Key Benefits:
307. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, which sets out the feed-in tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from green electricity plants on the basis of contracts, the conclusion of which is the eco-current winding site as of 1. July 2012 until the end of 2013 (Ökostrom-Feed-in-tariff Regulation 2012-ÖSET-VO 2012)
Due to § 12 as well as § 14 bis § 20 of the 2012 Ecoelectricity Act (ÖSG 2012), BGBl. I No 75/2011, as last amended by the BGBl agreement. I No 11/2012,
1. |
with regard to § 1 to § 12 and § 14 by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management and the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and consumer protection, |
2. |
with regard to § 13 by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth |
ordering: |
§ 1. (1) This Regulation shall, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 10 (9) and § 25 of the ÖSG (ÖSG) 2012, the setting of feed-in tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from new plants (Section 5 (1) Z 20 in conjunction with Z 23 ÖSG 2012), to which a Notification of recognition according to § 7 ÖSG or § 7 ÖSG 2012 has been granted and the wind, sun (excluding photovoltaics with a peak power of up to 5 kW in accordance with § 12 paragraph 2 Z 3 ÖSG 2012), solid, liquid or gaseous biomass, geothermal energy or small hydropower (with a bottleneck capacity of up to 2 MW in accordance with In accordance with § 14 (7) of the ÖSG (Austrian Public Law) 2012).
(2) The feed-in tariffs determined in § 5 to § 13 are to be based only on those feed-in tariff agreements,
1. |
To the conclusion of which the Oeko-downstream Unit is required under the Ecoflow Act and |
2. |
for the period from the date of entry into force of this Regulation until 31 December 2013, a request for a contract to be contracted at the ecodeburnment site has been submitted, provided that the establishment or Revitalization of the plant at this point in time has not yet been started. |
(3) This Regulation also applies mutagenicly to succession rates and to new contracts for investment extensions. For installations or plant parts for which a contract has already been concluded with the green-current winding office, the tariff and the term shall apply in accordance with the terms of the first-time contract conclusion.
Minimum efficiency
§ 2. (1) In the case of installations which are operated at least partly on the basis of geothermal energy, biomass or biogas, the feed-in tariffs specified in the regulation are to be granted only if a degree of fuel use (§ 5 (1) Z 8 ÖSG 2012) and/or the fuel consumption is to be granted. at least 60% of the total ergetic use is achieved.
(2) The attainment of the fuel consumption rate or Total ergetic use is to be demonstrated by a concept prior to commissioning of the plant. Furthermore, the achievement of the degree of fuel consumption or to demonstrate the overall level of utilisation for each completed calendar year by March of the following year at the latest, the first three months after the start of the operation being not to be included.
Duration of the feed-in tariffs
§ 3. The feed-in tariffs contained in this Regulation apply in accordance with Section 16 (1) of the ÖSG 2012
1. |
for installations according to § 5 to 7 as well as § 11 and § 12 for a period of 13 years and |
2. |
for installations according to § 8 bis § 10 for a period of 15 years |
from contracting with the green-current winding station (start of the decrease of green electricity by the green-current winding station according to § 12 ÖSG 2012) and end at the latest by the end of the 20. Operating year of the asset. |
§ 4. For the purposes of this Regulation:
1. |
"solid biomass" means forestry fuels and semi-benign fuels and their fruits (ÖNORM CEN/TS 14588); |
2. |
"suitable open spaces" for the erection of photovoltaic installations which are not located on buildings; suitable open spaces are, in particular, noise protection walls, traffic areas or surfaces of decommissioned landfills, except in the case of buildings which are not in use. land excavation sites; |
3. |
"highly efficient plants based on solid biomass" means installations which receive a feed-in tariff in accordance with § 8 and which have a fuel utilization rate of at least 70% established in the notification of recognition; |
4. |
"purely agricultural substrate materials" Economic fertilizer as well as plants for the purpose of biogas production from grassland and arable use, including their silage, as well as field-and hopeful crop residues. |
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from photovoltaics
§ 5. (1) The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from photovoltaic systems with a bottleneck power of over 5 kW peak up to 500 kW peak , which are attached exclusively to or on a building, shall be as follows:
1. |
in case of application and conclusion of the contract according to § 1 to the end of 2012 |
19.70 cent/kWh; |
2. |
in the case of application and conclusion of the contract in accordance with § 1 in 2013 |
18.12 cent/kWh. |
In addition, an amount equal to 30% of the investment costs, but not more than 200 euro/kW, shall be granted as an investment grant for the establishment. |
(2) The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from photovoltaic systems with a bottleneck power of over 5 kW peak up to 500 kW peak , which are fitted on suitable open spaces, shall be fixed as follows:
1. |
in case of application and conclusion of the contract according to § 1 to the end of 2012 |
18.43 cent/kWh; |
2. |
in the case of application and conclusion of the contract in accordance with § 1 in 2013 |
16,59 cent/kWh. |
(3) The necessary proof of the investment costs shall be provided by the presentation of the invoices, via the costs necessary for the construction, to the ecodownstream winding site.
