Key Benefits:
424. Regulation of the Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FMA) on the content and structure of the information provided by a pension fund to eligible beneficiaries, beneficiaries, survivors or insured persons (Information Obligations Ordinance on Pensionskassen-InfoV-PK)
On the basis of § 19 (6) and § 19b (3) of the Pensionskassengesetz-PKG, BGBl. No. 281/1990, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 54/2012, shall be arranged:
§ 1. For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:
1. |
Annual account message: the information to be provided annually by a pension fund pursuant to section 19 (3) of the PKG to an eligible person or pursuant to section 19 (4) of the PCG to persons entitled to benefit from the pension; |
2. |
Reference year: the year to which the annual account message relates; |
3. |
VRG: The investment and risk community pursuant to Section 12 (1) of the PKG; |
4. |
Sub-VG: Subassessment Community according to § 12 para. 6 PKG; |
5. |
Security-VRG: VRG pursuant to § 12a para. 1 PKG; |
6. |
relevant parameters: the accounting rates used and the accounting surpluses used, the mortality table used together with any changes, the individual or collective calculation method for the provision of survivor's provisions, the individual or the individual or collective accounting methods. global guidance of the fluctuation reserve as well as the ratio of the fluctuation reserve to the cover reserve. |
Annual account message to the defendants
§ 2. (1) The annual account message to the eligible persons shall include in particular:
1. |
Without prejudice to other disclosure requirements, the company, address, registered office, telephone and fax numbers, as well as the Internet and e-mail address of the pension fund, and any establishment; |
2. |
the name, address and legal form of the (former) employer with which the pension fund contract has been concluded; |
3. |
the date on which the information relates; |
4. |
the name, gender and date of birth of the eligible person; |
5. |
Designation of the relevant VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
6. |
the name of the pension account of the eligible person, provided that the name has its own name; |
7. |
Contributions received in the year under review broken down by employer's contributions, employees ' contributions in accordance with § 108a of the Income Tax Act 1988 (EStG 1988) and other employee contributions; |
8. |
Transfers received during the reporting year broken down by |
a) |
transfers from employers ' contributions, |
b) |
Transfers from employees ' contributions according to § 108a EStG 1988, § 108i para. 1 Z 3 lit. c EStG 1988 and § 17 para. 1 Z 4 lit. b Operating staff and self-employment law (BMSVG) as well as |
c) |
transfers from other workers ' contributions; |
9. |
premium for employees ' contributions in accordance with Section 108a of the EStG 1988; |
10. |
the amount of the employee contribution for which a premium has been requested in accordance with Section 108a of the EStG 1988; |
11. |
the capital level of the pension fund basis on the basis of the cover provision; |
12. |
the amount of the administrative costs withheld in the year under section 16a (1) to (4a) of the PKG, whereby the administrative costs can be stated in accordance with Section 16a (4) of the PKG as a percentage of the relevant tax base; |
13. |
acquired rights to an old-age pension, an invalidity pension and a survivor's benefit; |
14. |
Forecast of the expected level of supply services; |
15. |
The risk potential and structure of the investment portfolio, including the indication that the breakdown of the assets to different asset classes depends on the current development of the investment risk, the contribution structure and the payment obligations, may change; |
16. |
Average annual value development of the VRG assets in relation to the reporting year, if available the last three years and the last five years, as well as a suitable risk rate based on the value development in the last five years, where, in the case of a VRG merger, the respective values of the relevant VRGen must be taken into account; |
17. |
parameters of the business plan relevant to the commitment to pension funds; |
18. |
An indication of the existence of a minimum payment guarantee in accordance with § 2 para. 2 to 4 PKG, including the indication that, despite existing guarantee, reductions in the cover provision and thus of the pension benefit can be made. |
(2) The contributions and transfers referred to in paragraph 1 (7) and (8) shall be disclosed, including administrative costs and, where appropriate, insurance tax.
