Key Benefits:
321. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Health on Hygiene in Baths, Hot Bubble Tubs (Whirlwannen), Saunaanlagen, Warmluft-und Dampfbädern und Kleinbadeteichen (Bäderhygieneverordnung 2012-BHygV 2012)
On the basis of § 15 of the Bäderhygienegesetz (BHygG), BGBl. No. 254/1976, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. No 42/2012,-in so far as it is concerned with the permit requirement in accordance with § 74 of the Industrial Code in 1994, warm-air tubs (whirlpools), sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths and small bath ponds, shall be acting in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth-decreed:
table of contents
Section 1 |
§ 1 |
Scope |
§ 2 |
Definitions |
Section 2 |
A. General requirements for pelvis |
§ 3 |
Nature of basin walls and floors |
§ 4 |
Beckenthroughflow |
B. Requirements for water quality in pelvis |
§ 5 |
Fill water |
§ 6 |
Water from the water treatment plant before chlorination |
§ 7 |
Beckenwasser |
§ 8 |
Investigation methods |
C. Water treatment plants and treatment processes for tanks |
§ § 9 to 13 |
Water treatment plants |
§ 14 |
Approved treatment procedures |
§ § 15 to 21 |
Calculation of the flows |
Section 22 |
Calculation of the surcharges to the delivery stream |
Section 23 |
Calculation of nominal load |
§ 24 |
Water treatment in diving pools |
Section 25 |
Water treatment at Wat-, tret-and shritable pools |
§ § 26 to 28 |
Filter and filtration |
§ 29 |
Requirements for the facilities for the disinfection of the pool water |
§ 30 |
Requirements for the ozone oxidation stage |
D. Hygienic-technical operation of the pelvis |
Section 31 |
Beckenemptying, cleaning, disinfection |
Section 32 |
Filler water additive |
§ 33 |
Operation |
§ § 34 and 35 |
Operation with reduced flow rate |
§ 36 |
Flushing of the filter system |
Section 37 |
Cleaning of the overflow gutter |
§ 38 |
Sampling cocks |
§ § 39 and 40 |
Disinfectants and other authorised chemicals |
E. Intra-operational control of pelvis |
Section 41 |
Operational diary |
§ § 42 and 43 |
Annual water hygienic expert opinion |
F. Administrative control |
Section 44 |
Verifications prior to the granting of the operating licence |
§ 45 |
Control during operation |
Section 3 |
Section 46 |
A. General requirements for hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs) |
B. Requirements for water quality in hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen) |
§ 47 |
Fill water |
§ 48 |
Trough water |
§ 49 |
Investigation methods |
§ 50 |
Additives for bathing water |
C. Disinfection and hygienic-technical operation of hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs) |
Section 51 |
Disinfection of the Wanning circuit |
Section 52 |
Cleaning of the well surface |
Section 53 |
Dosing system |
§ 54 |
Disinfectants |
§ 55 |
Re-operating after prolonged standstill |
D. Internal control of hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen) |
§ 56 |
Operational diary |
§ § 57 and 58 |
Annual water hygienic expert opinion |
E. Government control |
§ 59 |
Verification before the granting of the operating licence |
§ 60 |
Control during operation |
Section 4 |
§ § 61 to 64 |
A. General requirements and hygienic-technical management for sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths |
Section 65 |
B. Indoor control of sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths |
Section 66 |
C. Administrative control |
Section 5 |
Section 67 |
A. General requirements for baths in surface waters |
Section 68 |
B. Administrative control |
6. |
A. General requirements for small bathing ponds |
Section 69 |
Small bathing ponds |
Section 70 |
Bathing area and regeneration area |
Section 71 |
Additional technical facilities |
Section 72 |
Nominal load |
Section 73 |
Mean water depth, minimum water depth, shallow water areas, attractions |
Section 74 |
Access areas |
§ 75 |
Possibility of feeding filling water |
Section 76 |
Waterfowl, fish |
B. Requirements for water quality in small bath ponds |
Section 77 |
Fill water |
Section 78 |
Power supply from wells or springs |
§ 79 |
Feeding from above-ground inflows |
§ 80 |
Bathing water of a small bathing pond |
§ 81 |
Investigation methods |
C. Hygienic-technical operation of small bath ponds |
Section 82 |
Bathing order and information for bathers |
D. Internal control of small bathing ponds |
Section 83 |
Operational diary |
§ § 84 and 85 |
Annual water hygienic expert opinion |
E. Government control |
§ 86 |
Verifications prior to the granting of the operating licence |
§ 87 |
Control during operation |
Section 7 |
Section 88 |
Guarantee of hygienic operation |
§ 89 |
Walk-in surfaces |
§ 90 |
Walls |
Section 91 |
Fittings and fixtures |
§ 92 |
Dress-up matters |
§ § 93 and 94 |
Wet rooms, shower facilities, WC facilities |
§ 95 |
First Aid Room |
§ 96 |
Bathing Order |
8. Section |
Section 97 |
Pre-writing of further measures |
Section 98 |
Indoor swimming pools and artificial outdoor swimming pools approved and approved by the industrial |
§ 99 |
Water quality of pools (bath water heating) |
§ 100 |
Saunaanlagen approved and approved by the industrial and commercial sector |
§ 101 |
Installations not subject to authorisation for industrial use |
Section 102 |
According to the legislation in the areas of natural mineral resources and of spa and health care facilities or of health and care facilities approved baths and hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen) |
Section 103 |
Thermal baths approved and approved for commercial purposes (whirl pools), warm air and steam baths as well as small bath ponds |
Section 104 |
Bath hygiene approved warm sprue tubs (whirlpool tubs) |
Section 105 |
Industrial-approved warm sprue tubs (whirlpools) |
§ § 106 and 107 |
entry into force |
Appendix 1 |
Analysis and testing methods for water of pools and warm sprue tubs (whirlpools) |
Appendix 2 |
Approved flocculants |
Appendix 3 |
Approved disinfectants |
Appendix 4 |
Authorised oxidising agents |
Appendix 5 |
Approved pH-value adjustment |
Appendix 6 |
Analysis and testing methods for small bathing ponds |
Appendix 7 |
Note for bathers in small bathing ponds |
Appendix 8 |
Requirements for the location finding for water hygienic reports in accordance with § 14 para. 2 ff BHygG on the nature of the water of pools |
Appendix 9 |
Requirements for the location finding for water hygienic reports in accordance with § 14 para. 2 ff BHygG on the nature of the water of warm sprue tubs (Whirlwannen) |
Appendix 10 |
Requirements for the location finding for water hygienic reports in accordance with § 14 para. 2 ff BHygG on the nature of the water of small bath ponds |
Section 1
§ 1. (1) This Regulation shall apply to baths, warm-air tubs (whirlpools), sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths, baths on surface waters and small bathing ponds to the extent that paragraphs 2 to 4 do not determine otherwise.
(2) § § 44, 59 and 86 shall not apply to commercial operating installations subject to the permit requirement in accordance with § 74 of the Industrial Code of 1994. With the exception of the first sentence in each case, § § 45, 60, 66, 68 and 87 on industrial premises subject to the permit requirement in accordance with § 74 of the Industrial Code in 1994 are within the scope of the monitoring provisions according to § 338 of the Industrial Code It should be applied in 1994.
(3) This Regulation is-with the exception of § § 44 and 86 and the appropriate application of § § 45, 60 and 66 within the framework of sanitary supervision-on basins and hot tub tubs (whirlpools), which are made with water from a location-bound natural Medicinal products, which are used in the areas of natural medicinal resources and of health care or of health and care facilities, are to be applied in such a way as to allow derogations to be made to this Regulation, as far as they are due to the natural nature of the site-bound natural healing , and the bathing water is of a nature, that there is no risk to the health of bathers, especially in terms of hygiene.
(4) This Regulation shall not apply to baths, hot tubs (whirlpools), sauna facilities, hot-air and steam baths and small bathing ponds intended for use in a residential complex with less than six units of housing to be operated.
§ 2. For the purposes of this Regulation:
1. |
Baths: indoor pools, artificial outdoor pools, warm bubbling pools (whirl pools) and baths in surface waters; |
2. |
Indoor swimming pool: bath with one or more pools in one building; |
3. |
Artificial outdoor pool: bathroom with one or more outdoor pools; |
4. |
Basin: all types and forms of basin, independent of geometric definitions, such as swimming pools, swimming pools, multi-purpose pools, diving pools, plunge pools, warm-air pools (whirl pools), shouting pools, wat and trek pools, treatment basins, children's paddling pool and landers for water slides intended for use by a number of persons, including the facilities required for the treatment and disinfection of the pool water; |
a) |
Outdoor pool: open air pool; |
b) |
Indoor pool: Basin, located in a building; |
c) |
child paddling pool: pelvis or basin parts intended to be used primarily for children and having a water depth of ≤ 0.4 m; |
d) |
Multi-purpose basin: basins where water depths of up to 1.35 m and 1.35 m are available; |
e) |
Landing basins for water slides: independent basins, in which one or more water slides end, even if they are designed as flat runout areas; |
f) |
Saltwater basin: basin with pool water, which has sodium chloride in a concentration of more than 1 g/l; |
g) |
Diving pool: tank with a water temperature ≤ 20 ° C, which serves to cool down; |
h) |
Vario basin: basin with height-adjustable intermediate floor, by which the water depth can be varied entirely or in partial areas, depending on the use; |
i) |
Warm pool: basin with pool water temperature > 32 ° C; |
j) |
Hot pool (whirl pools): hot pool, where air or an air/water mixture is pressed in a substantial part of the pool body by means of nozzles; |
k) |
Paddling pool, paddling pool, basin: basin with a maximum water depth of 0.6 m, mainly for wetting and/or cleaning of the feet; |
l) |
Wave pool: pools with facilities for wave production; |
m) |
Therapy pools: basins operated in a facility in the areas of natural healing resources and health care facilities or in the health and care facilities, and used for medical-therapeutic purposes; |
n) |
Artificial streams: are basins, where there is a difference in level between the feeds and the flows, so that they predominantly have flow paths with turbulent water flow. Due to the difference in level between the inflow and the flows, the bathing water will run completely when the inflow is at a standstill; |
5. |
Attractions: Fitted in or in pools with water and/or air effects; in particular |
a) |
Water slide: device with an inclined sliding surface, on which the user bridges a height distance by sliding with water as a friction-reducing medium either free or with auxiliary means, depending on the construction; |
b) |
Water playground: pools in which playground equipment is situated; |
c) |
Small-scale attractions: attractions that are mainly intended for use by a person, such as nude showers, swath showers, geysers, massage jets, but also water slides with a starting height of up to 2 m; |
d) |
Large-scale attractions: attractions that greatly influence the quality of the pool water, such as water slides with a starting height above 2 m, flow channels, wave systems; |
6. |
Small bathing ponds: artificial ponds with or without technical means sealed off from the ground water, the surface of which is less than 1.5 ha and which is intended for bathing; |
7. |
Filling water: water, filled with the pool or small bath ponds and the current water losses are balanced and which is added to the water renewal; |
8. |
Treated water: water supplied via the water treatment plant before entering the basin; |
9. |
Beckenwasser: water, which is in the pool; |
10. |
Bathing water: the water circulating in the bathing area; |
11. |
Water surface: the surface of the water in the pool, which is usable for bathers as intended, including the entrance areas; |
12. |
Nominal load for pelvis: number of persons in the pool per hour, for which the cleaning capacity of the water treatment plant is designed; |
13. |
Nominal loading for small bathing ponds: maximum number of bathers per day; |
14. |
Free chlorine: chlorine present in the water as hypochlorous acid, hypochlorite ion, or as dissolved elemental chlorine; |
15. |
Bound chlorine: proportion of the total chlorine, in the form of chloramines and organic chloramines; |
16. |
Total chlorine: chlorine present as free chlorine, as bound chlorine or in both forms; |
17. |
Stream of water: bath water supplied via the treatment plant, expressed in m³ per hour; |
18. |
Circulating time: time required for the unique circulation of the pelvic volume; |
19. |
Operation time for pelvis: period of time in which basins, other than hot water pools (whirl pools) with a water volume leaned, and filters are filled with water, and the treatment plant is in operation; |
20. |
Operating time for small bathing ponds: period during which the small bathing pond is filled with water and is available for bathing; |
21. |
Opening time: that part of the operating period available for use by bathers; |
22. |
Ozone oxidation stage: Process step for oxidative water treatment, consisting of the essential functional units of ozone generator, mixing device, reaction vessel and activated-grain carbon filter; |
23. |
Hot tub tubs (whirlpools): tubs equipped with a water and/or air circulating facility, which have a water volume of more than 30 litres in operation and are intended for use in part and/or whole-body applications; |
24. |
Experts in hygiene: institutions and persons according to § 14 para. 3 BHygG. |
Section 2
A. General requirements for pelvis
Nature of basin walls and floors
§ 3. Basins must have walls and floors which are easy to clean and disinfect and do not favour the multiplication of micro-organisms. In the area with a water depth of up to 1.35 m, Beckenfloors must also be anti-slip.
