Key Benefits:
470. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, which changes the regulation of the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs on the supervisory districts and the scope of action of the labour inspectorates
Due to § 14 (4) of the Labour Inspectorate Act 1993 (ArbIG), BGBl. No. 27 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 50/2012, shall be arranged:
The regulation of the Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs on the supervisory districts and the scope of action of the labour inspectorates, BGBl. No 237/1993, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 451/2011, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 1. in the remarks to the 11. Supervisory district the word order "Fürstenfeld, Hartberg" replaced by the phrase "Hartberg-Fürstenfeld", the phrase "Feldbach, Radkersburg" replaced by the word "Southeast Styria" , and in the speeches on 12. Supervisory district the word order "Bruck a.d. Mur, Mürzzuschlag" replaced by the phrase "Bruck-Mürzzuschlag" .
(2) The following paragraph 4 is added to § 5 (3):
" (4) The amendments to the remarks in § 1 of the 11. and 12. Supervisory district in the version BGBl. II No 470/2012 with 1. Jänner 2013 in force. "