Key Benefits:
183. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on vocational training in the teaching profession Paper technology (paper technology training regulations)
On the basis of § § 8 and 24 of the Vocational Training Act (BAG), BGBl. No. 142/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 35/2012, shall be arranged:
Teaching profession paper technology
§ 1. (1) The teaching profession paper technology is set up with a teaching period of three and a half years.
(2) The terms chosen in this Regulation shall include the male and female form. In the teaching contracts, teaching certificates, teaching certificates and teaching letters, the teaching profession is to be described in the form corresponding to the sex of the apprentist (paper technician or paper technician).
Professional profile
§ 2. Through vocational training in the teaching profession and in the vocational school, the apprentice trained in the teaching profession is to be able to carry out the following activities in a professional, independent and self-responsible way:
1. |
Recognize paper types, their properties, and detect and correct paper errors, |
2. |
Select and check the raw and semi-materials, the chemical additives and other required materials (e.g. dyes, fillers) as well as the production of the recipes, |
3. |
Starting, operating, monitoring and off-or Conversion of machinery and equipment for the preparation of materials (e.g. cutting machines), for paper production (paper machines) and for paper finishing and finishing (e.g. coating machines, pre-scooters, roller cutting machines, cross cutters, flat cutters), |
4. |
Computer-aided monitoring and execution of process controls and process optimizations, as well as documentation of operational data, |
5. |
Maintenance, maintenance and simple maintenance of the plant-specific machines and equipment |
6. |
Perform simple assembly and disassembly work on plant-specific machinery and equipment, |
7. |
Carry out occupational chemical and physical examination methods on substance and paper samples, |
8. |
Carry out the work, taking into account the relevant safety rules, standards and environmental standards. |
Professional image
§ 3. (1) The following vocational training is defined for the training in the teaching profession of paper technology. The skills and knowledge referred to shall be conveyed, at the latest in the teaching year referred to in each case, in such a way as to enable the apprentice to pursue qualified activities in the sense of the professional profile, which shall, in particular: Independent planning, carrying out, controlling and optimising.
Pos. |
1. Year of Teacher |
2. Year of Teacher |
3. Year of Teacher |
4. Year of Teacher |
1. |
Knowledge of the operational and legal form of the teaching staff |
- |
- |
- |
2. |
Knowledge of the organizational structure and tasks and responsibilities of the individual operating areas |
- |
- |
3. |
Introduction to the tasks, the branch position and the offer of the teaching establishment |
Knowledge of the market position and the customer base of the teaching company |
4. |
Knowledge of work organisation, work planning and work design |
5. |
Ergonomic design of the workplace |
6. |
Handling and maintenance of the tools, machines, equipment and working tools to be used |
7. |
Reading of technical documents such as sketches, drawings, plans, diagrams, flow diagrams etc. |
8. |
Knowledge of materials and auxiliary materials, their properties, possibilities for use and processing possibilities |
9. |
Manual and machine processing of metals and plastics such as trade fairs, incentives, drilling |
- |
- |
- |
10. |
- |
- |
Detection and repair of faults in machines and systems |
11. |
Knowledge of waiting and maintenance as well as co-working with the maintenance, maintenance and easy maintenance of the plant-specific machines and equipment |
Maintenance, maintenance and easy maintenance of the plant-specific machines and equipment |
12. |
Knowledge of the construction and function of machine elements as well as their assembly and disassembly |
- |
- |
13. |
- |
Perform simple assembly and disassembly work on plant-specific machines and plants |
14. |
Knowledge of the paper-specific raw materials and semi-substances and the chemical additives, their properties, uses and processing possibilities, areas of application, and handling of safety data sheets |
15. |
- |
Knowledge of the types of paper, their characteristics, the possibilities for recognition, and the recognition and management of paper defects |
- |
16. |
- |
- |
Recognize the types of paper, their properties, and detect and correct paper errors |
17. |
Basic knowledge of general and analytical chemistry as well as physics |
18. |
Perform simple occupational chemical and physical examination methods on material and paper samples (such as grinding degree (Schopper-Riegler), area-related mass, tearing length, fibre microscopy, material density) with measuring and working equipment and logging of the measurement results |
Carrying out further occupational chemical and physical examination methods on material and paper samples with measuring and working equipment as well as logging of the measurement results |
19. |
- |
Knowledge of in-company energy production |
- |
20. |
Knowledge of the handling of different forms of energy production and cooperation in the handling of operational energy sources in compliance with the safety regulations |
Handling of operational energy sources in compliance with safety requirements |
21. |
Knowledge and cooperation in selecting and checking the raw materials and semi-substances, the chemical additives and other required materials (e.g. dyes, fillers) as well as during the production of the recipes |