§ 4. (1) The functional parts of the pelvic flow must be arranged in such a way that the water is uniformly and sufficiently renewed in all parts of the pelvis.
(2) For the purification of surface-near regions, 100% of the feed stream is continuously and uniformly, as far as paragraph 3, nothing else is determined, to be removed via an all-round overflow edge, which also includes niches, grottoes, and insets.
(3) Apart from an all-round spill edge,
1. |
Wat, trek and shouting pools, |
2. |
Level different children's paddling pool in the upper partial pools, if |
a) |
there's an overflow edge in the next lower basin, |
b) |
The sub-basins are emptied and cleaned daily, and |
c) |
the lowest basin, with the exception of the overflow edge from the upper subbasin, has an all-round overflow edge, |
3. |
walls of fittings in pelvis, provided that the total length of the water-contacting sides of these installations is not more than 20% of the all-round spill edge and the surfaces of these installations are easy to clean and disinfect, |
4. |
Landing basins for water slides with safety outlet and |
5. |
artificial streams. |
(4) The drainage of the overflow gutter is to be carried out in such a way that it can be switched over to the channel system during the cleaning and disinfection of the pelvic outlet and/or the overflow channel.
(5) In the case of hoisting floors, it must be ensured that the basin flow is not impaired and proper cleaning is possible everywhere; for this purpose, lifting floors must be either foldable or provided with sufficiently large hatches.
B. Requirements for water quality in pelvis
Fill water
§ 5. (1) The filling water must comply with the following requirements:
1. |
It must be satisfactory in terms of health care; this is generally considered to be complied with if the following microbiological requirements are met: |
a) |
Colony forming units at 37 ° C Bebrüt temperature: the concentration shall not exceed 100 in 1 ml, |
b) |
Escherichia coli: should not be detectable in 100 ml, |
c) |
Enterococci: may not be detectable in 100 ml, |
d) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: may not be detectable in 100 ml, and |
e) |
Legionella: may not be detectable in 100 ml; an examination must be carried out only if the water temperature measured at the transfer point is above 20 ° C. |
2. |
It may be in chemical terms |
a) |
do not contain substances in concentrations that may endanger the health of bathers; this is generally considered to be observed if: |
aa) |
the filling water from a water supply system according to the Drinking Water Ordinance, BGBl. II No 304/2001, as amended, or the water which does not come from a water supply system in accordance with the Drinking Water Ordinance, has been subjected to a minimum examination in accordance with the Drinking Water Regulation and its requirements; the minimum investigation must be supplemented by other parameters in the event of special geological conditions or other reasonable suspicions; |
bb) |
Potassium permanganate consumption (KMnO 4 ) Do not exceed 11 mg/l or if the TOC does not exceed 2.0 mg/l for a chloride content of more than 500 mg/l, |
b) |
do not contain any ingredients in concentrations that affect the preparation. |
(2) If there are reasonable suspicions, further microbiological and chemical parameters shall be included in the studies.
(3) Provided that the water does not meet the requirements laid down in paragraph 1, an evaluation shall be carried out by the expert or experts of the hygiene to determine whether the deviations for suitability as filling water can be tolerated or whether the preparation of the water is to be carried out by the expert. Water is necessary.
Water from the water treatment plant before chlorination
§ 6. (1) The water supplied via the water treatment plant must comply with the following requirements after filtration and before the production of the chlorine:
1. |
In bacteriological terms: |
a) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: must not be detectable in 100 ml, |
b) |
Legionella: may not be detectable in 100 ml; an examination shall be carried out if the temperature of the pool water is above 30 ° C or the temperature of the pool water is above 25 ° C and additional aerosol-forming attractions such as Air bubbles, waterfalls, geysers, fontänten, neck showers or the like are available in the pool. |
2. |
In chemical-physical terms: |
a) |
Potassium permanganate consumption (KMnO 4 ) shall not exceed a value of 7 mg/l or of the TOC, with a chloride content of more than 500 mg/l, of a value of 1.3 mg/l, |
b) |
the concentration of ozone, measured according to the activated carbon filter, must not exceed 0.05 mg/l. |
(2) The use of solar collectors is permitted only by means of a separate circuit.
§ 7. (1) Beckenwasser shall comply with the following requirements:
1. |
It must be satisfactory in terms of health care; this is generally considered to be complied with if the following microbiological requirements are met: |
a) |
Colony forming units: at 37 ° C Bebrüting temperature: the concentration shall not exceed 100 in 1 ml, |
b) |
Escherichia coli: should not be detectable in 100 ml, |
c) |
Enterococci: may not be detectable in 100 ml, |
d) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: may not be detectable in 100 ml, and |
e) |
Legionella: may not be detectable in 100 ml; an examination shall be carried out if the temperature of the pool water is above 30 ° C or the temperature of the pool water is above 25 ° C and additional aerosol-forming attractions such as Air bubbles, waterfalls, geysers, fontänten, neck showers or the like are available in the pool. |
2. |
In chemical-physical terms: |
a) |
Potassium permanganate consumption (KMnO 4 ) shall not exceed a value of 11 mg/l or of the TOC, with a chloride content of more than 500 mg/l, not exceeding 2.0 mg/l, |
b) |
the pH value must not be less than 6.5 and not more than 7.8, in hot-water pools (whirl pools), not less than 6.5 and not more than 7.4, |
c) |
the concentration of free chlorine |
aa) |
has to be in all pelvic parts |
- |
in the pH range of up to 7.4, at least 0.3 mg/l, in hot-water pools (whirl pools), at least 0.6 mg/l, |
- |
are at least 0.5 mg/l in the pH range from 7.4 to 7.8, |
bb) |
Must be at least 0.6 mg/l in the tank, at least 0.6 mg/l in the tank, the tret and the rip-through basin; |
cc) |
not exceed 2,0 mg/l in indoor swimming pools, 1.2 mg/l and in artificial outdoor pools and tins, wat, trellises and teat pools, |
d) |
the concentration of bound chlorine may not exceed 0.3 mg/l, |
e) |
the concentration of chlorine dioxide in the process referred to in § 14 Z 3 may not exceed 0,3 mg/l, the concentration of chlorite in the process referred to in § 14 Z 3 may not exceed 0,1 mg/l, |
f) |
the content of nitrates may not exceed 30 mg/l above the value of the water (§ 5), |
g) |
the pool water must be clear and free of flocculant residues, the content of aluminium must not exceed 0,2 mg/l, the content of iron may not exceed 0.05 mg/l, |
h) |
the content of chlorides may be |
aa) |
not more than 200 mg/l in the indoor pool for the procedure in accordance with § 14 Z 1, and not more than 300 mg/l for the procedures laid down in § 14 Z 2 and Z 3; |
bb) |
in open basins not more than 350 mg/l, |
cc) |
in hot-water pools (whirl pools), not more than 100 mg/l (in warm-up pools operated by a common water treatment cycle with an indoor or outdoor pool, the maximum value in accordance with (aa) or (bb) shall be applicable) |
above the value of the fill water (§ 5), |
dd) |
in saltwater basins, not more than 24.3 g/l (equivalent to a concentration of sodium chloride of not more than 40 g/l). Based on the quality of the salt used, it must be ensured that the final concentration in the pool water does not adversely affect the treatment and disinfection, and that no substances are present in concentrations that affect the health of the body. of the bathers, |
i) |
the content of trihalomethanes (THM) should not exceed 20 µ g/l and should not exceed 100 µ g/l (calculated as chloroform), |
j) |
The redox voltage, measured continuously against Ag/AgCl (3.5 m KCl) electrode (+ 25 ° C), must be |
aa) |
in the case of the procedures referred to in Articles 14 (1) and (2), be at least 700 mV; in the case of filling water from a site-linked natural medicinal presence and saltwater basins containing bromide or iodine or containing more than 5 000 mg/l of chloride, these values shall apply: not; in this case, it is possible to determine experimentally those values which ensure a comparable disinfection performance, |
bb) |
in the case of the method according to § 14 Z 3, be at least 720 mV |
3. |
It may be in chemical terms |
a) |
should not contain substances in concentrations that may endanger the health of bathers and |
b) |
do not contain any ingredients in concentrations that affect the preparation. |
(2) If there are reasonable suspicions, further microbiological and chemical parameters shall be included in the studies.
Investigation methods
§ 8. The analytical method used must be specified in the examination findings. Only methods that can be used in Annex 1. or correspond to these analysis and testing procedures.
C. Water treatment plants and treatment processes for tanks
Water treatment plants
§ 9. (1) The pool water must be treated with a water treatment plant which ensures the water quality required in the second section, part B, and which meets the requirements of section 2 and § § 10 to 13.
(2) Water treatment plants comprise equipment parts such as countervailing tanks, coarse filters, circulating pumps, flow rate meters for the flow rate, flocculating agent metering and flocculating agent mixing equipment, filter systems, chlorine release devices, Chlordosers, pH-correction devices, including measuring and control equipment, as well as equipment necessary for water management in pelvis; in the case of the process in accordance with § 14 Z 2, in addition, the parts of the ozone oxidation stage, such as: Ozone generator, mixing device, Reaction vessel and activated charcoal filter (Entozonation filter).
§ 10. If several pools are connected to a water treatment plant, each pelvis has to have its own chlordozing site.
§ 11. In order to measure the conveying flow, an easy-to-read measuring device must be installed for each basin.
§ 12. In order to measure and regulate the concentration of free chlorine, at least one measuring and regulating device must be operated for each tank. The plunge pool, Wat-Tret-und pass-through basin, which is operated in continuous operation, is excluded.
§ 13. For the measurement and regulation of the pH value, at least one measuring and regulating device must be operated for each treatment cycle.
Approved treatment procedures
§ 14. The following preparation processes are approved for the treatment of the pool water:
1. |
Flocculation-filtration-disinfection (chlorination); |
2. |
(a) flocculation-filtration-ozone oxidation (ozonation and activated charcoal filtration) in full-flow disinfection (chlorination); |
b) |
Flocculation-filtration-ozone-oxidation stage (ozonation and activated carbon filtration) in partial flow disinfection (chlorination); |
3. |
Flocculation-Filtration-Disinfection (Chlorine chlorine dioxide process with the addition of an aqueous chlorite solution prepared according to the P. -Berger method). |
Calculation of the flows
§ 15. (1) The total flow rate Q G consists of the delivery stream Q A and the sum of the respective surcharges Q Z .
