Key Benefits:
522. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Science and Research on the Implementation of the Animal Experiments Act 2012 (Animal Experimentation-Ordinance 2012-TVV 2012)
On the basis of § 43 of the Animal Experiments Act 2012, BGBl. I n ° 114/2012-with regard to the 2nd, 3rd and 4. Section in agreement with the Federal Minister for Health-decreed:
table of contents
§ |
Object/Label |
Section 1 |
§ 1 |
Subject matter |
Section 2 |
§ 2 |
Functional areas and general design of facilities |
§ 3 |
Animal Spaces |
§ 4 |
General and special rooms for animal testing |
§ 5 |
Operating Rooms |
§ 6 |
Aeration and temperature |
§ 7 |
Lighting |
§ 8 |
Noise |
§ 9 |
Alarm systems |
§ 10 |
Health |
§ 11 |
Animals from the wild |
§ 12 |
Accommodation, design and posture areas |
§ 13 |
Feeding |
§ 14 |
Drinkers |
§ 15 |
Quiet and sleeping areas |
§ 16 |
Handling |
§ 17 |
Species-specific requirements for facilities, care and accommodation of animals |
§ 18 |
Specific requirements for the keeping of fish |
Section 3 |
§ 19 |
Specially designed for use in animal experiments |
Section 4 |
§ 20 |
Permitted methods of stunning and killing of animals |
Section 5 |
Section 21 |
Content and scope of application documents |
Section 22 |
Content and scope of the reduced application documents |
Section 23 |
Publication on the Internet |
6. |
§ 24 |
Implementation Notice |
Section 25 |
Inforce and external force |
Section 1
General provisions
Subject matter
§ 1. (1) The subject matter of this Regulation is the protection of animals within the meaning of Section 1 (1) of the Animal Experiments Act 2012, BGBl. I No 114/2012. To this end, this Regulation lays down:
1. |
general requirements for facilities, care and accommodation of animals (2. Section), |
2. |
specific rules for certain species of animal (3. Section), |
3. |
the permitted methods of stunning and killing of animals (4). Section) and |
4. |
detailed rules on project applications (5. Section). |
(2) Within the scope of this Regulation, Recommendation 2007 /526/EC laying down guidelines for the accommodation and care of animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes, OJ L 327, 28.2.2007, p. No. OJ L 197, 30.7.2007, p.
Section 2
General requirements for facilities as well as care and accommodation of animals
Functional areas and general design
§ 2. (1) Institutions must have a maintenance programme in order to prevent damage to buildings and equipment; to fix it.
(2) installations must be designed to provide an adequate environment for the animal species housed in them, taking account of the physiological and ethological needs of these species. They must also be designed and managed in such a way that unauthorised persons have no access to them and cannot escape or escape from the animals.
Animal Spaces
§ 3. (1) Institutions must have a plan for the regular and efficient cleaning of the premises and shall maintain satisfactory hygiene conditions.
(2) The walls and floors in rooms must be provided with a surface made of a material which is capable of withstanding the heavy wear caused by animals and cleaning processes. This material must not be harmful to the health of the animals, nor may it be such that they can injure themselves. Equipment and devices must also be protected in such a way that they are neither damaged by the animals nor can they cause injury to the animals.
(3) Subful species such as predators and prey animals, or animals which need different environmental conditions, must not be placed in the same room, or in the case of predators and prey animals, not in sight, smelling or auditory distance.
General and special rooms for animal testing
§ 4. (1) Facilities must, where appropriate, have laboratories to carry out simple diagnostic tests, sections or sampling, which are subject to more extensive laboratory tests elsewhere. There must be general and special test rooms for cases in which the carrying out of animal experiments or observations in the animal spaces is not provided.
(2) Equipment must be equipped in such a way that newly recorded animals can be quarantined until their state of health is established and the potential health risk for the animals already in use is assessed and can be reduced to a minimum.
(3) Separate accommodation facilities shall be available for animals which are ill or injured.
Operating Rooms
§ 5. (1) Storage spaces must be designed and used and maintained in such a way as to ensure the quality of feed and litter. These rooms must, as far as possible, be secured against insect pests and insects. Other materials which may be contaminated or which may be a hazard to animals or personnel must be stored separately.
(2) Cleaning and washing areas shall be so large that the equipment required for the decontamination and cleaning of the equipment used may be accommodated there. The cleaning procedure must provide for the separate transport of clean and polluted equipment in order to avoid contamination of freshly cleaned equipment.
(3) It is necessary to make provision in the facilities for the hygienic storage and destruction of dead animals and animal waste.
(4) If surgical procedures are required under aseptic conditions, there must be one or more than one room with appropriate equipment as well as spaces in which the animals can recover after surgical interventions.
Aeration and temperature
§ 6. (1) The insulation, heating and ventilation of the animal spaces shall be such as to ensure that the air circulation and the concentration of dust and gas move within limits which are not harmful to the animals housed therein.
(2) The temperature and the relative humidity in the animal spaces shall be adapted to the needs of the animal species and age groups housed. The temperature is to be measured and recorded daily.
(3) The animals may not be kept in the open as far as possible in the case of weather conditions which may cause them distress.
