Key Benefits:
225. Regulation of the Broadcasting and Telekom Regulatory GmbH, which establishes a partial plan for communication parameters (special communication parameter-ordinance 2012-SKP-V 2012)
On the basis of Section 63 (1) of the Federal Act, which enacted a Telecommunications Act (Telecommunications Act 2003-TKG 2003), Federal Law Gazette I No. 70/2003 idF BGBl. I No 102/2011, shall be arranged:
Section 1
§ 1. The aim of this Regulation is the efficient structuring and management of specific communication parameters in order to meet the requirements of users and providers in an objective, transparent and non-discriminatory manner.
Responsibilities, general procedure
§ 2. (1) The regulatory authority shall, upon request, share specific communication parameters (SKP)-unless otherwise specified below-for a limited period of up to 12 months. In duly substantiated cases, in particular in the case of a lawful use in connection with a re-application, a period of up to 36 months may be granted or a period of time limit may be waited. When determining the allocation period, consideration should be given, in particular, to a possible scarcity of the particular communication parameters concerned. In any case, a shortage occurs when at least 70% of the total available special communication parameters of a type have already been allocated.
(2) A claim for allocation of certain SKP does not exist.
(3) Legal persons without a registered office in Austria shall have a service representative within the meaning of Section 9 of the Delivery Act, BGBl. No 200/1982 idF BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, to be reputable. Any changes in the person of the service representative shall be notified to the regulatory authority within two weeks after the change has been made. If the display of this change is not made, RTR-GmbH may, until the new announcement of a service representative by the dispatch holder, the delivery of documents without further delivery attempt by deposit at RTR-GmbH .
(4) The allocation holder shall immediately inform the regulatory authority
1. |
the beginning and end of the use of a SKP, |
2. |
any changes in the circumstances which have been subject to the conditions for the allocation; |
3. |
SKP or SKP no longer needed blocks of SKP, as well as |
4. |
any change of name and/or address |
. |
Section 2
Network indicator
(Network Indicator-NI)
General and usage
§ 3. (1) The network indicator (NI) for the international signalling network is defined in accordance with the recommendation Q.704 (07/96) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T) with "00" and serves to identify switching centres in the network. international signalling network.
(2) The NI shall be defined as '11' for the national signalling network and '10' for the operator's signalling network.
(3) All addresses of switching points (Signalling Point Codes) of (decimal) 0 to 16383, which address switching centers in the operating signaling network (NI = 10), can be addressed by communication network operators within their Signalling network is freely used.
Section 3
Special communication parameters
Addresses of international signaling points
(International Signalling Point Codes-ISPC)
§ 4. (1) ISPC are used to address signaling points in the international signaling network, which are marked with NI = 00.
(2) The basic structure of the addressing of international signaling points is governed by the ITU-T recommendation Q.708 (03/99).
§ 5. (1) The regulatory authority shall, at the request of operators of public communications networks with active or planned international network connections, agree to an ISPC assigned by the ITU-T to Austria. The application has in particular a description and description of the communication network, the geographical location of the signalling point, a concept of implementation for international connections and the proof of the need for an ISPC by means of an estimate of the traffic volume from the 6. Month after dispatch.
(2) In justified cases, more than one ISPC may be allocated.
§ 6. (1) A dispatched ISPC may be used exclusively for addressing the signaling point indicated in the allocation.
(2) The marketing authorisation holder shall:
1. |
to use the assigned ISPC within six months of the allocation in its public communications network with international connections, |
2. |
the regulatory authority, at the request of the regulatory authority, the traffic volume broken down by month, or to communicate the number of signalling messages transmitted via the ISPC; and |
3. |
to ensure fault-free operation of the signalling network by means of appropriate technical equipment, and to demonstrate this in a suitable manner at the request of the regulatory authority. |
(3) The use of an assigned ISPC shall not be interrupted for more than three months.
Addresses of national signaling points
(National Signalling Point Codes-NSPC)
§ 7. (1) NSPC are used to address signaling points in the national signaling network, which are marked with NI = 11.
(2) The basic structure of the addressing of national signalling points is based on ITU-T Recommendation Q.705 (03/93).
§ 8. (1) The regulatory authority shall, at the request of operators of public communications networks, communicate with active or active public communications networks. Planned national network connections eight NSPC as a block in the range of 0-16383 (decimal). The application shall contain, in particular, a designation of the communication network and a description of the network structure. In justified cases, more than eight NSPCs can also be allocated.
(2) The need for further NSPC is to be demonstrated.
§ 9. (1) Shared NSPC may only be used for the addressing of signaling points in the communications network specified in the allocation.
(2) The marketing authorisation holder shall:
1. |
use at least one of the allocated NSPC within six months of the allocation in the public communications network specified in the application; |
2. |
to ensure the disruption-free operation of the signalling network by means of appropriate technical equipment, and to demonstrate this in a suitable manner at the request of the regulatory authority; |
3. |
The locations of the exchanges addressed by the NSPC used shall be announced at the request of the regulatory authority. |
(3) The use of an assigned NSPC block by the use of at least one NSPC contained in this block shall not be interrupted for more than three months.
