Key Benefits:
281. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Justice on the Standard Cost Tariff
Due to § 24 of the Federal Law on the Bar of Lawyers, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 189/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 109/2013, shall be ordered:
§ 1. (1) The remuneration, which is due to the lawyer for regularly occurring benefits in simple and frequently recurring cases, arises from the calculations contained in the annexes.
(2) Under the terms used in the annexes, a number of persons represented or contended by the attorney must be understood in the sense of § 15 of the Federal Law on the Law of Lawyers.
(3) Under the terms of the court fees used in the annexes, the sum of the flat-rate fees shall be understood in accordance with the Law on Fees and the Enforcement Fees according to the law on the law of enforcement.
(4) The replacement of the costs in accordance with the standard cost tariff may also be required in the case of freedom of court fees. In this case, the amount of the flat-rate or court fee shall be deducted when the amount of the cost of the investments is fixed.
(5) In the case of executive orders for the approval of the compulsory legal basis, the amount of the registration fee in accordance with the tariff post 9 is also higher than the amount resulting from the Annexes X and XI. b Z 4 GGG shall be taken into account when the amount of the cost is fixed, if it is also recorded in terms of amount.
§ 2. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. October 2013 will be in force. It shall apply to the attorneys ' performance, which shall be effected after 30 September 2013.
(2) With the entry into force of this Regulation, the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Justice on the Standardisation Costs Tariff, BGBl. II No 243/2011. However, it must continue to apply to the attorneys ' services, which are before the 1. The results were achieved in October 2013.