Key Benefits:
270. Regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control with which the Gas Market Model Regulation 2012 is amended (2. GMMO-VO Novelle 2013)
Due to § 41 Gaswirtschaftgesetz 2011-GWG 2011, BGBl. I n ° 107/2011 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 174/2013, iVm § 7 para. 1 Energy Control Act-E-ControlG, BGBl. I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 174/2013, shall be arranged:
The regulation of the Board of Management of E-Control on gas-market model regulations (Gas-Market Model Regulation 2012), BGBl. II No. 171/2012 in the version of the GMMO-VO Novelle 2013, BGBl. II No 88/2013, shall be amended as follows:
1. The following sentence shall be added to Article 19 (2):
"In addition, the accounting group responsible has to conclude all necessary contracts for the admission of the stock exchange."
2. In Section 25 (4) (2) (2), after the word "Accounting group leaders" the phrase "and the respective caretaker" inserted.
3. In § 25 (4) the following Z 8 is added:
" 8. |
the hourly dispatch of the measured values of end-users with a contractually agreed maximum output of more than 50,000 kWh/h (large-scale customers) to the respective suppliers; " |
4. In § 25 (8) (2), the word "Balance Sheet Group" by the word "Supper" replaced.
5. In § 25 (8) (3), the word order shall be deleted "insofar as these are read out daily" and the word "timely" .
6. § 28 reads:
" § 28. (1) The distribution area manager shall, in cooperation with the respective distribution system operator and on the basis of the standardised load profiles transmitted by the balance sheet group coordinator, each network area, each provider and SLP type, by means of appropriate Temperature forecast an SLP consumption forecast until 12.00 noon for the following day.
(2) The distribution area manager shall update these SLP consumption forecasts in accordance with paragraph 1 on the basis of current temperature forecasts in cooperation with the respective distribution system operator within the guest day three times a day before midnight. "
7. § 32 (2) and (3) are:
" (2) For the purpose of balancing the energy of the network users in accordance with Section 18 (6), a weighted average price per hour on the basis of the call of the distribution area manager from the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point and from the Merit Order will be List determined. For balancing energy, which is responsible for the balance sheet group, a three percent discount and a three percent discount on the quantity weighted average price per hour are used for the balancing energy supplied. In the event that no calls are made by the distribution area manager, the last available price at the spot market of the natural gas exchange on the virtual machine will be charged for the delivery time for which balancing energy is charged. The trading point used as a balancing energy price and applied to the respective charge or drop. If no price has been reached on this day at the natural gas exchange of the virtual trading point, the last available hourly compensation energy price will be used.
(3) The compensation energy prices for network users in accordance with § 18 (5) and (7) shall be calculated on the basis of the respective compensation energy call of the distribution area manager at the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point and after the compensation energy of the Distribution Area Manager from the Merit Order List. The highest purchase price for fetching in the reference direction and the lowest selling price at the time of retrieval in the delivery direction (marginal prices) are used. In the event that no calls have been made in the respective direction by the distribution area manager, the quantity-weighted price index for spot market products published by the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point for the respective delivery period shall be: . In this case, a charge of ten percent and 10 percent of the compensation energy supplied by the balance-group-responsible compensation energy shall be applied to this price index. "
8. § 44 reads:
" § 44. (1) The balance group coordinator determines market-based compensation energy prices for the commercial compensation of deviations between final consumer timetables and measurement values, as well as for the accounting of the special balance sheet groups for distribution networks and differences between the quantities of biogas feed that are logged on and measured by the timetable.
(2) For the balancing energy accounting of the network users in accordance with Section 37 (6), a quantity weighted average price per hour on the basis of the call of the distribution area manager from the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the upstream Market area and determined by the Merit Order List. For balancing energy, which is responsible for the balance sheet group, a three percent discount and a three percent discount on the quantity weighted average price per hour are used for the balancing energy supplied. In the event that no calls are made by the distribution area manager, the last available price at the spot market of the natural gas exchange on the virtual machine will be charged for the delivery time for which balancing energy is charged. The trading point of the upstream market area is used as a balancing energy price and the respective charge or surcharge is applied. If no price has been reached on this day on the natural gas exchange of the virtual trading point of the upstream market area, the last available hourly compensation energy price shall be used.
(3) The compensation energy prices for network users in accordance with § 37 (5) and (7) shall be calculated on the basis of the respective compensation energy call of the distribution area manager at the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the upstream market area and according to the Balancing energy retrieval of the distribution area manager from the Merit Order List. The highest purchase price for fetching in the reference direction and the lowest selling price at the time of retrieval in the delivery direction (marginal prices) are used. In the event that no calls have been made in the respective direction by the distribution area manager, the quantity weighted for the respective delivery period by the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the upstream market area shall be: Price index used for spot market products. In this case, a charge of ten percent and 10 percent of the compensation energy supplied by the balance-group-responsible compensation energy is applied to this price index.
(4) For the accounting of the limit coupling points in the distribution network, the special balance-sheet groups of the distribution networks and the differences between the quantities of biogas feed registered and measured by the timetable, the quantity of biogas used for the respective delivery period shall be determined by the Natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the upstream market area, using a quantity-weighted price index for spot market products. If no price can be formed for the respective delivery period, the volume-weighted price index for spot market products, which was last published by the natural gas exchange at the virtual trading point of the upstream market area, is used.
(5) The compensation energy price shall be expressed in Cent/kWh and shall be rounded off to at least three composting points.
(6) Should the compensation energy account of the balance-group coordinator give itself a concealment, it shall be based on the quantities of the network users in accordance with § 37 (5) and (7), based on the provisions of the provisions in the general terms and conditions of the balance sheet group coordinator, and the balance sheet group coordinators. The transfer shall be a component of the compensation energy bill and shall be shown in Cent/kWh. The transfer shall be fixed by the balance sheet group coordinator for the following six months. This transfer shall also cover any costs and proceeds from the commercial settlement of unbalanced accounts of a balance-sheet account outside the tolerance range defined therein pursuant to § 41 (1) (2) (2). "
9. In accordance with Section 47 (7), the following paragraph 8 is added:
" (8) § 19 para. 2, § 25 (4) Z 2, § 25 (8) Z 2, § 28, § 32 (2) and (3) and § 44 in the version of the 2. GMMO-VO Novelle 2013, BGBl. II No 270/2013 will be 1. October 2013 will be in force. Section 25 (4) Z 8 in the version of the 2. GMMO-VO Novelle 2013, BGBl. II No 270/2013 shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2014 in force. In Section 25 (8) (3), the word "timely" with the expiry of the 1st of October 2013 and the word order ", if read out on a daily basis," shall expire on 31 December 2013. "
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