§ 7. (1) If the natural light does not guarantee an appropriate day-night cycle, controlled lighting must be provided to satisfy the biological needs of the animals and to ensure appropriate working conditions.
(2) The lighting must meet the requirements of the carrying out of animal care work and the controls of the animals.
(3) Regular photoperides and a light intensity adapted to the animal species must be given.
(4) In the position of albinos, the lighting must be adapted to the increased sensitivity of the light.
§ 8. (1) The sound level, including ultrasound, shall not affect the welfare of the animals.
(2) The facilities must have alarm systems whose tones are outside the hearing area of the animals, provided that this is possible and compatible with the human hearing area.
(3) Animal spaces shall, where necessary, have adequate noise insulation and insulation.
Alarm systems
§ 9. (1) Facilities in which the regulation of ambient conditions and protective devices are dependent on electrical or mechanical devices must have an emergency system to operate the main functions and the To maintain emergency lighting and to ensure that the alarm systems do not fail.
(2) Heating and ventilation systems must be equipped with monitoring and alarm systems.
(3) Clear instructions for action in emergencies must be clearly visible.
§ 10. (1) Institutions must have a strategy to ensure the maintenance of an adequate state of health which will ensure the welfare of animals and meet scientific requirements. This strategy must include regular health check-ups and a microbiological monitoring programme and plans to address health problems, and health parameters and procedures relating to the inclusion of new animals define.
(2) The animals shall be checked at least once every day by a knowledgeable person. These checks shall ensure that all sick and injured animals are detected and appropriate measures are taken.
Animals from the wild
§ 11. (1) There must be adequate transport containers and means of transport available at fishing places for the species in the event that animals have to be transported for examination or treatment.
(2) Special attention shall be paid to the cessation, quarantine, accommodation, keeping and care of animals caught in the wild, for which appropriate measures are to be taken. Where appropriate, arrangements shall be made for their release following the conclusion of animal testing.
Accommodation, design and posture areas
§ 12. (1) With the exception of animals living separately from nature, animals must be housed in stable groups of compatible animals. In cases where a single submission is justified in accordance with Section 25 (2) of the Animal Experiments Act 2012, the duration of the accommodation must be limited to the minimum necessary and it must be in sight, hearing, smell and/or contact shall be maintained. The inclusion or resumption of animals in existing groups must be carefully monitored in order to avoid problems with intolerance and disrupted social relations.
(2) All animals have to have spaces of sufficient complexity in order to be able to live out a wide range of species-typical behaviours. They must be able to control and select their environment to a certain extent in order to reduce stress-related behavioural patterns. All facilities must have adequate design options to broaden the range of activities available to the animals and their adaptability, including movement, feed search, manipulative and cognitive behavior according to animal species. The design of the living environment in animal areas must be adapted to the animal species and to the individual needs of the animals. The design strategies in the institutions must be regularly reviewed and updated.
(3) Animal husbands may not contain any harmful materials. In addition, they must be designed and constructed in such a way that no injury to the animals is caused. Except in the case of disposable material, they must be made of material which can be cleaned and disinfected without problems. The soils in livestock areas must be adapted to the species and age of the animals, and their nature must facilitate the removal of excrements.
§ 13. (1) The nature, content and presentation of the fodder shall be in accordance with the nutritional and behavioural needs of the animals.
(2) The animal feed must be tasty and must not be contaminated. In the selection of the starting materials, in the preparation, preparation and presentation of the fodder, measures must be taken in the facilities to reduce the chemical, physical and microbiological contamination to a minimum.
(3) In the case of packaging, transport and storage, contamination, quality reduction and spoidate must be avoided. All feed containers, troughs or other devices required for feeding must be cleaned regularly and, if necessary, sterilized.
(4) All animals must have access to feed and sufficient space to restrict competition.
§ 14. (1) All animals must always have clean drinking water.
(2) If automatic impregnation devices are used, they are to be checked regularly, to be kept and to be rinsed, in order to avoid accidents. If cages with solid soil are used, care must be taken to minimise the risk of flooding.
(3) It is necessary to ensure that the water supply for aquariums and terrariums is adapted to the needs and tolerance limits of the individual species of fish, amphibians and reptile species.
Quiet and sleeping areas
§ 15. (1) The animals must always have appropriate litter or sleeping places, including nest material or nest structures for pregnant animals, on the animal species. If it requires the species, appropriate litter and sleeping places are to be provided.
(2) In livestock areas, all animals must be provided with a sound and comfortable rest area suitable for each type of animal. All sleeping areas must be kept clean and dry.
§ 16. Facilities shall be drawn up for the creation of training and training programmes suitable for the animals and, where appropriate, for animal testing and the duration of the projects.
Species-specific requirements for facilities, care and accommodation of animals
§ 17. For the animals referred to in Appendix 1 to this Regulation, the species-specific requirements for facilities, as well as care and accommodation, shall be laid down in Appendix 1.