Select and check the raw and semi-materials, the chemical additives and other required materials (e.g. dyes, fillers) as well as the production of the recipes |
22. |
Knowledge of the production of pulp, the working steps and the construction and function of the machines and equipment required for this purpose |
Co-working with pulp production |
- |
23. |
Knowledge of the material preparation processes, the working steps (e.g. preparing the filling material, assembling batches) as well as the structure and function of the machines and equipment required for this purpose (e.g. fibre-cutting machines) |
- |
- |
24. |
- |
Co-working with the starting, operating, monitoring and off-or Conversion of machinery and equipment for the preparation of materials (e.g. fibre-cutting machines) |
Starting, operating, monitoring and off-or Conversion of machinery and equipment for the preparation of materials (e.g. cerficification machines) |
25. |
Knowledge of the papermaking process, the working steps (zB set the fabric and water guidance, adjust the cross-section and the sheet formation, monitor wet press, apply the paper web, adjust the cylinder temperature, adjust the smoothness, or the carding machine, or the paper web. Roll change) as well as the structure and function of the machines and equipment required for this purpose (paper machines) |
- |
26. |
- |
Co-working with the magistrates (e.g. change of occupation), start-up, operation, monitoring and off-or Relocations of machinery and equipment for paper production (paper machines) |
Equipping (e.g. change of occupation), starting, operating, monitoring and off-or Relocations of machinery and equipment for paper production (paper machines) |
27. |
- |
Knowledge of the paper finishing and paper equipment processes, the work steps (insert the paper web, set the knife, make adhesive, set the roll control, set formats), and the structure and function of the Required machines and equipment (e.g. coating machines, pre-scooters, roller cutting machines, cross cutters, flat cutters) |
- |
28. |
- |
Co-working with the starting, operating, monitoring and off-or Conversion of machinery and equipment for the finishing and finishing of paper (e.g. coating machines, pre-scooters, roller cutting machines, cross cutters, flat cutters) |
Starting, operating, monitoring and off-or Conversion of machinery and equipment for the finishing and finishing of paper (e.g. coating machines, pre-scooters, roller cutting machines, cross cutters, flat cutters) |
29. |
- |
Basic knowledge of electrical engineering, measuring, control and control technology, hydraulics, pneumatics and electropneumatics as well as process control technology |
30. |
- |
- |
Service and monitoring of hydraulic, pneumatic and electropneumatic control and control systems |
31. |
- |
- |
Computer-aided process monitoring and execution of process controls and process optimizations as well as acquisition of operating data |
32. |
- |
- |
Documenting the production-relevant data (e.g. fault records) as well as their verification for completeness and correctness |
33. |
Knowledge of quality management measures |
Co-working with quality management |
34. |
- |
Knowledge and cooperation in the operation-specific waste-air and waste-water treatment as well as the waste treatment |
35. |
Knowledge of the use of personal protective equipment in the production facilities |
36. |
Knowledge of operational fire and explosion protection as well as preventive fire and explosion protection measures |
37. |
Knowledge and application of the relevant English technical expressions |
38. |
Knowledge and application of the company EDP (hard- and software) |
39. |
Basic knowledge of operational costs, their impact and their impact |
- |
- |
40. |
Knowledge of the obligations arising from the apprenticeship contract (§ § 9 and 10 BAG) |
41. |
Knowledge of the content and aim of the training, as well as essential training opportunities in this area |
42. |
The measures and regulations relating to the protection of the environment relevant to the teaching profession: basic knowledge of operational measures for meaningful energy use in the job-relevant working area; basic knowledge of the work-related work area residual substances produced and their separation, recovery and disposal of waste |
43. |
Knowledge of the relevant safety rules and standards, as well as the relevant rules on the protection of life and health, in particular occupational hygiene and safety regulations and the use of electrical equipment Current |
44. |
Knowledge of first-time supply in case of occupational accidents |
45. |
Basic knowledge of the labour law provisions which are subject to the law |
(2) In the course of the training in the professional knowledge and skills-with special attention to the operational requirements and requirements-it is necessary to pay attention to the personality formation of the apprentiate, in order to provide him with the necessary skills for a professional. Key qualifications in terms of social competence (such as openness, teamwork, conflict ability), self-competence (such as self-assessment, self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience), methodological competence (such as presentation skills, rhetoric in German language, comprehensibility in the broad guidelines of the The English language) and competence for self-directed learning (such as willingness, knowledge of methods, ability to select suitable media and materials) to be conveyed.
Rejecting Audit
§ 4. (1) The final examination is divided into a theoretical and a practical test.
(2) The theoretical examination comprises the subject matter of subject matter, applied mathematics and trade mark.
