Key Benefits:
323. Regulation of the Federal Minister for the Interior, amending the citizenship regulation in 1985
On the basis of the State Citizenship Act 1985 (StbG), BGBl. No. 311/1985, as last amended by the BGBl agreement. I No 188/2013, shall be arranged:
The Regulation of the Federal Minister of the Interior of 31 July 1985 on the implementation of the Law on citizenship in 1985 (Citizenship Regulation 1985), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No 329/1985, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 307/2013, shall be amended as follows:
(1) The following paragraph 4 is added to § 2:
" (4) An obligation to submit documents pursuant to paragraph 1 does not exist if the facts or legal relationships to be ordered are made available by inspection to the Central State Citizenship Register (ZSR, § 56a StbG), or to other authorities. standing registers can be detected. "
2. In § 8 (2) the word order shall be "the documents referred to in paragraph 1" through the phrase "certificates according to the model of Appendixes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8 and 8a" replaced, the phrase "in the Austrian State Printing House" through the phrase "through a service provider" replaced and the following third sentence added:
"Annexes 4 and 6 shall be made on white paper with a minimum weight of 100g/m2."
§ § 6 and 7 together with transcripts, as well as § § 9, 11, 12, 13 and 15 are not required.
4. In § 14, the phrase "on the carpsheet" through the phrase "in the ZSR" replaced.
5. § 16 reads:
" § 16. Card cards, information leaflets and connection sheets are to be kept under wraps until the end of the collection (§ 64a paragraph 16 StbG). After that, they are either to be destroyed by officals or to be archived under wraps. "
6. In § 19, the phrase "the documents referred to in § 18 shall be personal status documents" through the phrase "a civil status certificate was used as the basis for an entry in accordance with § 18" replaced.
7. In § 24, after the word order "has been granted" the phrase "and the data are not already recorded in the ZSR," inserted.
8. In § 25, in para. 1 after the word order "The evidence point has" the phrase "as far as the data is not already recorded in the ZSR," is inserted and is the phrase in paragraph 3 "to make a clearly recognizable indication" through the phrase "clearly identifying the data set" replaced.
9. § § 31 and 32 (3) are deleted; in § 34, the word order is given in para. 1. "The state government has" through the phrase "If the Office of the State Government does not make registration pursuant to Section 56b (7) StbG, it has" shall be replaced by the citation in paragraphs 1 and 2 of "§ 9" by quoting "§ 39a (1) (1) to (3)" replaced.
10. § 36 together with headline reads:
" To § 53 StbG
§ 36. If a certificate of citizenship or any other confirmation of the acquisition or possession of the citizenship is issued, the data shall be communicated to the evidence body in accordance with Section 39a (1), if not already available in the ZSR. "
11. In § 37, the quote "§ 9" by quoting "§ 39a (1)" replaced, the phrase " § 53 Z 5 lit. a StbG according to § 18 Z 7 lit. a or lit. b or § 23; " and the headline is:
" To § 53 Z 5 lit. c to f StbG "
12. In § 38, the quote "§ 9" by quoting "§ 39a (1)" is replaced and is the heading:
"To § 55 StbG"
13. According to § 39, the following § § 39a and 39b with headline are inserted:
" To § 56a StbG
§ 39a. (1) In the Central Citizenship Register (ZSR, § 56a StbG), the following are to be entered:
1. |
Personnel data in accordance with § 10; |
2. |
former names and names lawfully carried out in the presence of other civil unions under foreign law; |
3. |
Comments relating to the acquisition, loss, possession or non-possession of citizenship, and |
4. |
Applications relating to the issuing, rectification, delivery or transmission of a citizenship certificate. |
(2) An entry may only be registered on the basis of the Central Civil Status Register (ZPR; § 44 Personal Status Act 2013-PStG 2013, BGBl. I n ° 16/2013), public documents or official surveys or communications.
(3) The registration shall be concluded by release in the ZSR.
Zu § 64a Abs. 16 StbG
§ 39b. (1) Insofar as the person is registered in the ZPR, data shall be transferred to the ZSR in accordance with Section 39a (1) and shall be supplemented with the reason for the acquisition and loss as well as previously issued civic citizenship certificates. If the person is not registered in the ZPR, the data referred to in § 39a paragraph 1 shall be recorded in the ZSR.
(2) In any event, the acquisition and loss of citizenship, as well as the issuance of citizenship certificates and confirmations of citizenship, are to be taken into account. "
14. In § 40, in paragraph 2 in the first sentence, the word order shall be "From the Austrian State Printing House" through the phrase "Through a service provider" , the last sentence of paragraph 2 shall be deleted and the following paragraph 5 shall be added.
" (5) In accordance with Section 64a (16) of the StbG (StbG), the national civil society tendencies are to be continued between 1 November 2013 and 1 November 2014. § § 8 (2), (14), (16), (19), (24), (1) and (3), (34), (36), together with the heading, 37 and 38, together with headings, 39a and 39b, including headings, as well as annexes 4 and 6, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No. 323/2013 shall enter into force on 1 November 2014; at the same time, § § 6 and 7 together with the heading, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 31, 32 para. 3 and the annexes 9 and 10 shall be repeal. "
15. The installations 9 and 10 are omitted, and the systems 4 and 6 correspond to the enclosed pattern.