(3) The prognosis in accordance with paragraph 1 (1) (14) shall be based on the accrued entitlement on the basis of the previously acquired accrual of the last contributions made by the employer and the legal person entitled to the right of property. Realistic picture of the expected pension benefit for the calculated retirement age in accordance with the pension fund commitment. The relevant parameters of the respective VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG are to be considered. If, at the time of the preparation of the forecast, the pension fund is aware of a substantial (future) change in the contributions of the employer and the entitled person, the pension fund may use the amended contributions to produce the forecast, , the reasons for the amended adoption shall be set out. The calculation shall be
1. |
the relevant accounting rate for the development of the cover provision, and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario at the level of the relevant invoice, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c) with an interest rate scenario at the level of the respective accounting surplus |
to basically lay down. |
(4) The information referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (15) to (18) may be omitted if the pension is to be provided for a benefit commitment with an unrestricted obligation of the employer to provide proof of performance. By way of derogation from paragraph 3, in the case of a performance-oriented undertaking with an unrestricted obligation to provide the employer, there is a forecast of the expected level of the pension performance.
(5) In the case of contributions-oriented commitments, it should be noted that the accused bears the risk of predisposition. Furthermore, it is expressly stated that losses should be incurred in the event of loss of assets. In the case of the apportionment of own amounts of the eligible person, these references shall be made in any case.
(6) In the case of past-related representations, it should also be pointed out that the value development of the assessment cannot be assumed by constant increases in value, since it is usually based on the investment in the capital market. It is subject to fluctuations. It should also be noted that the information on the value development of the assessment relates to past values and that the development of value in the past does not provide any reliable conclusions on the future value development of the assessment. allows.
Annual account message to the beneficiaries
§ 3. (1) The annual account message to the beneficiaries shall include, in particular, the following:
1. |
Without prejudice to other disclosure requirements, the company, address, registered office, telephone and fax numbers, as well as the Internet and e-mail address of the pension fund, and any establishment; |
2. |
the name, address and legal form of the (former) employer with which the pension fund contract has been concluded; |
3. |
the date on which the information relates; |
4. |
the name, gender, social security number and date of birth of the person entitled to benefit; |
5. |
Name, gender and date of birth of any person involved in the pension benefits, provided that the pension fund contract provides for the provision of a survivor ' s pension on an individual basis, including the indication that the non-nomination of the spouse, partner or child may result in reduced survivor's performance; |
6. |
Designation of the relevant VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
7. |
the name of the pension account of the person entitled to benefit, provided that the name has its own name; |
8. |
the nature of the pension; |
9. |
Gross opension level broken down according to their tax relevance |
a) |
in pension benefits from employers ' contributions, |
b) |
Pension benefits from employees ' contributions according to § 108a EStG 1988, § 108i para. 1 Z 3lit. c EStG and § 17 para. 1 Z 4 lit. b BMSVG and |
c) |
pension benefits from other workers ' contributions; |
10. |
where applicable, the amount of guaranteed pension benefits in accordance with Section 12a (1) (2) of the PKG; |
11. |
where applicable, the amount of the credit referred to in Article 2 (2) and (3) of the |
12. |
the capital level of the pension fund basis on the basis of the cover provision; |
13. |
Amount of the administrative costs withheld in the reporting year in accordance with Section 16a (1), (4) and (4a) of the PKG, with the indication of the administrative costs in accordance with the provisions of § 16a (4) of the PKG can be made as a percentage of the relevant tax base; |
14. |
Possibly in the next financial year, a grant to be paid to the pension pursuant to § 16a paragraph 4b Z 3 PKG; |
15. |
The risk potential and structure of the investment portfolio, including the indication that the breakdown of the assets to different asset classes depends on the current development of the investment risk, the contribution structure and the payment obligations, may change; |
16. |
Average annual value development of the VRG assets in relation to the reporting year, provided that the last three years and the last five years, as well as a suitable risk rate based on the performance of the VRG over the last five years, where, in the case of a VRG merger, the respective values of the relevant VRGen must be taken into account; |
17. |
parameters of the business plan relevant to the commitment to pension funds; |
18. |
An indication of the existence of a minimum payment guarantee in accordance with § 2 para. 2 to 4 PKG, including the indication that, despite existing guarantee, reductions in the cover provision and thus of the pension benefit can be made. |
(2) The information referred to in paragraph 1 (1) (15) to (18) may be omitted if the pension is to be provided for by a performance commitment with an unrestricted obligation to post the employer's own right.