(2) The flow rate Q A for a pelvis or a pelvic part is calculated as follows:
It means:
Q G = total flow rate, in m³ /h
Q A = flow rate, calculated on the basis of the pelvic type and dimensions and the respective processing method, in m³ /h
Q Z = Supplement to the flow rate, calculated on the basis of the attractions according to § 22, in m³ /h
= water surface of the basin in m²
= load factor in
= specific load in
(3) The load factor f depends on the water depth of the pelvis and is
1. |
at a water depth of up to 1.35 m: f = 3; |
2. |
at a water depth of over 1.35 m: f = 5. |
(4) The specific load b is the characteristic value for the power of a water treatment plant. The value of the specific load b is
1. |
during the processing procedure in accordance with § 14 Z 1: b = 0.5; |
2. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. a: b = 0,6; |
3. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. b: b = 0.5; |
4. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 3: b = 0.5. |
(5) Is derived from the calculation of the flow rate due to a deep pelvis (e.g. If a transition period of more than six hours is required, a circulation period of six hours shall not be exceeded.
§ 16. In the case of vario basins, the conveying flow according to the formula for a water depth of up to 1.35 m is to be calculated.
§ 17. In the case of children's paddling pools, the conveying flow according to the formula for a water depth of up to 1.35 m is to be calculated. However, a three-fold circulation of the entire pelvic content per hour must not be undershot.
§ 18. (1) In the case of hot pools, the conveying flow in the preparation processes according to § 14 Z 1, Z 2 lit. b and Z 3 according to the formula
and in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. a according to the formula
to be calculated.
(2) A circulation period of more than two hours shall not be exceeded from the calculation of the feed flow for a hot pool with a water area greater than 40 m², but a circulation period of two hours shall not be exceeded.
(3) A circulation period of more than one hour shall be obtained from the calculation of the feed flow for a hot basin with a water surface of less than 40 m², but a circulating period of one hour shall not be exceeded.
§ 19. (1) In the case of multipurpose basins, the flow rate for each basin section shall be calculated separately. The water treatment plant for such tanks shall be designed for the sum of all the feed streams. The calculated feed streams are to be fed to the respective region accordingly.
(2) In the case of multipurpose basins, the separate feeder may be omitted if:
1. |
the surface area with a water depth of ≤ 1,35 m does not exceed 20% of the total water area; |
2. |
the area area with a water depth of > 1,35 m does not exceed 20% of the total water surface area and the flow rate Q A For a water depth less than 1.35 m is used. |
(3) In the presence of a roll cover, in which the housing dips into the water and lies outside the basin circumference, the ground plan surface of the housing is added to the water surface of the basin in the calculation of the delivery flow.
§ 20. (1) In the case of treatment basins, the flow rate shall be calculated as follows:
1. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 1 and 2 lit. b and 3 according to the formula: |
corresponds to Q A = A
2. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. a according to the formula: |
is equal to
(2) For the group of persons "incontinent" or " increased risk of infection (e.g. B. Immunosupprimiert) " is only the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. a permissible and calculated according to the following formula:
is equal to
However, the total pool water volume must be circulated at least once an hour.
(3) The feed stream of the therapy base must be at least 16 m³ /h.
§ 21. (1) In the case of hot air pools (whirl pools), the flow rate shall be calculated as follows:
It means:
N = number of user places
Q G = total flow rate, in m³ /h
(2) The calculation of the number of user places shall be based on 80 cm of space per person.
(3) In the case of single-layer filters, the filter speed must be ≤ 20 m/h.
(4) In the case of multi-layer filters, the filter speed must be ≦25 m/h and the grain size combination B must be used in accordance with § 28 (1) Z 2.
(5) The pool water displaced by the bathers must be removed from the water circuit and replaced by filling water.
(6) If the water treatment of hot water pools (whirl pools) and other pools is combined, the filter area of the treatment plant shall be the sum of the total flows per basin in connection with the permitted Filter speeds (single-layer filter according to § 27, multi-layer filter according to § 28) of the filter area resulting. The feed stream of the treatment plant is the sum of the total conveying streams of the individual basins.
(7) The flow rate of the hot bubble pool (whirl pools) must be at least 16 m³ /h.
Calculation of the surcharges to the delivery stream
§ 22. (1) Attractions may only be carried out with treated water or pool water, but not with water from a countervailing tank.
(2) In the case of small-scale attractions, the surcharges Q Z is to be:
1. |
at a water temperature ≤ 32 ° C for each small-scale attraction 3 m³ /h per user space; |
2. |
at a water temperature > 32 ° C for each small-scale attraction 5 m³ /h per user space; |
3. |
in the case of an attraction which can be used at the same time by several persons, the number of user places for the calculation of the surcharge must be taken into account, with 1 m being assumed for the width of a user's place. |
(3) In the case of large-scale attractions, the surcharge is Q Z = 60 m³ /h per attraction.
(4) In case of water slides
1. |
With a starting height ≤ 1 m the surcharge Q is Z = 5 m³ /h, |
2. |
with a starting height of > 1 m and < 2 m the supplement Q Z = 35 m³ /h, |
3. |
With a starting height of ≥ 2 m the surcharge Q Z = 60 m³ /h. |
(5) Is derived from the calculation of the delivery flow Q G At a water game garden, a value of more than 2 Q A , the conveying flow Q shall G still to 2 Q A are limited.
Calculation of nominal load
§ 23. The nominal load is
1. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 1 and 2 lit. b: N = Q A x 0.5; |
2. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. a: N = Q A x 0.6; |
3. |
in the preparation process according to § 14 Z 3: N = Q A x 0.5. |
It means:
N = nominal load, in persons per hour
Q A = flow rate, calculated on the basis of the pelvic type and dimensions and the respective processing method in m³ /h.
Water treatment in diving pools
§ 24. (1) The pool water from plunge pool is to be prepared using a water treatment plant with a preparation process according to § 14. The water from plunge pools with a surface area of up to 4 m² may alternatively be treated with disinfection according to paragraph 2.
(2) Plunge pools with a surface area of up to 4 m² can be used with a quantity-proportional filling-water chlorination or with organic chlorine products (chlorine tablets) ( Annex 3 Section A). Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that the content of free chlorine in the total pool water is at least 0.6 and at most 2.0 mg/l. The addition of filling water must be carried out in an amount which ensures that the content of bound chlorine of 0.3 mg/l is not exceeded. The overflow water can no longer be supplied to the immersion tank.
(3) The plunge pool must have an all-round spill edge.
Water treatment at Wat-, tret-and shritable pools
§ 25. (1) The pool water from Wat-, tret-and through-water tanks shall be prepared either with a water treatment plant using a preparation process according to § 14 or treated with a disinfection according to paragraph 2.
(2) If a wat, tret and plumbing basin is operated with quantity proportional filling water chlorination or with organic chlorine products (chlorine tablets), the filling water additive is to be dimensioned in such a way that at a water temperature > 20 ° C a complete Water exchange within one hour and at a water temperature ≤ 20 ° C a complete water exchange takes place within two hours. The overflow water of a wat and trek basin may be supplied to a levelling tank if no organic chlorine products (chlorine tablets) are used; the overflow water of a pass-through basin is to be discarded at any rate. Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that the content of free chlorine in the pool water is at least 0.6 and at most 2.0 mg/l.
Filter and filtration
§ 26. (1) Only single-layer or multi-layer filters, which are designed as fixed-bed filters with nozzle bottom, may be used within the framework of the treatment processes listed in § 14.
(2) The filtration is carried out with a continuous addition of flocculants according to Annex 2. Care must be taken to ensure that the water supplied to each filter contains the corresponding amount of flocculant.
§ 27. (1) In the case of single-layer filters, pure quartz sand having a particle size of 0.71 to 1.25 mm or 1 to 2 mm must be used as filter material in a layer height of at least 1.2 m.
(2) The filter speed shall not exceed 30 m/h. In the case of hot pools with a water temperature above 35 ° C, in the case of warm-water pools (whirl pools) and in the case of salt water basins, the filter speed must not exceed 20 m/h. The freeboard must be at least 0.4 m.
§ 28. (1) Multi-layer filters must have two filter layers. Two different particle size combinations (grain size combination A and grain size combination B) are permitted as filter material.
1. |
Grain size combination A: |
a) |
the lower filter layer consists of quartz sand with a grain size of 0.4 to 0.8 mm and a layer height of at least 0.4 m; |
b) |
the upper filter layer consists of anthracite or brown coal coke with a grain size of 0.6 to 1.6 mm and a layer height of at least 0.4 m; |
2. |
Grain size combination B: |
a) |
the lower filter layer consists of quartz sand with a grain size of 0.71 to 1.25 mm and a layer height of at least 0.6 m; |
b) |
the upper filter layer consists of anthracite or brown coal coke with a grain size of 1.4 to 2.5 mm and a layer height of at least 0.6 m. |
(2) The filter speed shall not exceed 40 m/h. In the case of hot pools with a water temperature above 35 ° C, in the case of warm-water pools (whirl pools) and in the case of salt water basins, the filter speed must not exceed 25 m/h.
(3) Multi-layer filters with the grain size combination A may not be used in hot pools with a water temperature of more than 35 ° C, warm bubble pools (whirl pools) and salt water basins.
(4) After replacement of the filter material, a minimum of 10% filter bed expansion of each filter layer must be detected during the filter backwashing.
(5) The filter bed surface has to be as horizontal as possible and must not have any warps of greater than ± 5 cm/m filter diameter during the filtration process.
Requirements for the facilities for the disinfection of the pool water
§ 29. (1) For the metering of chlorine and solutions which contain chlorine, the state of the art is to be used for the corresponding chord oztioning systems.
(2) The dimensioning of the chord metering systems must be carried out in such a way that at least 2 g of chlorine per m³ of circulation water can be metered in for an indoor bath and at least 8 g of chlorine per m³ of circulating water can be metered in for an artificial outdoor bath.
Requirements for the ozone oxidation stage
§ 30. In the preparation process according to § 14 Z 2 lit. a is to measure the performance of the ozone system in such a way that at water temperatures up to 28 ° C at least 1.0 g and above 28 °C at least 1.2 g of ozone per m³ of circulating water are fed to the feed stream in a suitable mixer and the exposure time between ozone depletion and detozoning by activated carbon is at least three minutes. The space above the filter bed of the activated charcoal filter (Entozonation filter) must not be used for the calculation of the time of action.
D. Hygienic-technical operation of the pelvis
Beckenemptying, cleaning, disinfection
§ 31. (1) pools of indoor pools and artificial outdoor pools are at least once a year, at least once a year, from warm bubbling pools (whirl pools), plunge pools with a disinfection according to § 24 para. 2, as well as wat, trek and pass-through reservoirs Completely empty, thoroughly cleaned and disinfected daily.
(2) In the course of each pelvic emptying, the compensation basins must be completely emptied, thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
(3) By means of appropriate underwater suction devices, tanks are to be cleaned as required; in indoor swimming pools as three times as possible, but at least once a week, in artificial outdoor pools as daily as possible, but at least three times a week.
(4) Built-in ponds are to be kept in clean condition.
Filler water additive
§ 32. Daily filling water (§ 5) must be added to the pelvis in a quantity that the required values for the pool water (§ 7) can be complied with, but at least 30 l per bath branch and day.
§ 33. (1) Except in the cases referred to in paragraph 3, the water treatment plant shall be in continuous operation during the operating period. A reduced flow rate is only permitted under the conditions set out in § § 34 and 35.
(2) The flow rate to each basin shall be checked and recorded once a day.
(3) The disconnection of the water treatment plant may only be used for repair and maintenance work (e.g. B. Filter backwashing, cleaning of the fiber catchers of the circulating pumps) and only outside the opening time.
(4) In order to ensure compliance with the required water quality, a proper operation is to be made safe by adequately trained persons.
