Key Benefits:
362. Presentation by the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology on the annulment of a phrase in § 2 (1) and the provision of § 2 (2) of the Rail Traffic Noise Immission Protection Ordinance by the Constitutional Court
In accordance with Art. 139 (5) B-VG and § 60 sec. 2 VfGG in connection with § 4 paragraph 1 Z 4 BGBlG it is made known:
The Constitutional Court, with the knowledge of 2 October 2013, V 30 /2013-16, V 31 /2013-14, the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, has been delivered on 28 October 2013. October 2013, rightly recognized:
" 1. |
The phrase ", S 5004 (issue 1985) and S 5005 (expenditure 1992)" in § 2 para. 1 as well as the provision of § 2 para. 2 of the regulation of the Federal Minister of Public Economy and Transport on noise protection measures for main, side-by-side and trams (Rail Traffic Noise-Immission Control-SchIV), BGBl. No 415/1993, are repealed as being illegal. |
2. |
The repeal shall enter into force on the expiry of 30 April 2014. " |