Specific requirements for the keeping of fish
§ 18. (1) The adequate supply of water of sufficient quality shall be ensured at all times. The water flow in circulation systems or the filtration in aquariums must be sufficient to ensure that the water quality parameters are kept at an acceptable level. The water for the facilities shall be filtered or treated in order to remove, where appropriate, substances which are harmful to fish. The water quality parameters must always be within the acceptable range, which supports the normal movement and physiology of a particular type and of a particular development stage. The water flow must allow the fish to swim according to their species and maintain normal behaviour. Fishing is sufficient time for familiarisation and adaptation to changes in water quality.
(2) The oxygen concentration must be appropriate for the species and the purpose for which they are held. If necessary, an additional aeration of the water in the pelvis is to be ensured. The concentration of nitrogen compounds should be kept low.
(3) The pH is to be adjusted to the fish chart and kept as stable as possible. The salt content must be adapted to the requirements of the fish species and the stage of life of the fish. Changes in salt content may only be made step by step.
(4) The temperature must be kept within the optimum range for the species concerned and as stable as possible. Temperature changes may only be made step by step. Fish are to be held with an appropriate photoperiod. Noise levels shall be kept to a minimum and equipment which causes noise or vibration, such as Power generators or filter systems are to be kept as separate as possible from the fish-plants.
(5) The stocking density shall be based on the overall needs of the fish in relation to environmental conditions, health and well-being. Fish must have a sufficient quantity of water available for their species-friendly swimming behaviour, taking into account their size, age, health and feeding method. The fish is to be provided with an environment with a suitable design such as the hiding place and the soil substrate, unless such an embodiment is not required according to the patterns of behavior.
(6) The fish are to be fed in sufficient quantities and frequency with a food suitable for them. Special attention should be paid to the feeding of fish at the larval stage, when feeding natural food to art food is being changed. The handling of fish is to be reduced to a minimum.
Section 3
Specific rules for certain animal species
Specially designed for use in animal experiments
§ 19. The following animal species may only be used for animal testing if they have been specifically bred for use in animal experiments:
1. |
Mouse ( Mus musculus ), |
2. |
Ratte ( Rattus norvegicus ), |
3. |
Guinea pigs ( Cavia porcellus ), |
4. |
Goldhamster ( Mesocricetus auratus ), |
5. |
Chinese strip hamster ( Cricetulus griseus ), |
6. |
Mongolian Desert Race ( Meriones unguiculatus ), |
7. |
Rabbits ( Oryctolagus cuniculus ), |
8. |
Dog ( Canis familiaris ), |
9. |
Cat ( Felis catus ), |
10. |
all kinds of non-human primates, |
11. |
Frog ( Xenopus laevis, X. tropicalis , Rana temporaria, R. pipiens ) and |
12. |
Zebrafish ( Danio rerio ). |
Section 4
Permitted killing methods
Permitted methods of stunning and killing of animals
§ 20. (1) In the case of Appendix 2 shall be applied only to the killing methods laid down in that animal.
(2) Other than those in the Appendix 2 The following methods are only allowed:
1. |
in the cases of Section 7 (4) of the Animal Experiments Act 2012, |
2. |
in the case of fully stunned animals, provided that the animal does not regain consciousness before death; and |
3. |
for agricultural research projects which require the animals to be kept under comparable conditions as in agriculture; these animals may be used in accordance with Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 on the protection of animals Date of the killing, OJ C 327, 28. No. OJ L 303, 18.11.2009 p. 1. |
Section 5
Project applications
Content and scope of application documents
§ 21. The application documents according to § 26 (2) Z 6 of the Animal Experiments Act 2012 must include the following information:
1. |
the meaning and justification of the animal test, |
2. |
the justification for the intended use of the animals, including their origin, the estimated number, species and sections of life; |
3. |
the use of methods for the prevention, reduction and improvement of the use of animals in the animal experiments requested; |
4. |
the planned use of narcotic drugs, analgesics and other pain-relieving methods, |
5. |
where appropriate, the reduction, prevention and alleviation of any form of animal suffering from birth to death, |
6. |
the use of as painless endpoints as possible, |
7. |
the experimental or observational strategies and statistical design to minimise the number of animals, pain, suffering, distress and, where appropriate, the environmental impact, |
8. |
the re-use of animals and the cumulative effect on the animal, |
9. |
the proposed classification of the severity, |
10. |
avoiding, where appropriate, the unjustified duplication of animal testing, |
11. |
the conditions of accommodation, storage and maintenance of the animals; |
12. |
the killing methods to be used, and |
13. |
the subject-matter of the persons involved in the project. |
Content and scope of the reduced application documents
§ 22. The simplified applications pursuant to Section 26 (3) of the Animal Experiments Act 2012 do not have to contain the non-technical project summaries provided for in § 26 paragraph 2.
Publication on the Internet
§ 23. The statistics as well as non-technical project summaries are to be published under the Internet address of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Final provisions
Implementation Notice
§ 24. This Regulation provides for Directive 2010 /63/EU on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes, OJ L 327, 30.4.2010, p. No. OJ L 276, 20.10.2010 p. 33 transposed into Austrian law.
Inforce and external force
§ 25. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. January 2013 in force, Tables 1 to 35 of the Appendix 1 come with 1. Jänner 2017 in force.