Operation with reduced flow rate
§ 34. (1) The flow rate may only be reduced outside the opening period and only if:
1. |
(a) the reduced flow rate in the case of basins, other than hot-water pools (whirl pools), at least 50% of the delivery flow Q A or |
b) |
the reduced flow rate at warm bubble pools (whirl pools) at least 50% of the delivery flow Q G and |
2. |
in the case of a dyeing test, a dyeing time of not more than 20 minutes in the case of a reduced feed stream has been detected and maintained, |
3. |
continuously monitors the redox voltage during operation with reduced delivery flow, and |
4. |
the water treatment plant automatically on the flow rate Q A When a value of the redox voltage of 700 mV is exceeded. |
(2) The proof of the staining test must be kept and must be presented at the request of the district administrative authority or the expert on hygiene.
§ 35. (1) In the case of pools with attractions, irrespective of § 34 of the funding flow outside the opening hours on Q A can be reduced.
(2) The lowering of the water level outside the opening period is only permissible if it is ensured that the additional water circulation is sufficiently rinsed and at least one recirculating period in normal operation before the start of the opening time. risk.
Flushing of the filter system
§ 36. (1) For disinfecting rinsing of the filter system only those in the Annex 3 Section C mentioned disinfectants permitted. The rinsing of the filter system must be carried out with water containing chlorine, chlorine dioxide or hydrogen peroxide. In the case of the use of hydrogen peroxide or chlorine dioxide, its residues are to be rinsed out of the filter prior to the resumption of filter operation.
(2) The purging of the filter system shall be carried out outside the opening hours.
(3) The flushing of the filter installation must be carried out so frequently that filter wedges are avoided by long running times, provided that the filter load does not already require prior rinsing; this is at a pool water temperature from
1. |
≤ 27 ° C at least once a week, |
2. |
> 27 ° C to ≤ 32 ° C at least twice a week, |
3. |
> 32 ° C to ≤ 35 ° C at least three times a week; and |
4. |
> 35 ° C daily. |
(4) In the rinsing of single-layer filters, an expansion of the filter layer by at least 10% of the filter bed height is required. In order to monitor and control the surface of the filter layer, the filter layer height and the expansion of the filter layer during the rinsing process, a permanently transparent inspection glass filter interior wall is to be installed flush with the filter layer.
(5) The rinsing of multi-layer filters shall be carried out in such a way that the separation of the filter layers is maintained and an expansion of each filter layer of at least 10% of their height is achieved. In order to monitor and control the surface of the upper filter layer, the filter layer heights and the expansion of both filter layers during the rinsing process, two permanently transparent foam glass filter interior walls are to be installed flush with the filter layer.
(6) The rinsing process must not be interrupted; the water required for the rinsing must be kept ready before the beginning of the rinsing. The required amount of flushing water must be at least 4 m³ /m² of filter area.
(7) If the water is removed from the equalising tank, after the tank has been filled with filling water before the beginning of the backwashing process, the recirculating system must be replenish in order to ensure that the added filling water in the tank is filled with water. A filling water supply can only be carried out after the backwashing process has expired.
Cleaning of the overflow gutter
§ 37. (1) The overflow gutter must be tested weekly for impurities and cleaned if necessary.
(2) When cleaning operations are carried out in the area of the overflow channel or the basin transition, the drainage of the overflow channel is to be converted to the sewerage system. The switchover to the cymbal water circuit must not take place until the overflow gutter has been thoroughly rinsed.
Sampling cocks
§ 38. (1) sampling taps for water samples shall be installed at the following points of the water treatment plant:
1. |
before and after each filter, |
2. |
before and after the disinfection agent feed before entering the pool; for water treatment plants with only one filter, the sampling tap can be dispensed with before the disinfection agent is fed, |
3. |
in the feed to the reaction vessel in the case of procedures in accordance with § 14 Z 2 and |
4. |
in the return of solar plants with direct bath water heating before re-entry into the bathing water circuit. |
(2) Each sampling valve must be designed as a controllable metal tap with a smooth and flame-retardant drainage pipe perpendicular to the bottom and with a free outlet height of at least 40 cm and must be directly attached to the feed flow line.
Disinfectants and other authorised chemicals
§ 39. For the disinfection of pelvic water, only those in the Annex Disinfectants listed in Section A and B in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation Annex allowed. The disinfection performance must be so high that 4 tens of powers Pseudomonas aeruginosa are inactivated within 30 seconds under the minimum concentrations of the disinfectant in the pool water specified in § 7. In addition, these disinfectants have to be based on the Biocide Products Act, BGBl. I No.105/2000, in the version in force, be placed on the market and used.
§ 40. (1) The water to be treated shall be prohibited from: Annex 2 mentioned flocculants, which are listed in Annex Disinfectants listed in Section A and B, and the disinfectants Annex 4 oxidising agents only those mentioned in the Annex 5 to be added to the pH-value setting, in such a quantity and dilution, that a hazard to the health of the bathers is excluded.
(2) For the disinfecting rinsing of the filters, only those in Annex 3 Section C mentioned disinfectants are used.
E. Intra-operational control of pelvis
Operational diary
§ 41. (1) Within the framework of the internal control, an operating diary shall be carried out in which the following data and results of the measurements shall be entered daily:
1. |
the name of the person entrusted with the exercise of the protection of the health of bathers, in particular in hygienic terms; |
2. |
Results of the measurements of the disinfectant content (free chlorine and bound chlorine) and the pH of the pool water; in the case of automatic measurement and control of the chlorine content at least once a day (during the opening period) and in the pelvis without automatic measurement and regulation of the chlorine content, at least twice a day (at the beginning and during the opening period); in the case of the procedure in accordance with § 14 Z 3, the measurements of the disinfection agent content shall also include chlorine dioxide, |
3. |
the filter rinse carried out, |
4. |
the redox voltage in mV, provided that the indoor pool, artificial outdoor pool or hot air bath (Whirl Pool) has continuously operating redox measuring instruments, |
5. |
the bathing visit (express by: strong, medium or weak), |
6. |
the filling water additive in m³ and |
7. |
the flow rate of each pelvis. |
(2) The water samples for the measurements are to be taken from 5 to 20 cm below the surface and 30 to 50 cm from the edge of the pelvis.
(3) To check the values determined with the automatic measuring system, a sample can be taken from the measuring water line if required.
(4) The pH-value determination must be effected electrometrically or colorimetrically with the aid of a device which allows measurements with gradations of 0.2 in the selected pH range; when chlorine gas is used for disinfection or in the case of filling water, the pH-value determination must be carried out by means of a device which is suitable for use in the pH range. low carbonate hardness (weakly buffered water) the colorimetric method must not be used.
(5) The measurement for the determination of the free chlorine and of the bound chlorine and of the chlorine dioxide shall be carried out immediately after the sample has been taken using the DPD method; the equipment used for this purpose shall be measurements with gradations of 0.1 mg/l.
(6) When ozone is used in the treatment of water, the function of activated charcoal filters must be checked once a week. For this purpose, water samples must be taken in front of and after each activated carbon filter and measurements must be carried out using the DPD method.
(7) The operating diaries shall be kept for three years from the last registration.
Annual water hygienic expert opinion
§ 42. (1) For the water hygienic expert reports on the nature of the pool water to be collected once a year by the owner or by the owner of an indoor swimming pool, artificial open-pool or warm-air swimming pool (Whirl Pool) according to § 14 para. 2 BHygG from the following samples:
1. |
Fill water; if several pools of a bath are filled by the same water dispenser, a single sample of the filling water is sufficient; the sampling is dispensed with in the case of filling water from a water supply system according to the Drinking Water Ordinance, |
2. |
Water from the water treatment plant before chlorination (in the case of processes according to § 14 Z 2 also after the activated carbon filter) and |
3. |
Beckenwasser from each pool; samples of the pool water are to be taken from 5 to 20 cm below the surface and 30 to 50 cm from the edge of the pelvis. |
For the investigation of the trihalomethanes, a sample is to be found per processing cycle.
(2) For the bacteriological tests, sterile sampling bottles must be used which must contain the amount of sodium thiosulphate required to inactivate the residual chlorine content.
(3) The local appearance, the sampling and the measurements on the spot according to Annex 8 may only be entrusted by the expert or experts responsible for hygiene according to § 14 (3) (1) of the BHygG (BHygG) or a person responsible for this purpose in accordance with § 14 (3) (1) of the German Federal HygG Act (BHygG). 4 BHygG are to be made and must be made on days with a bathing establishment unannounced during the operating period and in accordance with the second sentence of Section 9 (2) of the BHygG.
(4) Water-hygienic reports pursuant to § 14 (2) and (5) of the BHygG shall be submitted without delay by the operator or the operator in the presence of a copy of the district administrative authority; in addition, these shall be the operating diary , at the request of the district administrative authority or the expert or expert of hygiene, shall be granted in this view.
§ 43. (1) The investigations shall include the parameters specified in § § 5 to 7, with the exception of the redox voltage, the examinations in accordance with § 6 to be supplemented by a measurement of the free chlorine and bound chlorine; the measurement results shall be carried out in the water hygienic opinion. If necessary, the studies shall be supplemented by further chemical, bacteriological, virological and, if appropriate, parasitological studies.
(2) With regard to the methods of investigation, § 8 applies.
(3) The suitability of the pool water for bathing purposes shall be assessed by the expert or expert of hygiene, taking into account the location of the site, the measurements on the spot and the totality of the results of the parameters examined. In addition to the bacteriological and chemical-physical findings, other criteria required for an overall assessment, such as the number of visitors reached at the time of sampling, must also be taken into account.
(4) In the water hygienic opinion, the overall assessment must clearly indicate whether:
1. |
the pool water and the water from the water treatment plant are of such a nature that adequate provision is made for the protection of the health of the bathers, in particular in terms of hygiene; to determine whether |
a) |
the pool water corresponds to the values of § 7 and the water from the water treatment plant corresponds to the values of § 6, if necessary in cohesion with section 98 (2), or |
b) |
Deviations from the values determined in accordance with § 6 and § 7, if necessary with immediate effect of measures, can be tolerated within the framework of the overall assessment or whether |
2. |
the requirements of Z 1 are not met. |
(5) In the cases of paragraph 4 Z 1 lit. b and Z 2 shall be identified in the opinion of the deficiencies and, where possible, propose measures for their disposal and for a control investigation or an extended investigation.
F. Administrative control
Verifications prior to the granting of the operating licence
§ 44. (1) Prior to the granting of the operating licence, the district administrative authority shall have the following person to be provided by the applicant or the applicant (s) (e.g. B. according to the Industrial Regulations 1994, Civil Engineers and Civilian Technicians of relevant subject areas).
1. |
assessment of the health and safety of the water, and of the installation of the water treatment plant in a modest way; |
2. |
testing of pelvic flow and disinfectant distribution by colouring of the pool water with Eriochrome black T with subsequent decoloration by chlorination; |
3. |
Testing of the filter bed extension during the flushing process; |
4. |
if there are discharge openings in a basin via which bathing water is sucked in or discharged, the acceptance test according to Z 1 shall also include checking the safety of use of these intake points by means of a hair trapping test. |
(2) Weiters shall, before issuing an operating licence, make a local authority to the district administrative authority to include in particular the condition of the bathing area:
1. |
assessment of the bath, including by-facilities belonging to the bathing establishment, with regard to the risks to bathers by means of expected hygiene and obvious risks of accidents; |
2. |
Assessment of compliance with the sanitary regulations, including all administrative requirements. |
Control during operation
§ 45. (1) The official control pursuant to § 9 of the BHygG (BHygG) shall, if possible, be unregistered as well as in accordance with Section 9 (2), second sentence, BHygG. In so doing, the general condition of the bath shall be a local-eye view, which shall include in particular:
1. |
assessment of the bath, including by-facilities belonging to the bathing establishment, with regard to the risks to bathers from hygiene and obvious risks of accidents; |
2. |
assessment of compliance with the rules on the hygiene of bathrooms, including any official requirements; |
3. |
Inspection of the records of the internal control and of the water hygienic reports obtained by the holder or the holder of the bath. |
(2) Reasonable concerns that the nature of the pool water does not meet the requirements of this Regulation shall be subject to a water hygienic opinion by the District Administrative Authority.
