Key Benefits:
47. Federal Law, which changes the University Act 2002
The University Act 2002, BGBl. I n ° 120/2002, as last amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 13/2011 and the BGBl agreement. I No 45/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. In Section 16 (5), the phrase "are the performance report and" through the phrase "is" , in accordance with Section 37 (3), section 39 (5) and § 40 (2), the phrase in each case shall be deleted. "and in the performance report" .
Section 60 (1b) is deleted.
3. In Section 61 (1), the last sentence shall be replaced by the word order " The general admission period shall be at least eight weeks for the winter semester and shall end on 5 September, to be at least four weeks for the summer semester and end on 5 February. Admission to doctoral studies can also take place outside of the general admission period and the grace period. Derogations from general authorisation periods may be laid down for authorisations for studies for which special authorisation or admission procedures are provided for. In the articles of association, derogations may be laid down which provide for admission to master studies outside the general authorisation period and the grace period, if the admission is based on a bachelor's degree programme, which is based on the university has been completed. " replaced.
4. In Section 61 (2), the following shall be added after the last sentence:
" Admission to a Diploma or Bachelor's degree may only take place in exceptional cases within the period of grace. Exceptional cases are in particular:
1. |
Non-existence of an admission or admission procedure or the study entry and orientation phase in another course of studies, provided that the result for the winter semester is only after 31 August, for the summer semester only after the 31. Jänner is available; |
2. |
Obtaining the general university entrance qualification for the winter semester only after 31 August, for the summer semester only after the 31. Jänner; |
3. |
in the case of civil servants, presenters and, in the case of a voluntary social year, on 31 August and 31 August respectively, 31 January the service has been made, or there was a convocation and the service was not subsequently taken up or was interrupted or interrupted before the end of the grace period; |
4. |
persons who make it credible that they were prevented by an unforeseen or unwasteful event, to comply with the deadline, and that no fault or only a lesser degree of vision is met; |
5. |
persons who have been shown to have been prevented from applying within the general authorisation period for reasons of professional activity or traineeship; |
6. |
Persons who were demonstrably prevented from applying within the general authorisation period by reason of a stay abroad for compelling reasons. |
Further reasons may be laid down in the statutes. " |
5. In Section 61 (4), the phrase "1 September" through the phrase "5 September" and the phrase "1 February" through the phrase "5 February" replaced.
6. The following sentence is added to Section 90 (3):
"By way of derogation from Section 73 of the AVG, requests for nostrification shall be decided in a modest manner not later than three months after the entry of the application."
(7) The following paragraph 29 is added to § 143:
" (29) § 61 (1), (2) and (4) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I N ° 47/2012 are to be applied for the first time for the winter semester 2012/2013. Section 90 (3) in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I N ° 47/2012 shall apply to nostrification applications submitted after 1 May 2012. '