(4) From 1. In January 2013, the granting of a network parity tariff in accordance with Section 14 (6) of the Austrian ÖSG (ÖSG 2012) is excluded for photovoltaic systems, which are being built on open spaces suitable for this purpose.
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from wind power plants
§ 6. The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from wind turbines shall be as follows:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
9,50 cent/kWh, |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
9.45 cent/kWh. |
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from geothermal energy
§ 7. The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from geothermal energy shall be as follows:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
7,50 Cent/kWh, |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
7.43 cent/kWh. |
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from solid biomass and waste with a high biogenic share, as well as setting the heat price
§ 8. (1) The following amounts shall be set as tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from electricity generation plants, which are operated exclusively from solid biomass but with the exception of wastes with a high biogenic share:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
a) |
for highly efficient systems with a bottleneck capacity of up to 500 kW |
20.00 cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck power up to 500 kW |
18.00 cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 500 kW to 1 MW |
15.80 cent/kWh; |
d) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 1 MW to 1.5 MW |
15.50 cent/kWh; |
e) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 1.5 MW up to 2 MW |
15,00 Cent/kWh; |
f) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 2 MW to 5 MW |
14.37 cent/kWh; |
g) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 5 MW to 10 MW |
13.88 Cent/kWh; |
h) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 10 MW |
11.00 cents/kWh. |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
a) |
for highly efficient systems with a bottleneck capacity of up to 500 kW |
19.90 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck power up to 500 kW |
17.91 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 500 kW to 1 MW |
15.72 cent/kWh; |
d) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 1 MW to 1.5 MW |
15.42 cent/kWh; |
e) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 1.5 MW up to 2 MW |
14.92 cent/kWh; |
f) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 2 MW to 5 MW |
14.30 cent/kWh; |
g) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 5 MW to 10 MW |
13.81 cent/kWh; |
h) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 10 MW |
10,94 cent/kWh. |
3. |
As far as the total installed capacity of fixed biomass plants, via which a contract conclusion according to § 15 ÖSG 2012 since the 20. 100 MW has been reached or exceeded: |
a) |
With a bottleneck power up to 500 kW |
14.00 cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 500 kW to 1 MW |
13.01 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 1 MW to 1.5 MW |
11.86 cent/kWh; |
d) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 1.5 MW up to 2 MW |
11.62 cent/kWh; |
e) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 2 MW to 5 MW |
11.20 cent/kWh; |
f) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 5 MW to 10 MW |
10.77 cent/kWh; |
g) |
With a bottleneck output of more than 10 MW |
8.90 cent/kWh. |
(2) With regard to the tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from power generation plants, which are operated with the exclusive use of the energy carrier waste with a high biogenic component, the following shall apply:
1. |
In the case of use of primary energy carriers according to all five-digit key numbers of Table 2 of the Appendix to Section 5 (1) Z 1 of the ÖSG 2012, which start with SN 17, the tariffs set in paragraph 1 shall be reduced by 25%; |
2. |
in the case of use of primary energy carriers in accordance with all five-digit key numbers of Table 1 of the Appendix to Section 5 (1) Z 1 of the ÖSG 2012, which start with SN 17, the tariffs set in paragraph 1 shall be reduced by 40%; |
3. |
in the case of use of primary energy carriers according to all other five-digit key numbers of Table 1 and 2 of the Appendix to Section 5 (1) (1) of the ÖSG 2012, the rate shall be as follows: |