(3) The samples may only be taken by organs of the district administrative authority in accordance with § 14 paragraph 3 Z 3 BHygG or by experts of hygiene in accordance with § 14 paragraph 3 Z 1 BHygG.
(4) In cases where there is a risk of danger to the health of bathers (§ 10 BHygG), the controls must be repeated at the request of the holder or the holder of the bath prior to an order of measures.
Section 3
Hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen)
A. General requirements for hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs)
§ 46. (1) Hot-air tubs (whirlpool tubs) are only intended for use by a person in a bathing process, irrespective of their size. This is to be pointed out in the bathing order, which is to be mounted in the immediate vicinity of the hot tub (whirlpool bath). The same applies to the necessity of disinfection of the wanning cycle after each bathing process and complete emptying of the hot tub (whirlpool), provided that the hot tub (whirlpool) does not have an automatic Disinfection device is equipped.
(2) All surfaces must be made of material which is easy to clean and easily disinfect.
(3) A separate device (bathtub or shower) must be available for full body cleaning.
B. Requirements for water quality in hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen)
Fill water
§ 47. (1) The water filled with hot tubs (whirlpool tubs) must meet the following requirements:
1. |
It must be satisfactory in terms of health care; this is generally considered to be complied with if the following microbiological requirements are met: |
a) |
Colony forming units at 37 ° C Bebrüt temperature: the concentration shall not exceed 100 in 1 ml, |
b) |
Escherichia coli: should not be detectable in 100 ml, |
c) |
Enterococci: may not be detectable in 100 ml, |
d) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: must not be detectable in 100 ml, |
e) |
Legionella: the concentration must not exceed 10 in 100 ml (100 in 1 litre), |
2. |
in chemical terms |
a) |
no substances are present in concentrations that may endanger the health of bathers and |
b) |
do not contain ingredients in concentrations that affect disinfection. |
(2) If there are reasonable suspicions, further microbiological and chemical parameters shall be included in the studies.
Trough water
§ 48. (1) The water, which is located in a hot tub (whirlpool), must be flawless in an unladen condition (§ 57 (2)); this is generally the case when the following microbiological requirements have been met:
1. |
Colony forming units at 37 ° C Bebrüt temperature: the concentration shall not exceed 100 in 1 ml, |
2. |
Escherichia coli: should not be detectable in 100 ml, |
3. |
Enterococci: may not be detectable in 100 ml, |
4. |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: must not be detectable in 100 ml, |
5. |
Legionella: the concentration must not exceed 10 in 100 ml (100 in 1 litre). |
(2) In the case of filling water chlorination (§ 51 para. 2) of the bathing water
1. |
the concentration of free chlorine (measured at the start of emptying) must be at least 0.6 and must not exceed 1.2 mg/l, and |
2. |
the concentration of bound chlorine (measured at the end of the unladen operation) must not exceed 0.3 mg/l. |
(3) The minimum free chlorine content in bathing water as required in paragraph 2 (1) (1) may be undershot in the case of a combination of flushing disinfection and filling water chlorination; however, the minimum amount of free chlorine in the rinse water in accordance with Article 51 (4) must be: is complied with.
Investigation methods
§ 49. The analytical method used must be specified in the examination findings. Only methods that can be used in Annex 1. or correspond to these analysis and testing procedures.
Additives for bathing water
§ 50. Products used for body cleaning or surface film-forming and/or oxidising agents (e.g. B. Oils, milky additives) may not be used. In the case of a filling-water chlorination according to § 51 (2) or a flushing disinfection according to § 51 (3) (3) (3), no additives may be used. This is to be pointed out in the bathing order, which is to be mounted in the immediate vicinity of the hot tub (whirlpool bath).
C. Disinfection and hygienic-technical operation of hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs)
Disinfection of the Wanning circuit
§ 51. (1) The disinfection of the wanning circuit has a filling-water chlorination (disinfectant addition to the filling water in accordance with the contents of the tub) and/or a flushing disinfection (disinfection of the wanning circuit with flushing water) between the individual use operations.
(2) In the case of filling-water chlorination, the chlorine contents are to be complied with in accordance with § 48 (2) and the following procedures, but not the use of additives, are permitted:
1. |
the filling water is added continuously in proportion to the quantity of disinfectant; if a hot tub (whirlpool) is filled or emptied with water via an air-conducting duct, this method shall be applied; |
2. |
At the beginning of the bath filling, the total amount of disinfectant required for a bathing process is added to the filling water. |
(3) In the case of flushing disinfection, the following procedures shall be permitted:
1. |
the empty hot tub (whirlpool) is supplied directly after each bathing process to the chlorinated rinsing water via a tub inlet and a rinsing process of the Wanning circuit is carried out; |
2. |
the empty hot tub (whirlpool) is supplied directly after each bathing process to the chlorinated rinsing water via the Wannenkcircullauf; |
3. |
After each bath operation, disinfectant is added to the bath water which remains in the hot tub (whirlpool) and thus the wanning circuit is rinsed, although no additives are permitted to be used. |
(4) The concentration of free chlorine in the rinse water must be at least 4 and must not exceed 10 mg/l. This control of the concentration can be carried out with a test strip. During the rinsing process, at least a two-times passage of the entire flushing water volume must be carried out by means of the wanning circuit, with the reaction time having to be at least three minutes when the chlorine concentration is reached.
(5) All lines which are wetted with water during filling or operation due to the water level in the hot tub (whirlpool) must be integrated into the wanning circuit in such a way that it is either in the case of the flushing disinfection or fill-water chlorination. This applies in particular to air-conducting lines, irrespective of whether the air is sucked in via injectors or is introduced via compressors.
Cleaning of the well surface
§ 52. The cleaning of the trough surface can be carried out between the individual use processes, if possible, but at least once a day. Care should be taken to ensure that no larger amounts of cleaning agent enter the Wannenkrice run.
Dosing system
§ 53. (1) The addition of the disinfectant shall be effected automatically. The storage container for the disinfectant must be equipped with an automatic empty-notifying device which prevents the hot-bubbling pan (whirlpool) from being put into operation when the device is empty.
(2) Paragraph 1 does not apply to warm-up tubs (whirlpools), which are used exclusively for therapeutic purposes and in so far as these are subject to medical product-like disinfection requirements.
§ 54. For the filling-water chlorination and flushing disinfection only those in Annex 3 Section D cited disinfectants permitted. In addition, these disinfectants must be placed on the market and used in accordance with the provisions of the Biocidal Products Act.
Re-operating after prolonged standstill
§ 55. In the case of seasonal hot-bubbling tubs (whirlpool tubs) or after a prolonged standstill, a complete disinfection process without use of persons is to be carried out before the re-commissioning. The disinfectant content in the filling water chlorination and/or rinsing disinfection must also be checked.
D. Internal control of hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen)
Operational diary
§ 56. (1) Within the framework of internal control, an operational diary shall be carried out into which the following data and results of measurements on the carried out own checks shall be entered at intervals of at least 14 days:
1. |
the name of the person entrusted with the exercise of the protection of the health of bathers, in particular in hygienic terms; |
2. |
Results of measurements of the free chlorine content |
a) |
in the case of hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs) with water-chlorination of the bathing water immediately after filling and |
b) |
in the case of hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs) with flushing disinfection, approximately in the middle of the flushing process. |
(2) Operating diaries shall be kept for three years from the date of the last entry.
Annual water hygienic expert opinion
§ 57. (1) According to Article 14, Section 2 of the BHygG, the owner or proprietor of a facility with a hot tub (whirlpool) once a year has a water-hygienic expert opinion on the condition of the bathing water as a result of the local appearance of the bath. the sampling and the on-the-spot measurements shall be carried out in the unladen mode ( Annex 9).
(2) Empty operation is the operation of the hot tub (whirlpool) with all massage devices, water and/or air inflow without use of persons for the standardized sampling in the course of the preparation of the water hygienic expert opinion. During idle operation, a hot tub (whirlpool) with a water temperature provided for the bathing process must be operated. The duration of the idle operation shall be at least five minutes. If a filling water disinfection is carried out during bathing, disinfectants may also be present at the same level during the empty operation.
(3) At the end of the empty operation, the water sample for the microbiological examination can be taken from 5 to 20 cm below the water surface in the centre of the tub.
(4) For the bacteriological tests, sterile sampling bottles must be used which must contain the amount of sodium thiosulphate required to inactivate the residual chlorine content.
(5) The local appearance, sampling and measurements on the spot ( Annex 9) may only be used by experts or experts responsible for hygiene in accordance with § 14 (3) (1) of the BHygG (German Federal HygG) or a person responsible for the preparation of the water hygienic expert opinion according to § 14 (3) of the Federal Act of Law 4 BHygG are to be made and must-with the exception of hot tub tubs (whirltubs) in guest rooms-be unregistered and must be made in accordance with § 9 para. 2 second sentence BHygG.
(6) Water hygienic reports pursuant to § 14 (2) and (5) of the BHygG shall be submitted without delay by the operator or the operator in a copy of the district management authority; in addition, these and any other Documents (e.g. (b. operational instructions, certificates of maintenance, certificates of disinfectant) to be connected to the operating diary; at the request of the district administrative authority or of the expert or expert of hygiene, shall be granted access to this inspection.
§ 58. (1) The investigations shall include the parameters set out in § 48 (1); in the case of filling water chlorination, the parameters shall additionally include the parameters in accordance with § 48 (2); in the case of flushing disinfection, in addition to the parameters in accordance with § 51 (4). The results of the measurements shall be carried out in the water hygienic opinion. If necessary, the studies shall be supplemented by further bacteriological, virological and, if appropriate, parasitological studies.
(2) With regard to the methods of investigation, § 49 applies.
(3) The suitability of the water during the vacancy shall be assessed by the expert of hygiene, taking into account the local findings, the measurements on the spot and the totality of the results of the parameters examined.
(4) In the water hygienic opinion, the overall assessment must clearly indicate whether:
1. |
the water in empty operation is of such a nature as to ensure adequate prevention of the protection of the health of bathers, in particular in terms of hygiene, in such a way as to ensure that: |
a) |
the water in empty operation corresponds to the values of section 48 (1) and (2) and section 51 (4), or |
b) |
Deviations from the values determined in accordance with § 48 (1) and (2) and § 51 (4), if necessary with immediate effect of measures, can be tolerated within the framework of the overall assessment or whether |
2. |
the requirements of Z 1 are not met. |
(5) In the cases of paragraph 4 Z 1 lit. b and Z 2 shall be identified in the opinion of the deficiencies and, where possible, propose measures for their disposal and for a control investigation or an extended investigation.
E. Government control
Verification before the granting of the operating licence
§ 59. (1) Provided that there are suction openings in a hot-water bath (whirlpool) via which bathing water is sucked in, the district managing authority shall have one of the applicant or the applicant before issuing the operating licence to be provided and by a person entitled to do so (e.g. B. according to the Industrial Regulations 1994, civil technicians of relevant subject areas) by means of a hair trapping test (individual test or type examination in the case of finished assembled units) proof of the security of use of these Check intake points.