(3) In the case of contributions-oriented commitments, it should be noted that the person entitled to benefit bears the risk of predisposition. Furthermore, it is expressly stated that losses should be incurred in the event of loss of assets. In the case of the assessment of own amounts of the person entitled to benefit, these references shall be made in any case.
(4) In the case of past-related representations, it should also be pointed out that the value development of the assessment cannot be assumed by constant increases in value, since it is usually based on the investment in the capital market. It is subject to fluctuations. It should also be noted that the information on the value development of the assessment relates to past values and that the development of value in the past does not provide any reliable conclusions on the future value development of the assessment. allows.
Information at the entrance of the service
§ 4. The information to the persons entitled to benefit at the time of entry of the performance shall in particular include:
1. |
Without prejudice to other disclosure requirements, the company, address, registered office, telephone and fax numbers, as well as the Internet and e-mail address of the pension fund, and any establishment; |
2. |
the name, address and legal form of the (former) employer with which the Pensionskassenvertrag has been concluded; |
3. |
the date on which the information relates; |
4. |
the name, gender, social security number and date of birth of the person entitled to benefit; |
5. |
Name, gender and date of birth of any person involved in the pension benefits, provided that the pension fund contract provides for the provision of a survivor ' s pension on an individual basis, including the indication that the non-nomination of the spouse, partner or child may result in reduced survivor's performance; |
6. |
Designation of the relevant VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
7. |
the name of the pension account of the person entitled to benefit, provided that the name has its own name; |
8. |
the nature of the pension and, where appropriate, a reference to the pension; |
9. |
Gross opension level broken down according to its tax relevance in |
a) |
Pension benefits from employers ' contributions, |
b) |
Pension benefits from employees ' contributions according to § 108a EStG 1988, § 108i para. 1 Z 3 lit. c EStG and § 17 para. 1 Z 4 lit. b BMSVG and |
c) |
pension benefits from other workers ' contributions; |
10. |
where applicable, the amount of guaranteed pension benefits in accordance with Section 12a (1) (2) of the PKG; |
11. |
where applicable, the amount of the credit referred to in Article 2 (2) and (3) of the |
12. |
the rolling-up modalities of pension payments; |
13. |
Possibly in the next financial year, a grant to be paid to the pension pursuant to § 16a paragraph 4b Z 3 PKG; |
14. |
the basis for the current tax regime of the pension, including the foundations for joint taxation in accordance with § 47 (4) EStG 1988; |
15. |
the date of the start of the pension payment; |
16. |
Pension payment arrangements, in particular the number of payments per year, payment dates, payment methods and the timing and amount of special payments. |
Information before switching to another VRG or Sub-VG
§ 5. (1) The information to be provided by the pension fund to an eligible person or a survivor on request before a possible change to another VRG or Sub-VG shall contain the following:
1. |
the estimated amount of the transfer amount, in addition, divided into cover and fluctuation reserve; |
2. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
3. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the receiving VRG or Sub-VG; |
4. |
Assessment strategy, earnings opportunities and risks of the receiving VRG or Sub-VG; |
5. |
Forecast of the future development of the qualifying and pension benefits, in each case in the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG and in the receiving VRG or Sub-VG; |
6. |
previous change history and remaining interchangeable options together with a brief explanation. |
(2) The information referred to in paragraph 1 Z 4 shall include the investment strategy, average earnings expectation and the probability of negative earnings development at least in the current financial year and the following financial year. If it is not a performance-oriented undertaking with an unrestricted obligation to provide the employer, it shall be expressly informed to the person entitled to the right or to the survivors, to what extent, including, where appropriate, Consideration of a minimum payment guarantee, which bears the risk of predisposition. It should also be pointed out that the value development of the assessment cannot be assumed to be constant increases in value, since it is, as a rule, subject to fluctuations on the basis of the investment in the capital market.