(2) With the expiry of the 31 December 2012, the Animal Experiments Regulation, BGBl, shall enter into force. II No 198/2000, with the exception of Tables 3 to 12 of its Annex. These tables shall expire at the end of 31 December 2016.
Appendix 1
Requirements for facilities as well as care and accommodation of animals
1. Mice, rats, desert rales, hamsters and guinea pigs
1.1. In this table and the following tables with recommendations for mice, rats, desert racing mice, hamsters and guinea pigs, the "height of accommodation" shall mean the vertical distance between the bottom and the upper edge of the posture area; the said tables shall be: Height shall apply to more than 50% of the minimum floor area prior to the addition of design elements.
1.2. The experimental design must take into account the potential growth of the animals to ensure that the animals have sufficient space for the entire duration of the experiment (see Tables 1 to 5).
Table 1-Mice (Table 1.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum placement size (cm) 2 ) |
Floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (cm) |
Stockholding and during animal testing |
up to 20 > 20 to 25 > 25 to 30 > 30 |
330 330 330 330 |
60 70 80 100 |
12 12 12 12 |
Reproduction |
For a monogamy pair (off-/inbreeding) or a trio (inbreeding). For each additional female animal plus litter are 180 cm 2 add. |
12 |
Stock keeping with breeders 1)
Size of placement
950 cm 2 |
Under 20 |
950 |
40 |
12 |
Size of placement
1 500 cm 2 |
Under 20 |
1 500 |
30 |
12 |
1) Mice may be kept at these higher stocking densities for a short period of time between discontinuation and delivery, provided that the animals are housed in larger, appropriately designed cages and the conditions under which they are placed are: Animal welfare is not affected by, for example, increased aggressiveness, morbidity or mortality, stereotypical behaviour and other behavioural deficits, weight loss or other physiological or behavioural or behavioural problems. Lead stress reactions.
Table 2-rats (Table 1.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum accommodation size (cm 2 ) |
Floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (cm) |
Stockholding and during animal testing 1) |
up to 200 > 200 to 300 > 300 to 400 > 400 to 600 > 600 |
800 800 800 800 1 500 |
200 250 350 450 600 |
18 18 18 18 18 |
Reproduction |
800 Mother and litter. For each additional adult animal, which is permanently set in the posture area, 400 cm shall be used. 2 added. |
18 |
Stock keeping with breeders 2) Size of accommodation 1 500 cm 2 |
up to 50 > 50 to 100 > 100 to 150 > 150 to 200 |
1 500 1 500 1 500 1 500 |
100 125 150 175 |
18 18 18 18 |
Stock keeping with breeders 2) Size of accommodation 2 500 cm 2 |
up to 100 > 100 to 150 > 150 to 200 |
2 500 2 500 2 500 |
100 125 150 |
18 18 18 |
1) If, in the case of long-term studies, the space available for the individual animals towards the end of the study is lower than the one indicated above, care must be taken, as a priority, to maintain stable social structures.
2) Rats may be kept at these higher stocking densities for a short period of time between discontinuation and delivery, provided that the animals are housed in larger, appropriately designed cages and that these accommodation conditions are Animal welfare is not affected by, for example, increased aggressiveness, morbidity or mortality, stereotypical behaviour and other behavioural deficits, weight loss or other physiological or behavioural or behavioural problems. Lead stress reactions.
Table 3-Desert racing mice (Table 1.3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum placement size (cm) 2 ) |
Floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (cm) |
Stockholding and during animal testing |
up to 40 > 40 |
1 200 1 200 |
150 250 |
18 18 |
Reproduction |
1 200 Monogames couple or trio with offspring |
18 |
Table 4-Hamster (Table 1.4 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum accommodation size (cm 2 ) |
Floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (cm) |
Stockholding and during animal testing |
up to 60 > 60 to 100 > 100 |
800 800 800 |
150 200 250 |
14 14 14 |
Reproduction |
800 Mother animal or monogamy couple with litter |
14 |
Stock keeping with breeders 1) |
Under 60 |
1 500 |
100 |
14 |
1) Hamsters may be kept at these higher stocking densities for a short period of time between discontinuation and delivery, provided that the animals are housed in larger, appropriately designed cages and that these accommodation conditions are Animal welfare is not affected by, for example, increased aggressiveness, morbidity or mortality, stereotypical behaviour and other behavioural deficits, weight loss or other physiological or behavioural or behavioural problems. Lead stress reactions.
Table 5-Meerschweinchen (Table 1.5 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum placement size (cm) 2 ) |
Floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (cm) |
Stockholding and during animal testing |
up to 200 > 200 to 300 > 300 to 450 > 450 to 700 > 700 |
1 800 1 800 1 800 2 500 2 500 |
200 350 500 700 900 |
23 23 23 23 23 |
Reproduction |
2 500 Couple with litter. For each additional female breeding animal, 1 000 cm 2 added. |
23 |
2. Rabbits
2.1. In the case of agricultural research projects where the aim of the experiments requires that the animals be kept under comparable conditions as in agriculture, the animal husbandry should at least meet the standards of the 1. Animal welfare regulation, BGBl. II No 485/2004.
