Key Benefits:
14. Ordination of the Federal Minister of Health, with which the regulation of the Federal Minister for Health and Women on subsidies of the General Accident Insurance Institution and the Insurance Institution for Railways and Mining Service providers for fee payment (fee payment grant ordinance) is changed
Pursuant to Section 53b (4) of the General Social Insurance Act (ASVG), BGBl. No. 189/1955, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 123/2012, is assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection:
The Federal Minister for Health and Women's Regulation on grants from the Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (General Accident Insurance Institution) and the Insurance Institute for Railways and Mines (Insurance Institution for Railways and Mining) for pay-as-you-go payment (Pay Forty grant regulation), BGBl. II No 64/2005, shall be amended as follows:
1. In § 4 (2), the expression "for a maximum of 42 days" by the expression "for a maximum of 42 calendar days" replaced.
2. § 4 (3) reads:
" (3) The amount of the grants is limited to one and a half times the maximum contribution basis in accordance with Section 108 (3) of the ASVG. If, during the period of payment of the payment, a change in the maximum contribution basis is made, the maximum contribution basis applicable to the respective pay-off period shall be used for the capping of the grants. "
3. The following paragraph 3 is added to Section 9 (2):
" (3) § 4 (2) and (3) in the version of the Regulation, BGBl. II No 14/2013 shall be 1. January 2013 in force; § 4 para. 3 is to be applied on pay-off days after 31 December 2012. "