(3) The forecast provided for in paragraph 1 (1) (5) provides as realistic a picture of the future as possible on the basis of the accrued relationship acquired so far, assuming that the contributions of the employer and the legal person who have been last paid remain unequal. To give rise to the development of the eligibility and the expected pension benefit to the calculatory retirement age in accordance with the pension scheme. The relevant parameters of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG and the receiving VRG or Sub-VG, as well as the contribution payments of the previous financial year must be taken into account. The calculation shall be
1. |
the relevant accounting rate for the development of the cover provision, and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario at the level of the relevant invoice, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c) with an interest rate scenario at the level of the respective accounting surplus |
to basically lay down. In direct connection, it should be clearly pointed out that the calculation of the forecasts without taking into account the investment strategies, income opportunities and risks of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG and the receiving VRG or Sub-VG have been carried out. The forecasts are to be followed by a comparative comparison of the investment strategies, earnings opportunities and risks of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG and the receiving VRG or Sub-VG. |
Information before switching to a security VRG
§ 6. (1) The information to be provided by the pension fund to an eligible person or to a survivor on request before a possible change to a security VRG shall contain:
1. |
the estimated amount of the transfer amount, in addition, divided into cover and fluctuation reserve; |
2. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the issuing VRG or Sub-VG; |
3. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the receiving security VRG; |
4. |
Assessment strategy, earnings opportunities and risks of the receiving security VRG; |
5. |
Forecast of future development of the investment and pension benefits, in each of the issuing VRG or Sub-VG and in the receiving security VRG; |
6. |
previous history of change and remaining interchangeable options together with a brief explanation; |
7. |
the expected amount of the first guaranteed monthly pension; |
8. |
Modalities of the valorisation of the guaranteed first month's pension; |
9. |
the level of administrative costs in accordance with Article 16a (4a) of the PKG; |
10. |
Indication of the whereabout of the persons entitled to benefit in the security VRG in the event of termination of the pension fund contract. |
(2) The information referred to in paragraph 1 Z 4 shall include the investment strategy, average earnings expectation and the probability of negative earnings development at least in the current financial year and the following financial year. The extent to which he bears the risk of predisposition shall be expressly notified to the person entitled to the right of initiative or to the surviving dependants. It should also be pointed out that the value development of the assessment cannot be assumed to be constant increases in value, since it is, as a rule, subject to fluctuations on the basis of the investment in the capital market.
(3) The forecast provided for in paragraph 1 (1) (5) provides as realistic a picture of the future as possible on the basis of the accrued relationship acquired so far, assuming that the contributions of the employer and the legal person who have been last paid remain unequal. To give rise to the development of the eligibility and the expected pension benefit to the calculatory retirement age in accordance with the pension scheme. The relevant parameters of the issuing VRG or Sub-VG and of the receiving security VRG as well as the contribution payments of the previous financial year must be taken into consideration. The calculation shall be
1. |
the relevant accounting rate for the development of the cover provision, and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario at the level of the relevant invoice, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c shall be waited with an interest rate scenario at the level of the respective accounting surplus |
to basically lay down. In direct connection, it should be clearly pointed out that the calculation of the forecasts without taking into account the investment strategies, income opportunities and risks of the issuing VRG or Sub-VG and the receiving security VRG were carried out. The forecasts are to be followed by a comparative comparison of the investment strategies, earnings opportunities and risks of the issuing VRG or Sub-VG and of the receiving security VRG. |
(4) In the case of the information referred to in paragraph 1 Z 6, it should also be pointed out that the next change of an eligible person is only possible in the former VRG.