2.2. Within the accommodation, there must be an increased area. On this pedestal the animals must be lying, sitting and moving underneath without any problems, but it must not take more than 40% of the floor area. If there is no podium for scientific or veterinary reasons, the accommodation for a single rabbit must be 33% higher and 60% greater for two rabbits. If a pedestal is made available for rabbits of less than 10 weeks, the podium must be at least 55 cm x 25 cm in size and the height above the ground must ensure that the animals can use it.
2.3. The requirements of Table 6 apply both to cages and to coves. For the third, fourth, fifth and sixth rabbits, at least 3 000 cm shall be used. 2 , for each additional rabbit at least 2 500 cm 2 additional floor area.
Table 6-Over 10 weeks old rabbits (Table 2.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight of the adult animal (kg) |
Minimum floor area for one or two harmonising animals (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
below 3 3 to 5 over 5 |
3 500 4 200 5 400 |
45 45 60 |
Table 7-Matter with litter (Table 2.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Weight of the parent animal (kg) |
Minimum accommodation size (cm 2 ) |
Additional surface for nest boxes (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
below 3 3 to 5 over 5 |
3 500 4 200 5 400 |
1 000 1 200 1 400 |
45 45 60 |
2.4. The requirements of Table 8 apply both to cages and to coves.
Table 8-Less than 10 weeks old rabbits (Table 2.3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Age |
Minimum accommodation size (cm 2 ) |
Minimum floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
From the discontinuation to the 7. Life Week From the 7. up to the 10th Life Week |
4 000
4 000 |
1 200 |
40 |
Table 9-Rabbits: Optimal dimensions for podeste in accommodation with the dimensions indicated in Table 6 (Table 2.4 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Age in weeks |
Final body weight (kg) |
Optimal size (cm x cm) |
Optimal height above the bottom of the posture area (cm) |
over 10 |
below 3 3 to 5 over 5 |
55 x 25 55 x 30 60 x 35 |
25 25 30 |
3. Cats
3.1. Cats may not be accommodated individually for a maximum of 24 hours. Cats, who behave aggressively against other cats, are only accommodated individually if no animal suitable for them can be found. Social stress is to be monitored at least once a week for all animals in pairs or in groups. Female cats with less than four weeks old boys or cats in the last two weeks of their pregnancy can be accommodated alone.
3.2. The minimum space on which a mother cat and her litter can be held corresponds to the place for a single cat, which must gradually be enlarged until the litter is implemented at the age of four months and the space requirements for adult animals are being met.
3.3. Areas for feeding and for cat toilets shall be at least half a metre from each other and shall not be exchanged.
Table 10-Cats (Table 3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Floor 1) (m 2 ) |
Floors (m 2 ) |
Height (m) |
Minimum measurement for an adult animal |
1.5 |
0.5 |
2 |
In addition, for each additional animal |
0.75 |
0.25 |
- |
1) Floor area without floors.
4. Dogs
4.1. Dogs are available as far as possible in the open air. Dogs may be accommodated individually for a maximum of 4 hours without interruption.
4.2. The indoor area must be at least 50% of the minimum size of the dog, which must be made available to dogs in accordance with Table 11.
4.3. The amount of space available in Tables 11 and 12 is based on the needs of Beagles. For large breeds, such as Bernhardiner or Irish Wolfhounds, however, much more space must be made available than described in Table 11. If the breeds are other breeds than the laboratory beagle, the room dimensions must be determined in consultation with veterinarians.
4.4. Dogs that are kept as a couple or in groups can each be on half of the total space available (2 m 2 for a dog weighing less than 20 kg, 4 m 2 for a dog weighing more than 20 kg) if they are subjected to animal testing, provided that this separation is essential for scientific reasons. A dog may not be placed in such a constricted manner for a maximum of four hours.
4.5. A lactating bitch and her litter must have the same amount of space available as a single bitch with the same weight. The Litter Winger should be designed in such a way that the bitch can go to another part or to an elevated part, removed from the puppies.
Table 11-Dogs (Table 4.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Weight (kg) |
Minimum accommodation size (m 2 ) |
Minimum floor area for one or two animals (m 2 ) |
For each additional animal at least (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (m) |
up to 20 over 20 |
4 8 |
4 8 |
2 4 |
2 2 |
Table 12-Dogs-deposited animals (Table 4.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Weight of dog (kg) |
Minimum accommodation size (m 2 ) |
Minimum floor area per animal (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (m) |
up to 5 > 5 to 10 > 10 to 15 > 20 to 25 > 20 |
4 4 4 4 8 |
0.5 1.0 1.5 2 4 |
2 2 2 2 2 |
5. ferrets
Table 13-ferrets (Table 5 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Minimum accommodation size (cm 2 ) |
Minimum floor area per animal (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Animals up to 600 g Animals > 600 g adult males Maternal and litter |
4 500 4 500 6 000
5 400 |
1 500 3 000 6 000
5 400 |
50 50 50
50 |
6. Non-human primates
6.1. The young animals of non-human primates may be separated from the parent animal at the earliest age of six to 12 months, depending on the species.