a) |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
5.00 cent/kWh; |
b) |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
4.95 cent/kWh. |
(3) With regard to tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from hybrid and mixed combustion plants in the case of combustion in caloric power stations operated using biomass or a high biogenic waste energy source, the following shall apply: The following:
1. |
in the case of the exclusive use of solid biomass, the tariff shall be as follows: |
a) |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
6,12 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
6,06 Cent/kWh; |
2. |
in the case of use of primary energy carriers according to all five-digit key numbers of Table 2 of the Appendix to Section 5 (1) Z 1 of the ÖSG 2012, which start with SN 17, the tariffs set in Z 1 will be reduced by 20%; |
3. |
in the case of use of primary energy carriers according to all other five-digit key numbers of Tables 1 and 2 of the Appendix to Section 5 (1) Z 1 of the ÖSG 2012, the tariffs set in Z 1 shall be reduced by 30%. |
(4) In the case of a combination of the starting materials mentioned in paragraph 1 to (3), a one-part tariff is used in accordance with the fuel quantities used, in relation to the fuel heat output.
(5) The tariffs referred to in subsection (2) and (3) shall apply irrespective of whether the waste used is highly biogenic in its original form or by previous hacking, pressing or other treatment steps in its form. and density is changed.
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from liquid biomass
§ 9. (1) The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from liquid biomass shall be as follows:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
5.80 cent/kWh, |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
5.74 cent/kWh. |
(2) For electrical energy produced in cogeneration plants which are operated exclusively on the basis of liquid biomass and for which an application in accordance with § 1 (2) (2) (2) (2) of the Austrian Federal Energy Law (ÖSG 2012) for the reduction of green electricity to the , a supplement of 2 cents/kWh has been placed under this Regulation, provided that these plants are the efficiency criterion in accordance with § 8 para. 2 KWK-Gesetz, BGBl. I n ° 111/2008.
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from biogas
§ 10. (1) The following amounts shall be set as tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from electricity generation plants, which are operated using the energy carrier biogas with purely agricultural substitutes:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
a) |
With a bottleneck power up to 250 kW |
19.60 cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 250 to 500 kW |
17.02 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 500 to 750 kW |
13.41 cent/kWh; |
d) |
With a bottleneck power over 750 kW |
13,00 cent/kWh; |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
a) |
With a bottleneck power up to 250 kW |
19.50 cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 250 to 500 kW |
16.93 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 500 to 750 kW |
13.34 cent/kWh; |
d) |
With a bottleneck power over 750 kW |
12.93 cent/kWh. |
(2) The one in paragraph 1 Z 1 lit. a and Z 2 lit. a fixed tariffs shall be granted only on condition that livestock manure with a mass fraction of at least 30% is used. The verification of the use of the substrate feedstocks shall be provided by the ecodeburring body for each calendar year in the preceding calendar year at the latest by the end of January of the following year. However, if this proof of 30% is not provided in a single calendar year of the funding period, the installation shall, however, reach an application of animal manure fertilizer with a mass fraction of at least 20%, and shall be subject to the expiry of the previous calendar year. Retroactive effect of the provisions of paragraph 1, Z 1 lit. b or Z 2 lit. b fixed rates. As of the second time, no more than the market price of feed-in tariffs is no longer available for those calendar years during the funding period, in which the proof of 30% is not provided.
(3) In the case of the use of other than purely agricultural substrate feedstocks, the tariffs laid down in paragraph 1 and paragraph 6 shall be reduced by 20%.