Data Network Identification Code
(Data Network Identification Code-DNIC)
§ 10. (1) A DNIC is used for the identification of data networks in the international data network.
(2) The basic structure is governed by the ITU-T Recommendation X.121 (10/00).
§ 11. (1) The regulatory authority shall, at the request of operators of public communications networks, communicate at least one international data service, or , a DNIC, or parts thereof, from the area allocated by ITU-T to Austria for use. The application shall contain, in particular, a designation of the relevant communication network.
(2) The need for a DNIC or Parts of it shall be proven.
§ 12. (1) A allocated DNIC or Parts of this may only be used for addressing the communications network indicated in the dispatch.
(2) The marketing authorisation holder shall:
1. |
to operate a public communications network with international links within six months of the allocation, via which at least one international data service shall be offered, to which the allocated DNIC, or parts thereof, shall be offered for addressing used |
2. |
the regulatory authority, at the request of the regulatory authority, to indicate the links with other equivalent networks. |
(3) The use of a allocated DNIC or Parts thereof shall not be suspended for more than three months.
(4) The dispatch holder shall be obliged to communicate traffic relations with other national and international data networks registered by DNIC.
(5) Traffic relationships with other data networks must be geared to continuous operation and must comply with the quality criteria of the respective service.
(6) The allocation holder shall, upon request, notify the regulatory authority of the volume of traffic broken down by month.
Identification code for a mobile network
(Mobile Network Code-MNC)
§ 13. (1) An MNC is used to address a public mobile communications network.
(2) The basic structure of the addressing of mobile terminals and subscribers of a mobile communications network is governed by ITU-T Recommendation E.212 (05/2008).
§ 14. (1) The regulatory authority shall, upon request, communicate to operators of public mobile communications networks, or to applicants planning the operation of a public mobile communications network, an MNC for joint use with the Mobile Country Code (MCC) assigned by ITU-T to Austria. The application shall contain, in particular, a designation of the public mobile communications network.
(2) The need for an MNC shall be demonstrated.
(3) In justified cases, more than one MNC may be allocated.
§ 15. (1) A allocated MNC may be used exclusively for the addressing of the public mobile communications network indicated in the allocation.
(2) The dispatching holder shall use the assigned MNC within 12 months after allocation in its mobile communications network.
(3) The use of an assigned MNC shall not be interrupted for more than three months.
Identification code for a public mobile Tetra network
(Tetra Mobile Network Code-T-MNC)
§ 16. (1) A T-MNC is used to address a mobile Tetra communication network.
(2) The basic structure of the addressing of mobile terminals and subscribers of a mobile Tetra communication network is governed by the standard of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), EN 300 392-1 V1.4.1 (2009-01).
§ 17. (1) The regulatory authority shall, at the request of operators of mobile Tetra communications networks or to applicants who plan the operation of a mobile Tetra communication network, a T-MNC. The application shall contain, in particular, a designation of the mobile Tetra communication network.
(2) The need for a T-MNC shall be demonstrated.
(3) In justified cases, more than one T-MNC may be allocated.
§ 18. (1) A dispatched T-MNC may be used exclusively for the mobile Tetra communication network specified in the allocation.
(2) The dispatching holder shall use the assigned T-MNC within 12 months of the allocation in its mobile Tetra communication network.
(3) The use of an assigned T-MNC shall not be interrupted for more than three months.
Identification code for an international closed user group
(International Closed User Group Number-ICN)
§ 19. (1) ICN is used to address international closed user groups in public communications networks.
(2) The basic structure of the identification codes for international closed user groups is based on the ITU-T Recommendation X.180 (11/88).
§ 20. (1) The regulatory authority shall, at the request of operators of public communications services which have already been assigned E.164 call numbers, allocate 100 ICN from the area allocated by ITU-T to Austria as a block.
(2) In justified cases, more than 100 ICN may be allocated.
(3) The need for further ICN is to be demonstrated.
§ 21. (1) Shared ICN may only be used for the addressing of international closed user groups.
(2) The dispatch holder shall use at least one of the allocated ICN within six months of the allocation.
(3) The use of an allocated ICN block by the use of at least one ICN contained in this block shall not be interrupted for more than three months.
(4) In the case of cross-network closed user groups, the allocation holder shall allow the use of allocated ICN.
Section 4
Transitional and final provisions
Transitional provision
§ 22. Existing allocations of SKP at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation shall remain in place.
In-force pedals
§ 23. This Regulation shall enter into force on 30 June 2012.
§ 24. With the entry into force of this Regulation, the 2nd Ordinance of the Broadcasting and Telekom Regulatory GmbH, which establishes a subplan for communication parameters (special communication parameter regulation-SKP-V) of the 27. October 2003, made known by the edition of RTR-GmbH, out of force.