6.2. The environment must allow the non-human primate to have an extensive daily employment programme.
6.3. The conservation area must allow the non-human primates to be as broad as possible, give them a sense of safety and offer a correspondingly complex environment so that they can run, walk, climb and jump.
6.4. The young animals of silk creeks and tamarins may not be separated from the parent animal until the age of eight months.
Table 14-Seidenäffchen und Tamarine (Table 6.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Minimum floor area for 1 1) or 2 animals plus offspring of up to 5 months (m 2 ) |
Minimum volume per additional animal of more than 5 months (m 3 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (m) 2) |
Silk creeks |
0.5 |
0.2 |
1.5 |
Tamarine |
1.5 |
0.2 |
1.5 |
1) The animals may only be kept individually in exceptional cases.
2) The ceiling of the holding area must be at least 1.8 m from the ground.
6.5. The offspring of dead-head faeces shall not be separated from the parent animal until the age of six months.
Table 15-Totencope FFs (Table 6.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Minimum floor area per tier 1 1) or 2 animals (m 2 ) |
Minimum volume per additional animal of more than 6 months (m 3 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (m) |
2.0 |
0.5 |
1.8 |
1) The animals may only be kept individually in exceptional cases.
6.6. The young animals of macaques and green meerkats must not be separated from the parent animal until the age of eight months.
Table 16-Macaques and Green Meerkats 1) (Table 6.3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum volume of accommodation (m 3 ) |
Minimum volume per tier (m 3 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (m) |
Animals under three years of age 2) |
2.0 |
3.6 |
1.0 |
1.8 |
Animals from three years 3) |
2.0 |
3.6 |
1.8 |
1.8 |
Animals held for breeding purposes 4) |
3.5 |
2.0 |
1) The animals may only be kept individually in exceptional cases.
2) Up to three animals can be included in a holding area with minimum dimensions.
3) Up to two animals can be included in a holding area with minimum dimensions.
4) In breeding colonies with young animals of up to two years, which are housed together with their mothers, there is no additional space/space requirement.
6.7. The young animals of pavians may not be separated from the parent animal until the age of eight months.
Table 17-Paviane 1) (Table 6.4 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum volume of accommodation (m 3 ) |
Minimum volume per tier (m 3 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation (m) |
Animals under four years of age 2) |
4.0 |
7.2 |
3.0 |
1.8 |
Animals from four years of age 3) |
7.0 |
12.6 |
6.0 |
1.8 |
Animals held for breeding purposes 3) |
12.0 |
2.0 |
1) The animals may only be kept individually in exceptional cases.
2) Up to two animals can be taken up in a holding area with minimum dimensions.
3) In breeding colonies with young animals of up to two years, which are housed together with their mothers, there is no additional space/space requirement.
7. Agricultural livestock
7.1. In the case of agricultural research projects where the aim of the experiments requires that the animals be kept under comparable conditions as in agriculture, the animal husbandry should at least meet the standards of the 1. Animal welfare regulation.
Table 18-cattle (Table 7.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (kg) |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum floor area per animal (m 2 /Animal) |
Trogplatz at ad libitum-feeding of enthused cattle (m/tier) |
Trogplatz in case of restrictive feeding of unsoiled bovine animals (m/tier) |
up to 100 > 100 to 200 > 200 to 400 > 400 to 600 > 600 to 800 > 800 |
2.50 4.25 6.00 9,00 11.00 16.00 |
2.30 3.40 4.80 7.50 8.75 10,00 |
0.10 0.15 0.18 0.21 0.24 0.30 |
0.30 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 1.00 |
Table 19-Sheep and goats (Table 7.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (kg) |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum floor area per animal (m 2 /Animal) |
Minimum height of partition walls (m) |
Trogplatz at ad-libitum-feeding (m/tier) |
Trogplatz in case of restrictive feeding (m/tier) |
Under 20 > 20 to 35 > 35 to 60 > 60 |
1.0 1.5 2.0 3.0 |
0.7 1.0 1.5 1.8 |
1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 |
0.10 0.10 0.12 0.12 |
0.25 0.30 0.40 0.50 |
Table 20-Pigs and miniature pigs (Table 7.3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Life Weight (in kg) |
Minimum accommodation size 1) (m 2 ) |
Minimum floor area per animal (m 2 /Animal) |
Minimum lying area per animal (under thermoneutral conditions) (m 2 /Animal) |
to 5 > 5 to 10 > 10 to 20 > 20 to 30 > 30 to 50 > 50 to 70 > 70 to 100 > 100 to 150 > 150 Adult (conventional) Eber |
2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 7.5 |
0.20 0.25 0.35 0.50 0.70 0.80 1.00 1.35 2.50 |
0.10 0.11 0.18 0.24 0.33 0.41 0.53 0.70 0.95 1.30 |
1) Pigs may, under certain circumstances, be accommodated, for reasons of testing or veterinary medicine, in the short term in smaller areas (e.g. in a main area divided by means of separation elements), for example, if a Individual feed intake is required.
7.2. The shortest side of the accommodation for solipeds should be at least 1.5 times as long as the height of the animal's withers. The areas of farming located in buildings must be so high that the animals can resize to the full size.