(2) Weiters shall, before the granting of the operating licence, have the status of the device with a hot tub (whirlpool) to carry out a local appearance, which shall in particular include:
1. |
Assessment of the hot tub (whirlpool), including the secondary facilities belonging to the bathing establishment, with regard to the risk to bathers by means of expected hygiene deficiencies and obvious risks of accidents; |
2. |
Assessment of compliance with the sanitary regulations, including all administrative requirements. |
Control during operation
§ 60. (1) The official control pursuant to § 9 of the BHygG (BHygG) shall, if possible, be carried out unannounced and in accordance with the second sentence of Section 9 (2) of the BHygG. In this connection, the general condition of the device with a hot-water bath (whirlpool) must be made up of a local-eye view, which shall include in particular:
1. |
Assessment of the facility with hot tub (whirlpool), including auxiliary equipment, with regard to the risk to bathers from hygiene and obvious risks of accidents, |
2. |
Assessment of compliance with the sanitary regulations, including all administrative requirements, and |
3. |
Inspection of the records of the in-company control and the water hygienic reports obtained by the owner or the owner of a device with a hot tub (whirlpool). |
(2) The existence of reasonable concerns that the nature of the well water does not comply with the requirements of this Regulation shall be subject to a water hygienic opinion.
(3) The samples may only be taken by organs of the district administrative authority in accordance with § 14 paragraph 3 Z 3 BHygG or by experts of hygiene in accordance with § 14 paragraph 3 Z 1 BHygG.
(4) In cases where there is a threat to the health of the swimming pool (§ 10 BHygG), the controls must be repeated at the request of the owner or the owner of the facility with a hot tub (whirlpool) prior to an arrangement of measures.
Section 4
Sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths
A. General requirements and hygienic-technical management for sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths
§ 61. (1) Saunaanlagen, warm air and steam baths consist at least of a cabin, a pre-cleaning and cooling shower, a toilet facility and an area in which it can be rested. The appropriate provisions of the second section shall apply to all plunge pools present.
(2) The internal height of a cabin shall be at least 1.9 m and shall not exceed 2.5 m. The minimum distance of the uppermost seat and reclining tank to the ceiling shall be 1.1 m. The guideline value for the space requirement of a cabin user is 0.75 m².
(3) The door of a cabin must be open to the outside in the direction of the shortest escape route and must be unlockable and must have at least one glazed foam opening at the viewing height.
(4) The proper ventilation of a cabin must be guaranteed when the door is closed. The air exchange of a sauna, a hot air bath and a steam bath (when the door is closed) shall be based on an average number of air change of at least six times per hour. The subsequent flow of the corresponding quantity of fresh air must be ensured. The exhaust air, with the exception of infrared cabins with fewer than four user places, is to be carried out into the open air or into a central exhaust system.
(5) For the interior design of wooden cabins, resin-poor, non-shattering wood (solid wood, wood-based materials and thermally treated wood) should be used with the lowest possible release of formaldehyde. Storage spacings and wood thicknesses of the seating and reclining benches, appearances and protective coverings must be designed in such a way that they can withstand the normal operating loads. Other materials used in the cabin must be heat-and corrosion-resistant and must not have any negative effects on the users in normal temperature ranges.
(6) Seat and reclining benches, performances and head wedges in saunakabine and in wooden cabins of warm air baths shall be kept in the smoothed state.
(7) The seating and reclining benches of a saunakabine have a minimum depth of 55 cm and must consist of wooden latticework, which can be easily removed or unfolded for cleaning. The lowest level of this rust can be narrower and should only serve as an appearance.
(8) In the case of warm air cabins in timber construction, after the end of the operation, a night-drying operation must be carried out, which shall be determined according to the cabin size, but at least 30 minutes at 80 ° C.
(9) In Hot-air Baths (e.g. Infrared cabins), which do not have any possibility of heating up to 80 ° C, must have benches and backrests smooth, easy to clean and disinfected. If seat benches and backrests are made in wood, the wooden surface must be sealed in a porous state and kept in this state.
(10) In a sauna cabin or a cabin of a hot-air or steam bath, an emergency call device is to be set up to a location permanently occupied during the sauna or bathing establishment. This does not apply to saunas and the cabins of a hot-air or steam bath operated jointly by a residential community with more than five units of accommodation, provided that there is a different way of providing assistance for any given assistance. .
(11) A first aid box shall be installed in the vicinity of a sauna cabin or a cabin of a hot-air or steam bath.
§ 62. In a saunakabine, the temperature in the interior during the operating time must not exceed 70 ° C below and 105 ° C (measured 1 m above the uppermost seat and recumbering tank). The operating temperature must be reached prior to the use of a saunakabine. Saunafurnaces must be arranged in such a way that the convection air is distributed as evenly as possible and an unintended contact of the sauna furnace is avoided. Saunafurnaces must be equipped with at least one safety thermostat, which switches off the sauna oven without the automatic reconnection when a maximum temperature corresponding to the control system is exceeded. In the case of saunafurnaces, which are heated with solid fuels and a safety thermostat cannot be used for automatic shut-down, a maximum heating element with a release temperature is to be installed in the saunakabine, in which a trigger temperature is used for the maximum heat energy. Self-ignition of the wooden parts of the saunakabine can be ruled out.
§ 63. (1) In warm air baths, with the exception of infrared cabins, a maximum air temperature of 70 ° C is permitted in the interior of the cabin, with the exception of the night drying process.
(2) In the case of cabins which are wholly or partly designed in wood, the relative humidity (rF) shall not exceed 55% at the level of the uppermost seating level. This is to be ensured by an automatic control system.
(3) In cabins which are not in wood, at least seating surfaces, backrests and floor must be made of smooth, easy-to-clean and disinfectable inert material.
§ 64. (1) In steam baths, the air humidity may only be introduced via evaporators. The temperature in the interior of the cabin shall not exceed 47 ° C.
(2) The application of steam must be carried out in such a way as to avoid the risk of a scalp.
(3) The interior of a cabin of a steam bath shall have smooth surfaces. The contact surfaces are to be subjected to cleaning and disinfection every day before the start of operation, in a dry state. Seat surfaces must be designed so that moisture can flow off independently. For the cleaning of the surfaces, a rinsing hose is to be installed.
B. Indoor control of sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths
§ 65. All facilities belonging to the operation of sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths are regularly checked for their functionality and are to be kept.
C. Government control of sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths
§ 66. (1) The official control pursuant to § 9 of the BHygG (BHygG) shall, if possible, be unregistered as well as in accordance with Section 9 (2), second sentence, BHygG. The general condition of the sauna facility and/or the hot-air and steam bath must be carried out on a local basis, which shall include, in particular, the following:
1. |
Assessment of the sauna facility and/or the hot-air and steam bath, including the facilities belonging to the sauna and/or bathing establishment, with regard to the exposure of the sauna and bathers to the hygiene of the saunas and the bathers, and the obvious accident hazards and |
2. |
Assessment of compliance with the sanitary regulations, including all administrative requirements. |
(2) In cases where there is a risk to the health of the sauna and bathers (§ 10 BHygG), on request of the owner or the owner of the sauna and/or the hot air and steam bath prior to an arrangement of measures, the controls shall be: to repeat.
Section 5
Baths in surface waters
A. General requirements for baths in surface waters
§ 67. Facilities belonging to a bathing establishment on a surface water, such as changing facilities, shower facilities, WC facilities, sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths, solariums, lying areas, webs, entry aids and first aid facilities must be provided in terms of number, equipment and arrangement, shall be so designed and maintained in such a way as to ensure hygienic operation. In addition, the provisions of the seventh paragraph shall be applicable. Apply section.
B. Administrative control of baths in surface waters
§ 68. (1) The official control pursuant to § 9 of the BHygG (BHygG) shall, if possible, be unregistered as well as in accordance with Section 9 (2), second sentence, BHygG. In so doing, the general condition of the bath shall be a local-eye view, which shall include in particular:
1. |
Assessment of all bathing establishments with regard to the risks to bathers by means of hygiene and obvious risks of accidents; and |
2. |
Assessment of compliance with the sanitary regulations, including all administrative requirements. |
(2) In cases where there is a threat to the health of bathers (§ 10 BHygG), the controls must be repeated at the request of the holder or the holder of the bath prior to an order of measures.
Small bathing ponds
A. General requirements for small bathing ponds
Small bathing ponds
§ 69. (1) Small bathing ponds are artificial surface waters. The rearing of the water is carried out exclusively via ecosystem cycles of micro-and macro-organisms of the water, which can be supported by technical measures.
(2) Additions and interventions which can cause damage to biology, such as disinfectants, UV irradiation, ultrasonic treatment, products containing heavy metals, fungicides, algicides and the like. are not allowed.
(3) Small bathing ponds may be constructed and operated exclusively outdoors.
(4) Neither filling nor bathing water should be artificially heated.
Bathing area and regeneration area
§ 70. At least one third of the surface of the small bath is to be carried out as a regenerating area and can be excluded from the use of the building and from the access. The regeneration area and the bathing area have a continuous water surface.
Additional technical facilities
§ 71. A water treatment, as required in pelvic baths, must not be carried out in small bath ponds. Additional external facilities, such as filters and parts of beauty, are permitted if they are suitable for improving the ecological quality (functionality) and the hygienic quality of the water. However, they do not replace the regeneration range integrated in the small bathing pond and must not be included in the calculation of the nominal load nor in the dimensioning of the regeneration area. In no case may aerosol formation be associated with it.
Nominal load
§ 72. (1) The nominal load of a small bathing pond is the maximum number of bathers per day. The nominal load is calculated from the sum of the water volume of the bathing area and the regeneration area of the small bathing ponds. Of this total water volume, at least 10 m³ per bathhouse must be available.
(2) The nominal load shall be
It means:
N = nominal load in persons per day
V 1 = water volume in the bathing area in m³
V 2 = water volume in the regeneration area in m³
Circulated water volumes and the water from any existing additional technical equipment are not taken into consideration.
(3) The nominal load shall not be exceeded.
(4) The number of bathers simultaneously in the water of the small bathing lake may not exceed 20% of the nominal load. Short-term exceedances are permitted.
Mean water depth, minimum water depth, shallow water areas, attractions
§ 73. (1) The mean water depth of the bathing area shall be at least 1.8 m and shall be calculated as follows:
It means:
T M : Average water depth
V Water : Water volume (of the bathing area)
A Water : water surface (of the bathing area)
(2) The minimum water depth of the bathing area shall be 0.8 m, with the exception of the direct riverside area. Shallow water areas, such as small children's areas or water playgrounds, are not allowed in small bathing ponds.
(3) Attractions in small bathing ponds are only permitted in so far as no additional small-scale load can occur through them. The operation of water slides is prohibited.
Access areas
§ 74. The access areas of a small bathing pond must be designed in such a way that a sedimentation of the sediment is largely suppressed.
Possibility of feeding filling water
§ 75. It must be possible to feed a small bathing pond at least 5% of the total volume of water in the course of 24 hours.
Waterfowl, fish
§ 76. (1) Small bathing ponds are to be kept free of waterfowl.
(2) Fish may not be exposed in a small bathing pond.
B. Requirements for water quality in small bath ponds
Fill water
§ 77. The water, filled with the small bath ponds, the current water losses are balanced and with which the water renewal is to be carried out (filling water), can
1. |
of a water supply system in accordance with the Drinking Water Regulation, or |
2. |
from wells or springs, or |
3. |
come from above-ground inflows. |
Power supply from wells or springs
§ 78. (1) In the case of a small bath of water from wells or springs, the filling water must meet the following requirements:
1. |
It must be satisfactory in terms of health care; this is generally considered to be complied with if the following microbiological requirements are met: |
a) |
Escherichia coli: should not be detectable in 100 ml, |
b) |
Enterococci: may not be detectable in 100 ml, |
2. |
in chemical terms, no substances may be present in concentrations that may endanger the health of bathers, and |
3. |
the total phosphorus content of the filling water must not exceed 20 µ g/l. |
(2) If there are reasonable suspicions, further microbiological and chemical parameters shall be included in the studies.
