Key Benefits:
362. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Health, with which the Bluetongue Control Ordinance 2013 will be amended
Pursuant to § § 1 (6), 2c, 12, 23 (2) and 25a (3) of the Animal Health Law (TSG), RGBl. No 177/1909, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 80/2013, shall be arranged:
The Bluetongue Control Ordinance, BGBl. II No 287/2013, as last amended by BGBl. II No 87/2015, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 3 (1) Z 5 and 6 reads as follows:
" 5. |
in-depth clinical examination of all animals of the stock and the taking of samples of dead animals, or of suburban material, for the carrying out of laboratory diagnostic tests; |
6. |
Sampling of blood samples (according to the Bluetongue contingency plan) of a statistically significant number of animals of the stock for the purpose of carrying out laboratory diagnostic tests for the respective circulating serotype/s. It is important to test those animals in which the probability of obtaining virus circulation is highest (suspicionial examination). " |
2. § 4 (4) deleted.
3. Section 4 (6) is deleted.
4. § 6 reads:
" § 6. Operating locks according to § 4 shall be lifted by the authority as soon as the zones are set up in accordance with § 7 and:
1. |
all investigations to be carried out in accordance with Section 4 are completed; |
2. |
there are no animals with clinical symptoms in the herd, |
3. |
if necessary, were ordered in accordance with Section 4 (5); and |
4. |
the keeper/keeper has been shown to have been informed by the official veterinarian of the clinical signs of bluetongue as well as of the restrictions on movement of animals. |
In the same way, company locks should be lifted if there are no longer any susceptible animals in the holding (ends, exceptions to the movement ban in accordance with § 4 (2)). " |
5. Annex A reads:
" Annex A
Protection zones
In Burgenland all the districts.
In Lower Austria the districts of Neunkirchen, Wr. Neustadt-Stadt, Wr. Neustadt-Land, Baden, Mödling, Bruck an der Leitha, Wien-surroundings, Gänserndorf, Mistelbach, Korneuburg, Hollabrunn, Tulln, Lilienfeld, St. Pölten-Stadt and St. Pölten-Land.
In Styria The districts of Leoben, Bruck-Mürzzuschlag, Graz-Stadt, Graz-surroundings, Voitsberg, Deutschlandsberg, Leibnitz, Hartberg-Fürstenfeld, Weiz and Southeast Styria.
In Vienna all districts. "