(3) The theoretical examination shall not apply if the candidate for the examination is to achieve the teaching objective of the last class of the professional vocational school or the successful completion of a vocational middle or higher school that replaces the apprenticeship has proven.
(4) The practical examination shall include the items of test work and expert discussion.
Theoretical examination
General provisions
§ 5. (1) The theoretical examination shall be carried out in writing. It can be carried out jointly for a larger number of examinees, if this is possible without impairment of the test sequence.
(2) The theoretical examination should normally be held prior to the practical examination.
(3) The tasks shall be in accordance with the scope and level of the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice.
(4) The written work of the test specimen shall be marked accordingly.
§ 6. (1) The audit shall include the substantive answer to tasks from all the following areas:
1. |
Raw, semi-and chemical additives, |
2. |
Preparation of materials, |
3. |
Pulp testing (pulp, paper), |
4. |
Machinery and equipment, |
5. |
technical procedures, |
6. |
Environmental and waste disposal technology. |
(2) The test can also be checked in programmed form with questionnaires. In this case, five questions are to be asked from each area.
(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 90 minutes.
(4) The test shall be terminated after 120 minutes.
Applied mathematics
§ 7. (1) The audit shall include tasks from all the following areas:
1. |
simple invoices from the mechanics, |
2. |
paper-making calculations (area, volume, mass), |
3. |
Material mixing and dewatering calculations, |
4. |
Paper production-specific calculations (e.g. speeds, production). |
(2) Use of calculation instructions, tables and formulas is allowed.
(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 90 minutes.
(4) The test shall be terminated after 120 minutes.
§ 8. (1) The test shall include the preparation of a drawing in the form of a schema for the preparation and production of pulp and paper.
(2) The task shall be to be carried out in such a way that it can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.
(3) The test shall be terminated after 90 minutes.
Practical examination
Audit work
§ 9. (1) The examination consists of the following work samples and simulations:
Work samples:
1. |
the determination of the variety of paper, |
2. |
Paper and substance testing; and |
3. |
Paper error message; |
1. |
Preparation of materials, |
2. |
Operation of paper machines, |
3. |
Paper equipment, |
4. |
Service, adjustment and control of process control systems according to specification. |
(2) The Examination Committee has to submit to each examination candidate a test work, usually in seven, for the purpose of the final examination, the requirements of the professional practice and the field of activity of the teaching establishment. Work hours can be performed.
(3) The examination shall be terminated after eight hours of work in the subject-matter of the examination.
(4) The following criteria shall apply to the evaluation in the subject-matter of test work:
1. |
professional execution, |
2. |
Cleanliness, |
3. |
proper functioning, |
4. |
Using the right tools and devices in a professional way. |
Expert discussion
§ 10. (1) The expert interview shall be submitted before the entire examination board.
(2) The expert discussion has to be developed from the practical activity. Here, the practical knowledge of the candidate is to be determined by using technical terms. The examination candidate shall present technical problems and their solutions, identify the technical background relevant to the contract and justify the procedure in the performance of the contract. The examination is in the form of a conversation that is as lively as possible, with a call for discussion by means of the description of situations and problems.
(3) The purpose of the topic is to correspond to the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of professional practice. In this case, test pieces, material samples, demonstration objects, tools, components, drawings or display panels are to be used. Questions on relevant safety regulations, protection measures and accident prevention as well as relevant environmental protection and disposal measures should be included.
(4) The expert discussion shall take 20 minutes for each test specimen. An extension of not more than ten minutes shall be carried out on a case-by-case basis if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the test specimen without a doubt.
Repeat Review
§ 11. (1) The final examination of the Lehrabate can be repeated.
(2) In the case of the repetition of the test, only those test objects evaluated with "not enough" are to be considered.
Entry into force and final provisions
§ 12. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2012.
(2) The training regulations for the teaching profession paper technician, BGBl. No 329/1992, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 177/2005, without prejudice to paragraph 4, with the expiry of 31 May 2012.
(3) The examination regulations for the teaching profession paper technician, BGBl. No 335/1992, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. No 163/1993, without prejudice to paragraph 4, with the expiry of 31 May 2012.
(4) Apprentices who are trained in the teaching profession on 31 May 2012 may be trained in accordance with the training regulations referred to in paragraph 2 until the end of the agreed apprenticeship period and may, up to one year after the end of the training period, be completed. agreed on the teaching period for the examination of the teaching qualification according to the examination regulations referred to in paragraph 3 above.
(5) The teaching periods completed in the teaching profession of paper technicians in accordance with the training regulations referred to in paragraph 2 shall be fully attributed to the teaching period in the teaching profession of paper technology in accordance with this Regulation.