(5) In the context of the information referred to in paragraph 1 (7), the estimated amount of the guaranteed first monthly pension in the case of a survivor's transfer must also be indicated and it should be noted that the current pension payment may be adjusted.
Information prior to change in case of performance in a company collective insurance
§ 7. (1) The information to be provided by the pension fund to an eligible person or to a survivor on request before a possible change in the performance of a collective insurance scheme shall contain:
1. |
the estimated amount of the incongestibility amount; |
2. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
3. |
Presentation of the systematic differences between pension fund commitments and company collective insurance policies; |
4. |
Forecast of the future development of pension performance in the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
5. |
Indication of the unrevocability of this change. |
(2) In the context of the information referred to in paragraph 1 (3), the pension fund has to point out that pension fund commitments and company collective insurance schemes are pension schemes where, although a largely identical treatment is concerned, the pension fund is treated as pension fund. in terms of labour and social law, but which differ in relation to the apportionment, guarantees and changes in the pension boards used. It is also to be found that, in the case of pension fund commitments based on the common traits of earnings opportunities and risks, irrespective of the guarantee possibilities under the security VRG or a minimum guarantee of a pension, there is no general guarantee. Guarantees are provided for and the possibility of amending the pension boards used, whereas in the case of collective insurance undertakings, there is a principle of guaranteed minimum pensions and the use of the pension schemes in the case of inclusion in the valid pension boards are provided for in-company collective insurance.
(3) The forecast provided for in paragraph 1 (1) (4) shall provide as realistic a picture as possible of the future development of the pension benefits on the basis of the accrued relationship acquired so far. The relevant parameters of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG are to be taken into consideration. The calculation shall be
1. |
the accounting rates of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG for the development of the cover provision and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the accounting interest rate of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c is omitted, with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the accounting surplus of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG |
to basically lay down.
Information prior to change in the case of an up-to-date employment relationship in a collective insurance company
§ 8. (1) The information to be provided by the pension fund to an eligible person on request before a possible change in the employment relationship in an occupational collective insurance shall contain the following:
1. |
the estimated amount of the incongestibility amount; |
2. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
3. |
Presentation of the systematic differences between pension fund commitments and company collective insurance policies; |
4. |
Forecast of the future development of the eligibility and pension performance in the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
5. |
Note that there are still existing possibilities for changing or indicating that there are no longer any opportunities for change. |
(2) In the context of the information referred to in paragraph 1 (3), the pension fund has to point out that pension fund commitments and company collective insurance schemes are pension provision products, in which, although a widely-used pension scheme is Treatment in terms of labour and social law, but which differ in terms of the assessment, guarantee benefits and changes in the pension boards used. It is also to be found that, in the case of pension fund commitments based on the common traits of earnings opportunities and risks, irrespective of the guarantee possibilities under the security VRG or a minimum guarantee of a pension, there is no general guarantee. Guarantees are provided for and the possibility of amending the pension boards used, whereas in the case of collective insurance undertakings, there is a principle of guaranteed minimum pensions and the use of the pension schemes in the case of inclusion in the valid pension boards are provided for in-company collective insurance.
