Key Benefits:
Regulation of the Federal Minister for Health on the Adaptation to the Staff-Health and Accident Insurance Act for the calendar year 2016
Pursuant to § § 19 (6) and (26a) (3) of the Official Health and Accident Insurance Act (B-KUVG), BGBl. No 200/1967, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 118 /2015, shall be assigned:
§ 1. For the time from 1. On the basis of Section 19 (6) B-KUVG, January 2016, the monthly maximum contribution basis of € 4 860.00 will be determined.
§ 2. For the calendar year 2016, the amount referred to in Article 26a (2) B-KUVG shall be determined at 21.14 €.