Table 21-Einhufer (Table 7.4 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Withers height (m) |
Minimum floor area per animal (m 2 /Animal) |
Minimum height of accommodation (m) |
For each animal held individually or in groups of up to 3 animals |
For each animal held in groups of 4 or more animals |
Abfohlbox/Stute with foal |
1.00 to 1.40 > 1.40 to 1.60 1.60 |
9.0 12.0 16.0 |
6.0 9.0 (2 x WH) 2 1) |
16 20 20 |
3.00 3.00 3.00 |
1) In order to ensure that the animals have sufficient space, the spatial dimensions for each individual animal must be based on the respective withholding height (WH).
8. Birds
8.1. In the case of agricultural research projects where the aim of the experiments requires that the animals be kept under comparable conditions as in agriculture, the animal husbandry should at least meet the standards of the 1. Animal welfare regulation.
8.2. If the minimum dimensions cannot be met according to the requirements of Table 22 for scientific reasons, the duration of the constricted accommodation must be provided by the project manager or by the project manager in consultation with the veterinarian or to the veterinarian. In this case, the birds may be accommodated in smaller areas of rearing, but they can be fitted with appropriate design elements and over a minimum floor area of 0.75 m 2 .
Table 22-household chickens (Table 8.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum area per bird (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Minimum length of feed trough per bird (cm) |
to 200 > 200 to 300 > 300 to 600 > 600 to 1 200 > 1 200 to 1 800 > 1 800 to 2 400 > 2 400 |
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 |
0.025 0.03 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.13 0.21 |
30 30 40 50 75 75 75 |
3 3 7 15 15 15 15 |
8.3. All sites of accommodation for house sputes should be at least 1.5 m long. If these minimum dimensions cannot be complied with for scientific reasons, the duration of the constricted accommodation must be justified by the project manager or the project manager in consultation with the veterinarian or the veterinarian. In this case, the birds can be found in smaller areas of rearing with suitable design elements and a minimum floor area of 0.75 m 2 as well as a minimum height of 50 cm (for birds under 0.6 kg body weight), 75 cm (for birds less than 4 kg) or 100 cm (for birds over 4 kg) are placed. In this case, small groups of birds can be kept in accordance with the spatial dimensions listed in Table 23.
Table 23-Hausputes (Table 8.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (kg) |
Minimum accommodation size (m 2 ) |
Minimum area per bird (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Minimum length of feed trough per bird (cm) |
up to 0.3 > 0.3 to 0.6 > 0.6 to 1 > 1 to 4 > 4 to 8 > 8 to 12 > 12 to 16 > 16 to 20 > 20 |
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 |
0.13 0.17 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.55 0.60 1.00 |
50 50 100 100 100 150 150 150 150 |
3 7 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 |
Table 24-Wachteln (Table 8.3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum accommodation size (m 2 ) |
Area per bird in the case of mating (m 2 ) |
Area per bird in group posture (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Minimum length of the Troges per bird (cm) |
to 150 over 150 |
1.00 1.00 |
0.5 0.6 |
0.10 0.15 |
20 30 |
4 4 |
8.4. If these minimum dimensions cannot be met according to the requirements of Table 25 for scientific reasons, the duration of the constricted accommodation must be provided by the project manager or by the project manager in consultation with the veterinarian or to the veterinarian. In this case, the birds may be accommodated in smaller areas of rearing, but they may be fitted with suitable design elements and a minimum floor area of 0.75 m 2 . In this case, small groups of birds can be kept in accordance with the spatial dimensions listed in Table 25.
Table 25-ducks and geese (Table 8.4 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body weight (g) |
Minimum accommodation size (m 2 ) |
Area per bird (m 2 ) 1) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Minimum length of feed trough per bird (cm) |
Ducks |
up to 300 > 300 to 1 200 2) > 300 to 1 200 > 3 500 |
2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 |
0.10 0.20 0.25 0.50 |
50 200 200 200 |
10 10 15 15 |
Geese |
to 500 > 500 to 2 000 > 2 000 |
2.00 2.00 2.00 |
0.20 0.33 0.50 |
200 200 200 |
10 15 15 |
1) This should also include at least 30 cm deep water basins with a surface area of at least 0,5 m 2 2 m each 2 Conservation area. The water basin may, under certain circumstances, be up to 50% of the minimum size of the holding area.
2) Birds which are not yet fledgling can, if necessary, be kept in enclosures with a minimum height of 75 cm.
Table 26-Ducks and geese: Minimum dimensions of the water basins 1) (Table 8.5 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Area (m 2 ) |
Depth (cm) |
Ducks |
0.5 |
30 |
Geese |
0.5 |
10 to 30 |
1) The sizes of the water tanks are per 2 m 2 Conservation area. The water basin may, under certain circumstances, be up to 50% of the minimum size of the holding area.
8.5. Areas of conservation for pigeons must be long and narrow (e.g. 2 x 1 m) as a square, so that the birds can travel short flight routes.