Feeding from above-ground inflows
§ 79. (1) The feeding of a small bath pond from above-terrestrial tributaries shall be followed by the following requirements for the filling water:
1. |
It must be satisfactory in terms of health care; this is generally considered to be complied with if the following microbiological requirements are met: |
a) |
Escherichia coli: the concentration must not exceed 30 in 100 ml, |
b) |
Enterococci: the concentration must not exceed 15 in 100 ml, |
c) |
Salmonella: may not be detectable in 1 litre, |
2. |
in chemical terms: |
a) |
the total phosphorus content of the filling water must not exceed 20 µ g/l and |
b) |
shall not contain substances in concentrations that may endanger the health of bathers. |
(2) If there are reasonable suspicions, further microbiological and chemical parameters shall be included in the studies.
Bathing water of a small bathing pond
§ 80. (1) The water contained in a small bathing pond (bathing water) must meet the following requirements:
1. |
It must be satisfactory in terms of health care; this is generally considered to be complied with if the following microbiological requirements are met: |
a) |
Escherichia coli: the concentration must not exceed 100 ml in 100 ml, |
b) |
Enterococci: the concentration shall not exceed 50 in 100 ml, |
c) |
Salmonella: may not be detectable in 1 litre (this study should be carried out when water birds are present), |
d) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: the concentration must not exceed 25 in 100 ml (this examination must be carried out only if the bathing water is carried over a filter device), |
2. |
in chemical and physical terms: |
a) |
the depth of sight must not be less than 2 m, |
b) |
The concentration of dissolved oxygen has at least 80% saturation O 2 , |
c) |
the pH must not be less than 6 and not exceed 9, and |
d) |
the total phosphorus content shall not exceed 20 µ g/l. |
(2) If there are reasonable suspicions, further microbiological and chemical parameters shall be included in the studies.
Investigation methods
§ 81. The analytical method used must be specified in the examination findings. Only analysis and testing methods which may be used in Annex 6.
C. Hygienic-technical operation of small bath ponds
Bathing order and information for bathers
§ 82. (1) The proprietor or the owner of a small bathing pond has to adopt a bathing order and place it in a clearly visible position in order to ensure that the bathing establishment is in good condition. In the bathing order, the behaviour to be observed by the bathers must be regulated in order to protect the health, in particular in terms of hygiene.
(2) Both the nominal loading of the small bathing pond and the maximum number of bathers allowed to be present in the bathing water of the small bathing pond are clearly visible at the access points and in the shoring area ( Annex 7), which also has to contain the justification that this is necessary in order to maintain the hygienic conditions.
D. Internal control of small bathing ponds
Operational diary
§ 83. (1) Within the framework of the internal control, an operating diary shall be carried out in which the following data and measurements shall be entered on a daily basis:
1. |
the name of the person entrusted with the exercise of the protection of the health of bathers, in particular in hygienic terms; |
2. |
Results of the measurements of the viewing depth as well as the water temperature and air temperature, measured at 10 o'clock in each case and at 3 o'clock; the measurements of the water temperature are approx. 30 cm below the water surface at a representative site; |
3. |
the total daily number of visitors (express by: strong, medium or weak) and the number of bathers located at 3 p.m. in the bathing water of the small bathing lake; |
4. |
special operations events. |
(2) The operating diaries shall be kept for three years from the last registration.
Annual water hygienic expert opinion
§ 84. (1) According to Article 14 (2) of the BHygG, the owner or the owner of a small bathing pond from one or an expert of hygiene pursuant to § 14 para. 3 Z 1 BHygG once a year water hygienic expert opinion on the nature of the Water in the Kleinbadeteich comprises a summary assessment at the end of the annual operating time (§ 2 Z 20) of the results of the studies mentioned in the following Z 1 to 3:
1. |
before the start of the annual operating period |
a) |
an examination of the filling water with regard to the parameters |
aa) |
Escherichia coli |
bb) |
Enterococci |
cc) |
Salmonella (this study is only necessary if the food is supplied from above-ground tributaries) |
dd) |
Total phosphorus |
and |
b) |
an examination of the bathing water with regard to the parameters listed under Z 2; |
2. |
during the annual period of operation, studies of the bathing water, at least once a month (at intervals which are as uniform as possible), as far as possible at times of strong bathing, and at the earliest three hours after the start of the bathing establishment with regard to the Parameters: |
a) |
water temperature, |
b) |
pH, |
c) |
dissolved oxygen (% saturation O 2 ), |
d) |
total phosphorus, |
e) |
bacteriological parameters: |
aa) |
Escherichia coli, |
bb) |
enterococci, |
cc) |
salmonella, |
f) |
colouring (abnormal change in colouring), |
g) |
Depth of view, |
h) |
Mineral oils (film, odour), |
i) |
Surfactants (foaming), |
j) |
solid bodies (such as floating objects, breakage, splinters); |
the bathing water samples after Z 1 lit. b and Z 2 are located at a representative site with a strong bathing establishment in approx. 30 cm under the water surface. Depending on the size of the water surface, several sample frames may be required; |
3. |
During the annual period of operation, investigations of the bathing water at the end of an existing filtering device before re-entry into the small bathing pond, once a month (at intervals as uniform as possible), as far as possible at times Bathing visits and at the earliest three hours after the start of the bathing establishment with regard to the parameters: |
a) |
water temperature, |
b) |
pH, |
c) |
dissolved oxygen (% saturation O 2 ), |
d) |
total phosphorus, |
e) |
bacteriological parameters: |
aa) |
Escherichia coli, |
bb) |
enterococci, |
cc) |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, |
f) |
Colouring (abnormal change in colouring). |
(2) The local appearance, sampling and measurements on the spot ( Annex 10) may only be used by experts or experts responsible for hygiene in accordance with § 14 (3) (1) of the BHygG (German Federal HygG) or a person responsible for the preparation of the water hygienic expert opinion according to § 14 (3) of the Federal Act of Law 4 BHygG are to be made and must be made unannounced during the operating period and in accordance with § 9 (2), second sentence, BHygG.
§ 85. (1) The tests of the water samples shall, in any case, include the parameters set out in § 84. If necessary, the studies shall be supplemented by further microbiological and chemical studies.
(2) According to Section 84 (1), an investigation shall be carried out in accordance with § 14 (5) and (6) of the BHygG (BHygG). The farmer or the farmer shall immediately arrange for the defect to be remedied and the effectiveness of the measure by a prompt repetition of the respective investigation pursuant to Section 84 (1) and a new water hygienic advice. Repeat examinations are additional investigations and do not replace the required monthly examinations.
(3) The suitability of the water of the small bathing pond for bathing purposes shall be carried out by the expert or expert in hygiene in the water hygienic opinion, taking into account the location findings, the on-site measurements and the whole of the parameters studied. to the Commission. In addition to the bacteriological and chemical-physical findings, other criteria necessary for an overall assessment, such as the number of visitors reached at the time of sampling, must also be taken into account.
(4) In the water hygienic opinion, the overall assessment must clearly indicate whether:
1. |
the water of the small bathing pond is of such a nature as to ensure adequate protection of the health of bathers, in particular in terms of hygiene, in such a way as to ensure that: |
a) |
the water in the 6. Section Part B (requirements for water quality in small bath ponds), meets requirements, |
b) |
determined deviations from these requirements, if necessary with immediate setting of measures, within the framework of the overall assessment, or whether |
2. |
the requirements of Z 1 are not met. |
(5) In the cases of paragraph 4 Z 1 lit. b and Z 2 shall be identified in the opinion of the deficiencies and shall, where possible, propose measures for their disposal.
(6) Water-hygienic reports pursuant to § 14 (2) and (5) of the BHygG shall be submitted without delay by the operator or the operator in the presence of a copy of the district management authority; in addition, these shall be the operating diary , at the request of the district administrative authority or the expert or expert of hygiene, shall be granted in this view.
E. Bureaucratic control of small bathing ponds
Verifications prior to the granting of the operating licence
§ 86. Before issuing the operating licence, the District Administrative Authority shall examine the following evidence to be submitted by the applicant or the applicant and drawn up by a person entitled to it:
1. |
assessment of the proper and safe condition of the plant and the modest establishment of the small bathing area; |
2. |
If there are discharge openings in a small bathing pond via which bathing water is sucked in or discharged, the acceptance test according to Z 1 shall also include checking the safety of use of these intake points by means of a hair catch test. |
Control during operation
§ 87. (1) The official control pursuant to § 9 BHygG shall, if possible, be unregistered, in accordance with § 9 (2), second sentence, BHygG. In so doing, the general condition of the small bathing pond shall be a place to be seen, which shall include in particular:
1. |
Assessment of the small bathing area, including the secondary facilities belonging to the bathing establishment, with regard to the risks to bathers from hygiene and obvious risks of accidents, |
2. |
Assessment of compliance with any regulatory requirements and |
3. |
Inspection of the records of the internal control and of the water hygienic reports obtained by the owner of the small-bath pond. |
(2) Reasonable concerns that the nature of the water of the small-bath pond do not comply with the requirements of this Regulation shall be subject to a water-hygiene report by the district administrative authority.
Section 7
General requirements for the equipment and hygienic-technical operation of baths, warm-air tubs, sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths and small bath ponds
Guarantee of hygienic operation
§ 88. (1) The secondary facilities belonging to the bathing establishment, such as sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths, changing facilities, shower facilities, WC facilities, solariums, lying areas, webs, entry aids and first aid facilities must be provided with regard to the number, Equipment and arrangement shall be so designed and maintained in such a way as to ensure hygienically satisfactory operation.
(2) In the area of the entire bathing facility, sauna facility and the warm air and steam bath, attention must be paid to cleanliness on an ongoing basis.
(3) In all rooms of a bathing establishment, an adequate and drautive air change must be ensured in order to avoid the enrichment of volatile substances.
(4) In the swimming pool, sufficient sound insulation must ensure that the noise effect on the bathers is kept as low as possible.
Walk-in surfaces
§ 89. Accessible areas shall have easy-to-clean, disinfected and slightly drying surfaces, with the exception of natural soils in outdoor pools and areas exposed to direct sunlight.
§ 90. Walls of swimming pools are to be provided in the pelvic area up to a height of at least 1.6 m with easy-to-clean and easy-to-disinfect surfaces.
Fittings and fixtures
§ 91. (1) furnishings and fittings in baths, sauna facilities, warm air and steam baths and small-scale swimming pools, with which the bathers or guests of a sauna facility or a hot-air or steam bath come into direct contact, such as benches, Room facilities, lying in quiet rooms, solariums or massage rooms, must be easy to clean, disinfect and dry to be kept dry. Outside of saunakabine and cabins of hot air baths, existing wooden seating and reclining facilities are smooth-ground, sealed to seal and hold in this state.
(2) A sufficient number of appropriate waste containers shall be established in a hygienically sound manner, or , to ensure that the emptying is carried out in a timely way.
(3) Only thoroughly cleaned and disinfected laundry may be issued.
Dress-up matters
§ 92. In such a number and equipment, there is a need to provide a hygienic operation in such a number and equipment. In changing rooms, it is necessary to have suspension devices for the clothes and a storage facility for shoes.
Wet rooms, shower facilities, WC facilities
§ 93. (1) wet rooms, such as shower facilities and toilet facilities, must be made available in such a number and equipment that hygienically correct operation is ensured. In particular, they must meet the following requirements:
1. |
Walls up to a height of 1.8 m and floors must be provided with a dirt-repellent, easily washable and disinfectable as well as slightly drying material, |
2. |
Toilet facilities must be fitted with plastic seat glasses; toilet paper shall be made available free of charge, |
3. |
in the area of toilet facilities, hand washbasins are to be set up. |
(2) In the barefoot area, it is not permitted to use wooden grates and desinfizable soils.
(3) Showers must be arranged in a manageable manner and can be easily accessible from the changing area as well as from swimming pools, small bathing ponds or bathing waters.
(4) WC facilities must be arranged in a manageable manner and can be easily accessible in the entrance area as well as in the changing area as well as from swimming pools, small bathing ponds or bathing waters and are available free of charge.
