Key Benefits:
257. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research, amending the Regulation on the municipalities to be equivalent to the place of study according to the Law on the Promotion of the Study Promotion Act 1992
On the basis of § § 26 (4) and 76 (2) of the Student Promotion Act 1992-StudFG, BGBl. No. 305/1992, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 79/2013, is in agreement with the Federal Minister of Finance, the Federal Minister of Health and the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture:
The regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research on the municipalities to be treated as a place of study according to the Law on the Promotion of the Study Promotion Act 1992, BGBl. N ° 604/1993, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 447/2008 and the BGBl agreement. II No 113/2013 shall be amended as follows:
1. § 24 reads:
" § 24. Due to their convenient location in the Mühlviertel region, Hagenberg is located in the Mühlviertel region: Engerwitzdorf, Gallneukirchen, Katsdorf, Kefermarkt, Linz, Neumarkt im Mühlkreis, Pregarten, Ried in der Riedmark, Tragwein, Unterweitersdorf, Wartberg ob der Aist. "
2. The previous § 45 is given the name "§ 46" ; the following § 45 is inserted:
" § 45. In addition, a municipality shall be equated to the place of study if it is proved, in a procedure relating to the granting of study aid, that the daily driving time between this municipality and the place of study, with the benefit of the most favourable, is demonstrated. public transport is not more than 40 minutes. "