: recognise that this is necessary in order to avert a present or imminent threat to life, health, freedom of human beings or to a large extent of property, proportionate and, in accordance with their own circumstances, is reasonable. "