(4) For electrical energy produced in cogeneration plants which are operated exclusively on the basis of biogas and for which, in the period determined in accordance with § 1 (2) (2) (2), an application in accordance with § 15 ÖSG 2012 for the reduction of green electricity to the by-products A supplement of 2 cents/kWh, provided that these plants are the efficiency criterion in accordance with § 8 para. 2 KWK-Gesetz, BGBl, is a supplement of 2 cents/kWh. I n ° 111/2008 (KWK-Bonus).
(5) The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from hybrid and mixed combustion plants using biogas as an energy carrier shall be proportional to the amount of biogas used in accordance with paragraph 1 or para. 3, in relation to the fuel heat output, set.
(6) By way of derogation from paragraph 1 and paragraph 2, for installations according to § 7 paragraph 1 ÖSG 2012, for which a request pursuant to § 15 ÖSG 2012 for the reduction of green electricity to the tariffs determined by this Regulation in accordance with § 1 paragraph 2 Z 2 shall be made , the following amounts have been set as tariffs for the quantities of electrical energy from gas in accordance with Article 8 (3) of the Austrian Electricity Market (ÖSG) 2012, which has been fed into the network and processed for natural gas quality:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
a) |
With a bottleneck power up to 500 kW |
17.02 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 500 to 750 kW |
13.41 cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck power over 750 kW |
13,00 cent/kWh; |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
a) |
With a bottleneck power up to 500 kW |
16.93 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 500 to 750 kW |
13.34 cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck power over 750 kW |
12.93 cent/kWh. |
(7) For electrical energy from installations in accordance with paragraph 6, a surcharge of 2 cents/kWh for the quantities of electrical energy from gas pursuant to section 21 (1) of the ÖSG 2012 shall apply if the gases fed into the grid have been prepared for natural gas quality (Technologiebonus).
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from landfill and sewage gas
§ 11. (1) The following amounts shall be set as tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from electricity generation plants, which are operated using the energy sources landfill and sewage gas:
1. |
for clarifying gas |
a) |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
6.00 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
5.94 Cent/kWh; |
2. |
for landfill gas |
a) |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
5.00 cent/kWh; |
b) |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
4.95 cent/kWh. |
(2) The tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from hybrid and mixed combustion plants using landfill and sewage gas as an energy source shall be proportional to the amount of fuel used in accordance with paragraph 1, in accordance with the quantity of gas used; set.
Feed-in tariffs for green electricity from new or revitalised small hydropower plants
§ 12. (1) As tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from new small-scale hydropower plants or those which have been revitalised to an extent in accordance with Article 5 (1) Z 26a of the ÖSG in 2012, that an increase in the bottleneck performance or the rule-of-work assets is increased by at least 50% after the completion of the revitalisation, the following amounts shall be fixed, provided that the bottleneck capacity does not exceed 2 MW:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
a) |
for the first 500 000 kWh |
10,60 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
for the next 500 000 kWh |
7.63 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
for the next 1 500 000 kWh |
6.66 cent/kWh; |
d) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
5.56 cent/kWh; |
e) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
5.25 cent/kWh; |
f) |
More than 7 500 000 kWh |
5.00 cent/kWh; |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
a) |
for the first 500 000 kWh |
10,55 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
for the next 500 000 kWh |
7.59 cent/kWh; |
c) |
for the next 1 500 000 kWh |
6,63 Cent/kWh; |
d) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
5.53 cent/kWh; |
e) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
5.22 cent/kWh; |
f) |
More than 7 500 000 kWh |
4.97 cent/kWh. |
(2) As tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from small-scale hydropower plants, which have been revitalised to an extent in accordance with Article 5 (1) Z 26a of the ÖSG 2012, that an increase in the congestion performance or the standard work assets by at least 15% in accordance with Implementation of the revitalisation shall be achieved, provided that the constride performance does not exceed 2 MW, the following amounts shall be fixed:
1. |
when applying until the end of 2012 |
a) |
for the first 500 000 kWh |
8.30 cent/kWh; |
b) |
for the next 500 000 kWh |
6,06 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
for the next 1 500 000 kWh |
5.25 cent/kWh; |
d) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
3.83 cent/kWh; |
e) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
3.54 cent/kWh; |
f) |
More than 7 500 000 kWh |
3.25 cent/kWh; |
2. |
when submitting applications in 2013 |
a) |
for the first 500 000 kWh |
8.26 cent/kWh; |
b) |
for the next 500 000 kWh |
6.03 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
for the next 1 500 000 kWh |
5.22 cent/kWh; |
d) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
3.81 cent/kWh; |
e) |
for the next 2 500 000 kWh |
3.52 cent/kWh; |
f) |
More than 7 500 000 kWh |
3.23 cent/kWh. |
(3) The zoning limits laid down in paragraph 1 and paragraph 2 shall relate to a calendar year. A collective wage agreement for the quantities fed in a broken year shall be calculated on a time-basis basis.
