Key Benefits:
61. Regulation of the Chairman of the Management Board of Österreichische Post Aktiengesellschaft concerning the fixing of a night service for employees who are the Austrian Post Aktiengesellschaft or a company which is subject to measures by the Austrian Post Reformation under the existing company law has emerged from this society, are assigned to the service (night service allowance-Ordination 2013-NDG-VO 2013)
Based on the § 20 salary law of 1956, BGBl. No. 54 in the version BGBl. No 447/1990 in conjunction with Section 17a (3) of the Postal Structure Act, BGBl. No 201/1996 in the BGBl version. I n ° 96/2007:
§ 1. (1) The official or the official of Österreichische Post AG, as well as the official or the official, the one or the one of the companies which are responsible for the restructuring of the company within the framework of the existing company law of Österreichische Post AG. , which is assigned to the service provided by night services, shall receive a night service.
(2) Night service within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be provided if service is provided between 22:00 and 06:00 (=night period), except for the services referred to in paragraph 3.
(3) Night service within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall not be provided if, in the delivery service, the service is voluntarily and from its own prior to 06.00 a.m., the service is initiated in accordance with a flexitime model and the sliding time frame is a In any case, the service is made possible outside the night period and if the service is less than one hour (= 60 minutes) in the night period. However, if the service is scheduled to start before 06.00, this derogation shall not apply.
§ 2. The night service fee is for a service:
up to ½ hour ..................................................................... 0,96 EUR gross |
up to 1 hour ...................................................................... 1,92 EUR brutto |
up to 1 ½ hours .............................................................. 2,88 EUR gross |
up to 2 hours .................................................................... 3,84 EUR gross |
up to 5 hours .................................................................... 7,68 EUR gross |
more than 5 hours ................................................................ 15,36 EUR gross |
§ 3. The Regulation shall enter into force on 1 March 2013.