(3) The forecast provided for in paragraph 1 (1) (4) shall, as far as possible, be based on the accrued entitlement on the basis of the previously acquired accrual of the last contributions of the employer and of the legal person entitled to the right of property. a realistic picture of the future development of the qualifying period and the expected pension benefit for the calculated retirement age in accordance with the pension fund commitment. The relevant parameters of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG, as well as the contribution payments of the previous financial year must be taken into consideration. The calculation shall be
1. |
Invoicing of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety-VRG for the development of the cover provision and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the accounting interest rate of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c is omitted, with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the accounting surplus of the issuing VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG |
to basically lay down. |
Information before switching to a pension fund in case of performance
§ 9. (1) The information to be provided by the pension fund to a insured person on request before a possible change in the performance of a pension fund shall contain the following:
1. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
2. |
Presentation of the systematic differences between pension fund commitments and company collective insurance policies; |
3. |
Forecast of the future development of pension performance in the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
4. |
Indication of the unrevocability of this change. |
(2) In the context of the information referred to in paragraph 1 (2), the pension fund has to point out that pension fund commitments and company collective insurance schemes are pension schemes where, although they are widely used, pension schemes are not Treatment in terms of labour and social law, but which differ in terms of the assessment, guarantee benefits and changes in the pension boards used. It is also to be found that, in the case of pension fund commitments based on the common traits of earnings opportunities and risks, irrespective of the guarantee possibilities under the security VRG or a minimum guarantee of a pension, there is no general guarantee. Guarantees are provided and there is the possibility of changing the pension boards used, whereas in the case of company collective insurance policies, a minimum guaranteed pension and the use of the pension funds at the end of the agreement are in principle provided. Pension boards are provided for.
(3) The forecast provided for in paragraph 1 (1) (3) shall provide as realistic a picture as possible of the future development of pension benefits on the basis of the inability to fall within the framework of the company's collective insurance scheme. The relevant parameters of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG are to be taken into consideration. The calculation shall be
1. |
the invoice rate of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG for the development of the fluctuation reserve and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c is omitted, with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the accounting surplus of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG |
to basically lay down. |
Information before switching to a pension fund when the employment relationship is open
§ 10. (1) The information to be provided by the pension fund to a insured person on request before a possible change in the employment relationship in a pension fund shall contain:
1. |
relevant parameters of the business plan of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG; |
2. |
Presentation of the systematic differences between pension fund commitments and company collective insurance policies; |
3. |
Forecast of future developments in terms of eligibility and pension performance; |
4. |
Note that there are still existing possibilities for changing or indicating that there are no longer any opportunities for change. |
(2) In the context of the information referred to in paragraph 1 (2), the pension fund has to point out that pension fund commitments and company collective insurance schemes are pension schemes where, although they are widely used, pension schemes are not Treatment in terms of labour and social law, but which differ in terms of the assessment, guarantee benefits and changes in the pension boards used. It is also to be found that, in the case of pension fund commitments based on the common traits of earnings opportunities and risks, irrespective of the guarantee possibilities under the security VRG or a minimum guarantee of a pension, there is no general guarantee. Guarantees are provided for and the possibility of amending the pension boards used, whereas in the case of collective insurance undertakings, there is a principle of guaranteed minimum pensions and the use of the pension schemes in the case of inclusion in the valid pension boards are provided for in-company collective insurance.
(3) The forecast provided for in paragraph 1 (1) (3) shall be based on the non-decaying amount acquired in the framework of the collective insurance scheme, assuming that the last premiums paid by the employer and the insured person are accepted. to give as realistic a picture as possible of the future development of the qualifying period and the pension benefits to be expected for the calculated retirement age, in accordance with the pension scheme. The relevant parameters of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG as well as the premium payments of the previous financial year must be taken into consideration. The calculation shall be
1. |
the invoice rate of the receiving VRG, sub-VG or security VRG for the cover provision and |
2. |
a revenue development |
a) |
with a zero-interest scenario, |
b) |
with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG, |
c) |
where lower than in point (b), with an interest rate scenario at the level of the maximum percentage of the invoice in force at the date of the information, and |
d) |
if an indication is given after lit. c is omitted, with an interest rate scenario in the amount of the accounting surplus of the receiving VRG, Sub-VG or Safety VRG |
to basically lay down. |
§ 11. The information according to § § 5 to 10 are to be divided in the order provided in § 5 paragraph 1, § 6 para. 1, § 7 para. 1, § 8 para. 1, § 9 para. 1 and § 10 para. 1.
entry into force
§ 12. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2013 in force. § 2 and § 3 are to be applied for the first time to annual account messages on the reporting date of 31 December 2013. § 4 shall be applied for the first time to information which shall be available at the time of the performance of the performance from the first. Jänner 2014.
Ettl Pribil