Table 27-Pigeons (Table 8.6 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Group Size |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Minimum length of feed trough per bird (cm) |
Minimum length of the seat rod per bird (cm) |
to 6 7 to 12 for each additional bird in a group > 12 |
2 3 0.15 |
200 200 |
5 5 5 |
30 30 30 |
8.6. Areas of conservation for zebra finches must be long and narrow (e.g. 2 m x 1 m) so that the birds can travel short flight routes. For reproduction studies, the pairs should be in smaller areas with adequate design and a minimum floor area of 0.5 m. 2 and a minimum height of 40 cm. The duration of the constricted accommodation must be justified by the project manager or the project manager in consultation with the veterinarian or the veterinarian.
Table 28-Zebra finches (Table 8.7 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Group Size |
Minimum area of accommodation (m 2 ) |
Minimum height (cm) |
Minimum number of feed distributors |
to 6 7 to 12 13 to 20 for each additional bird in a group > 20 |
1.0 1.5 2.0 0.05 |
100 200 200 |
2 2 3 1 for 6 birds each |
9. Amphibians
Table 29-Aquatic Urodela (Table 9.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 1) (cm) |
Minimum water surface (cm 2 ) |
Minimum water surface for each additional animal in group posture (cm 2 ) |
Minimum water depth (cm) |
to 10 > 10 to 15 > 15 to 20 > 20 to 30 > 30 |
262.5 525 875 1 837,5 3 150 |
50 110 200 440 800 |
13 13 15 15 20 |
1) Measured from Maul to Kloake.
Table 30-Aquatic Anura 1) (Table 9.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 2) (cm) |
Minimum water surface (cm 2 ) |
Minimum water surface for each additional animal in group posture (cm 2 ) |
Minimum water depth (cm) |
below 6 6 to 9 > 9 to 12 > 12 |
160 300 600 920 |
40 75 150 230 |
6 8 10 12.5 |
1) These conditions apply to half-basins, but not to pools for breeding purposes (natural pairings and oviposition), especially since smaller individual vessels are more suitable for reasons of efficiency. The specified space requirement is intended for adult animals of the respective size categories; juvenile animals and caulks are either kept separate or the dimensions are adjusted according to the principle of scale.
2) Measured from Maul to Kloake.
Table 31-Semiaquatic Anura (Table 9.3 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 1) (cm) |
Minimum Area 2) of accommodation (cm 2 ) |
Minimum area for each additional animal in group management (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation 3) (cm) |
Minimum water depth (cm) |
up to 5.0 > 5.0 to 7.5 > 7.5 |
1 500 3 500 4 000 |
200 500 700 |
20 30 30 |
10 10 15 |
1) Measured from Maul to Kloake.
2) One-third of the land area, two-thirds of the water area, is sufficient for subdiving.
3) Measured from the surface of the land area to the roof inside of the terrarium; the height of the posture areas must be adapted to the interior fittings.
Table 32-Semi-terrestrial Anura (Table 9.4 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 1) (cm) |
Minimum accommodation size 2) (cm 2 ) |
Minimum area for each additional animal in group management (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation 3) (cm) |
Minimum water depth (cm) |
to 5.0 > 5.0 to 7.5 > 7.5 |
1 500 3 500 4 000 |
200 500 700 |
20 30 30 |
10 10 15 |
1) Measured from Maul to Kloake.
2) Two-thirds of the land area, one third of the water area, is sufficient for the animals to dive.
3) Measured from the surface of the land area to the roof inside of the terrarium; the height of the posture areas must be adapted to the interior fittings.
Table 33-Arboreale Anura (Table 9.5 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 1) (cm) |
Minimum accommodation size 2) (cm 2 ) |
Minimum area for each additional animal in group management (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation 3) (cm) |
up to 3.0 more than 3.0 |
900 1 500 |
100 200 |
30 30 |
1) Measured from Maul to Kloake.
2) Two-thirds of the land area, one third of the water area, is sufficient for the animals to dive. 3) Measured from the surface of the land area to the roof inside of the terrarium; the height of the posture areas must be adapted to the interior fittings.
10. Reptiles
Table 34-Aquatic turtles (Table 10.1 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 1) (cm) |
Minimum water surface (cm 2 ) |
Minimum water surface for each additional animal in group posture (cm 2 ) |
Minimum water depth (cm) |
up to 5 > 5 to 10 > 10 to 15 > 15 to 20 > 20 to 30 > 30 |
600 1 600 3 500 6 000 10 000 20 000 |
100 300 600 1 200 2 000 5 000 |
10 15 20 30 35 40 |
1) Measured in a straight line from the front to the back end of the tank.
Table 35-Terrestrial snakes (Table 10.2 of Part B of Annex III of the Animal Experiments Directive) |
Body Length 1) (cm) |
Minimum floor area (cm 2 ) |
Minimum area for each additional animal in group management (cm 2 ) |
Minimum height of accommodation 2) (cm) |
to 30 > 30 to 40 > 40 to 50 > 50 to 75 > 75 |
300 400 600 1 200 2 500 |
150 200 300 600 1 200 |
10 12 15 20 28 |
1) Measured from the mouth to the tail.
2) Measured from the surface of the land area to the roof inside of the terrarium; the height of the posture areas must be adapted to the interior fittings.