(4) The increase in the standard work capacity shall be demonstrated by the opinion of a civil engineer.
Feed-in tariffs for certain raw material-dependent plants after the end of the obligation to contract
§ 13. (1) As tariffs for the reduction of electrical energy from power generation plants, which, according to Article 17 of the Austrian ÖSG (ÖSG) 2012, have submitted an application to the ecocurrent winding station after the expiry of the obligation to contract in the period determined in accordance with § 1 paragraph 2 Z 2, the following amounts shall be fixed:
1. |
in case of application for the successor tariff until the end of 2012 |
a) |
for installations in accordance with Article 8 (1), which are operated under the exclusive use of the energy carrier, solid biomass, |
aa) |
With a bottleneck capacity of up to 2 MW |
12.09 Cent/kWh; |
bb) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 2 MW to 10 MW |
10,40 Cent/kWh; |
cc) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 10 MW |
10,00 Cent/kWh; |
b) |
for installations according to Article 10 (1), which are operated using the energy carrier biogas with purely agricultural substrate materials, |
aa) |
With a bottleneck performance up to 250 kW |
11.50 cent/kWh; |
bb) |
With a bottleneck performance over 250 kW |
10,00 Cent/kWh; |
2. |
in case of application for the successor arif in 2013 |
a) |
for installations in accordance with Article 8 (1), which are operated under the exclusive use of the energy carrier, solid biomass, |
aa) |
With a bottleneck capacity of up to 2 MW |
12.03 Cent/kWh; |
bb) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 2 MW to 10 MW |
10,35 Cent/kWh; |
cc) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 10 MW |
9,95 cent/kWh; |
b) |
for installations according to Article 10 (1), which are operated using the energy carrier biogas with purely agricultural substrate materials, |
aa) |
With a bottleneck performance up to 250 kW |
11.44 cent/kWh; |
bb) |
With a bottleneck performance over 250 kW |
9,95 cent/kWh; |
3. |
as far as the total installed capacity of plants based on solid biomass, via which a contract has been concluded in accordance with § 15 ÖSG 2012 since the 20th of 2012. 100 MW has been reached or exceeded: |
a) |
With a bottleneck capacity of up to 2 MW |
7.80 cent/kWh; |
b) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 2 MW to 10 MW |
6.60 Cent/kWh; |
c) |
With a bottleneck performance of more than 10 MW |
6,00 cent/kWh. |
(2) In the case of biogas plants with the use of other than purely agricultural substrate feedstocks, the tariffs laid down in paragraph 1 (1) (1b) and (2b) shall be reduced by 20%.
(3) As a prerequisite for the use of the successor tariff, a concept must be submitted by the plant operator, such as the installation according to the 20. Can generate green electricity without using subsidies. The eco-downstream processing unit shall examine the information. The granting of a successor tariff shall be refused if such proof is not provided.
entry into force
§ 14. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force with the day following the presentation.
(2) In the case of photovoltaic contracts after the entry into force of this Regulation, or on applications from other green electricity plants which will be submitted after the entry into force of this Regulation is the 2012 Eco-electricity Regulation, BGBl. II No 471/2011, no longer apply.