§ 94. (1) The floors in the area of shower facilities, WC facilities and changing rooms must be subjected at least once a day to a mechanical cleaning and a wiping disinfection. Disinfectants are to be used for this purpose, which are shown to be effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses.
(2) In particular in the shower facilities, WC facilities and changing rooms, care must also be taken during the opening hours for the ongoing clean-keeping. In this case, particular attention should be paid to the greatest possible drying of the floors.
First Aid Room
§ 95. There must be sufficient space in all bathrooms and small bathrooms where first aid can be provided. In addition to making the telephone numbers of doctors, rescuers and fire brigade, sufficient first-aid equipment must be available.
Bathing Order
§ 96. (1) The owner or the owner of a bath, a device with a hot tub (whirlpool), a sauna, a hot air or steam bath or a small bathing pond has to regulate a perfect bath and/or sauna operation To adopt a bathing order and to place it in a clearly visible position. In a bathing order, the behaviour to be observed by the bathers, guests of a sauna facility and guests of a hot-air or steam bath must be regulated in order to protect the health, in particular in terms of hygiene. This does not apply to the holders of institutions operating in the field of natural health and spa and health care and nursing care.
(2) The contract concluded by the owner or the holder with the bathhouse or the guest of a sauna facility or a warm-air or steam bath also has the bathing order (paragraph 1). 1) and, in the case of small bathing ponds, the additional information referred to in Annex To include provisions contained in the provisions of this Regulation.
(3) With regard to the hygienic behaviour in the case of hot tub tubs (whirlpool tubs), the bathing order to be fitted in the immediate vicinity of the hot tub (whirlpool) shall be accompanied by reference to this Regulation. ,
1. |
that the use of a hot tub (whirlpool) is only provided for one person per bath in the absence of a treatment of the bathing water, |
2. |
that for hygienic reasons, prior to use by the next person, a disinfection of the wanning circuit by the operating staff is to be carried out, provided that the hot tub (whirlpool) does not have an automatic disinfectant, |
3. |
whether, depending on the disinfection procedure of the Wanning circuit, and where appropriate, which additives may be used for bathing water; and |
4. |
that unauthorised or improper use of additives can be used to contaminate the Wannenkreislauf sustainably. |
8. Section
Transitional and final provisions
Pre-writing of further measures
§ 97. Without prejudice to the experts of hygiene according to § § 43 paragraph 4 Z 1 lit. b, 58 para. 4 Z 1 lit. (b) and 85 (4) (b) (b), in respect of the overall assessment in the water-hygiene opinion, of the possibility of tolerating any discrepanties, the District Administrative Authority shall, if it is in order to protect the health of the bathers, Guests of a sauna facility or a hot-air or steam bath, in particular from a hygienic point of view, shall be required to prescribe measures beyond the provisions of this Regulation.
Indoor swimming pools and artificial outdoor swimming pools approved and approved by the industrial
§ 98. (1) Baths, which are at the time of the entry into force of the Bäderhygienegesetz, BGBl. No 254/1976, (1. January 1977) already had an authorization under the building regulations and for which, until the entry into force of this Regulation (106 para. 1), deviations from the pelvic water quality according to § 4 of the BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. In accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation, the requirements for water quality have to comply with the requirements for water quality by 1 July 2013 at the latest.
(2) For baths within the meaning of paragraph 1, derogations from the technical requirements laid down in § § 4, 15 to 23, 26 to 28, 30 and 38 shall be permissible if, through accompanying measures, the protection of the health of the bathers, and in particular those in the second Section, Part B, required water quality is guaranteed.
(3) Already at the time of the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998), in accordance with the rules laid down by the law on the hygiene of public health, approved indoor swimming pools and artificial outdoor swimming pools, which are subject to the provisions of the technical or technical standards applicable up to that date, or in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7-with the exception of the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7-to this extent according to the Ordinance on Hygiene in Baths, BGBl. No 495/1978, in the version BGBl. N ° 396/1992; the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation must comply with these baths by 1 July 2013 at the latest.
(4) Already at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)) and after the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998), in accordance with the provisions of the law on the environment, approved or approved by the Commission, approved indoor swimming pools and artificial swimming pools, which are in force until the entry into force of this Regulation. -with the exception of the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 and the disinfectants approved under this Regulation, and Treatment process-to this extent according to the BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. II No 420/1998, as amended by the BGBl version. No 349/2009, the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation must comply with these requirements by 1 July 2013 at the latest.
Water quality of pools (bath water heating)
§ 99. In the case of direct bathing water heating by means of solar plants already approved or approved at the time of entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)) pursuant to the provisions of the Bath Hygiene Regulations, Section 6 (2) does not apply. , the return before re-entry into the bathing water cycle shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
1. |
Pseudomonas aeruginosa: must not be detectable in 100 ml, |
2. |
Legionella: may not be detectable in 100 ml. |
Saunaanlagen approved and approved by the industrial and commercial sector
§ 100. (1) Already at the time of the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998) Saunaanlagen approved or approved by industrial law approved or approved by commercial law which comply with the technical or industrial standards applicable up to that date. shall be allowed to continue to operate on this scale and in accordance with its authorization.
(2) Already at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)) and after the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998) Saunaanlagen approved or approved in accordance with the technical regulations of the public sector, which are subject to the provisions of the Regulation applicable until the date of entry into force of this Regulation, or In accordance with the BGBl bathing hygiene regulations, this volume must comply with commercial law requirements. II No 420/1998, as amended by the BGBl version. II No 349/2009.
Installations not subject to authorisation for industrial use
§ 101. All until the entry into force of the Bäderhygienegesetz in the version of the Novelle BGBl. No 658/1996 of plants not subject to approval in accordance with Section 1 (4) of the Bathing Hygiene Act, as amended by the Novelle BGBl Act. I n ° 64/2009, which has been in the version of the Novelle BGBl version since the entry into force of the Bädersanitary Act. No 658/1996 would be required and, by the way, the BGBl system until the date of entry into force of the Bäderhygiene Regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998), except for the requirements for water quality in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 7 and 77 to 80 of this Regulation, may be granted in the scope and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 7 and 77 to 80 of this Regulation. Regulation on hygiene in baths, BGBl. No 495/1978, in the version BGBl. N ° 396/1992, as far as these are applied to individual installations in § 1 (4) of the Bäderhygiene Act, as amended by the Novelle BGBl. I n ° 64/2009; the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 or 77 to 80 must comply with the requirements of pelvis and small-pool ponds by 1 July 2013 at the latest.
According to the legislation in the areas of natural mineral resources and of spa and health care facilities or of health and care facilities approved baths and hot tub tubs (Whirlwannen)
§ 102. (1) Already at the time of the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998), in accordance with the legislation in the areas of natural health and spa and health care or health and care facilities, which have been approved by the authorities responsible for the treatment of health and safety at the time of the year, in the areas of natural reserves and health care or health and care facilities, may, with the exception of water quality requirements in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation, and the disinfectants approved in accordance with this Regulation; and Treatment procedures shall be carried out to this extent; the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation shall be equivalent to those baths by 1 July 2013 at the latest. Section 1 (3) shall apply.
(2) Already at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)) and after the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998), in accordance with the legislation in the areas of natural health and spa and health care or health and care facilities, which have been approved by the authorities responsible for the treatment of health and safety at the time of the year, in the areas of natural reserves and health care or health and care facilities, may, with the exception of water quality requirements in accordance with Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation, and the disinfectants approved in accordance with this Regulation; and Treatment procedures shall be carried out to this extent; the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 of this Regulation shall be equivalent to those baths by 1 July 2013 at the latest. Section 1 (3) shall apply.
(3) Already at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation (§ 106 (1)), pursuant to the legislation in the areas of natural mineral reserves and the spa resort, or the heating and nursing facilities, approved warm sprue tubs (whirlpools) if they do not have to be used as therapeutic tubs in the Medical Devices Act, BGBl. I No 657/1996, as amended, are subject to this Regulation, with the exception of the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 47, 48 and 51 (4) and with the exception of § 46 (3) and § 53-by 1 July 2013 at the latest. .
(4) The requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 47, 48 and 51 (4) must be met by these hot tubs (whirlpool tubs) by 1 at the latest. Jänner 2013.
(5) The annual water hygienic expert opinion (§ § § 57 and 58) provides perfect results, is the requirement in accordance with § 46 (3) to the latest 1. Jänner 2020.
(6) From 1. Jänner 2020 shall no longer be allowed to operate hot tub tubs (whirlpools) without automatic dosing equipment in accordance with § 53.
Thermal baths approved and approved for commercial purposes (whirl pools), warm air and steam baths as well as small bath ponds
§ 103. (1) Already at the time of the entry into force of the BGBl sanitary regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998) approved under the conditions of the public health regulations or approved under industrial law regulations hot air pools (whirl pools), warm air and steam baths as well as small bathing ponds, with the exception of Requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 or 77 to 80 of this Regulation and the disinfectants and processing methods approved under this Regulation shall be continued to this extent; the requirements for the water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 or 77 to 80 of this Regulation must be Warm bubbling pools (whirl pools) and small bathing ponds meet up to 1 July 2013 at the latest.
(2) Already at the date of entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)) approved or industrial-law approved warm-air and steam baths, as well as hot-air and steam baths approved or approved by the German industrial authorities. Small bath ponds, their approval or approval after the entry into force of the BGBl bath hygiene regulations. II No 420/1998 (1 December 1998), with the exception of the water quality requirements laid down in Articles 5, 6 and 7 or 77 to 80 of this Regulation and the disinfectants approved under this Regulation, and Treatment procedures-continue to be carried out to this extent; the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 5, 6 and 7 or 77 to 80 of this Regulation must be carried out at the latest by 1 July 2013 at the latest by warm-air pools (Whirl Pools) and small-scale bathing ponds .
Bath hygiene approved warm sprue tubs (whirlpool tubs)
§ 104. Already at the time of the entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)), warm sprue tubs (Whirlwannen) have to be granted, provided they are not in the form of therapeutic tubs in the Medical Devices Act, BGBl. I n ° 657/1996, as amended by the BGBl version. I n ° 143/2009, comply with the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 47, 48 and 51 (4) by 1 November 2012 at the latest.
Industrial-approved warm sprue tubs (whirlpools)
§ 105. (1) Already at the date of entry into force of this Regulation (Section 106 (1)), warm sprue tubs (whirltubs) approved according to industrial regulations must, provided that they are not subject to the Medical Devices Act as therapeutic tubs, to this Ordinance with the exception of the requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 47, 48 and 51 (4) and with the exception of § 46 (3) and § 53 until July 1, 2013 at the latest.
(2) The requirements for water quality in accordance with § § 47, 48 and 51 (4) must be met by these hot tubs (whirlpool tubs) by 1 at the latest. Jänner 2013.
(3) The annual water hygienic expert opinion (§ § § 57 and 58) provides perfect results, is the requirement in accordance with § 46 (3) to the latest 1. Jänner 2020.
(4) From 1. Jänner 2020 shall no longer be allowed to operate hot tub tubs (whirlpools) without automatic dosing equipment in accordance with § 53.
entry into force
§ 106. (1) The Bäderhygieneverordnung 2012, BGBl. II No 321/2012, enters into force 1. October 2012, in force.
(2) The BGBl sanitary hygiene regulations. II No. 420/1998 shall expire at the end of 30 September 2012, unless otherwise stated in § § 98 to 105.
§ 107. This Regulation has been adopted in compliance with the provisions of Directive 98 /34/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations and of rules on information society services, OJ L 206, 22.7.1998, p. No. OJ L 204 of 21.07.1998 p. 37, as last amended by Directive 2006 /96/EC, OJ L 327, 30.12.2006, p. No. 81, of the European Commission, under the notification number 2012 /371/A.