Key Benefits:
381. Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA) establishing the criteria for the management of the business plan provision for the administrative costs incurred after the start of the pension (Administrative Costs Reserve Regulation 2013-VKRStV 2013)
Pursuant to Section 20 (5) Pensionskassengesetz-PKG, BGBl. No. 281/1990, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 184/2013, shall be arranged:
§ 1. (1) The business plan provision for the administrative costs arising after the start of the pension (administrative cost reserve) is sufficient, taking into account the recognized principles of actuarial mathematics, in an economically sufficient To form the amount and, in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation, on the interests of the eligible persons and the persons entitled to benefit.
(2) The administrative cost recovery shall be carried out in a uniform manner within a pension fund for all investment and risk communities.
(3) The management of the administrative costs shall be determined in the business plan of the pension fund (§ 20 PKG) pursuant to the provisions of this Regulation.
(4) If a pension fund is administered jointly by several pension funds, each pension fund participating in the pension fund has to form an administrative cost reserve insofar as it also handles the pension benefit.
Calculation of the administrative cost recovery
§ 2. (1) The administrative cost recovery shall be calculated in accordance with an internationally recognised actuarial procedure, taking into account the expected increases in administrative costs in the future.
(2) As an alternative to paragraph 1, the calculation of the administrative cost recovery according to the part-value procedure is also permissible. In each case, the net invoice amount shall not exceed 3.0%.
(3) The minimum standard with regard to the biometric accounting principles used shall be established by means of generational panels in the form of the employee's imprint.
(4) In the event of a substantial change in the conditions governing the choice of invoice bases (§ 20 sec. 2 Z 3 PKG), the pension funds are obliged to adapt the billing basis immediately.
(5) Under-or overlappings, which have arisen due to incorrect assumptions in the accounting bases (§ 20 paragraph 2 Z 3 PKG), shall be in balance within a maximum of ten years; the compensation shall be for those at the end of the respective financial year existing commitments shall be made annually with at least one-tenth of the original amount.
§ 3. (1) The actuarial calculation of the administrative cost reserve shall be based on a set of unit costs for each eligible person and the person entitled to benefit.
(2) All costs incurred in the payment phase shall be taken into account for the calculation of unit costs. This calculation shall not include those incurred as a result of the assessment of the assets allocated to the investment and risk community. The calculation shall be connected to the application for authorization of the business plan. By way of derogation from the balance sheet date of the pension fund, the balance sheet date for the collection of assets (number of qualifying and eligible persons for the determination of unit costs) in the period from 30 September to the balance sheet date in the business plan on the market.
(3) In the event that the calculation of unit costs is associated with disproportionate difficulties, the pension fund may take over the standard costs fixed by the FMA.
(4) The standard costs, which are required in the payment phase for a person entitled to benefit, shall be fixed at EUR 85 per year.
(5) The amount of standard costs referred to in paragraph 4 shall be valorised in accordance with the 1996 consumer price index 1996-special breakdown "services" with the value of the change in the value for the month of July, in accordance with the consumer price index 1996. of a calendar year compared with the value of January 2001. The new amount shall apply from 1. Jänner of the following year.
(6) The pension fund may also lead to the return to administrative costs in accordance with a procedure other than those referred to in paragraphs 1 to 3. In this case, however, the adequacy of the amount of the administrative cost provision shall be reviewed at least every three years by means of a control invoice as provided for in paragraphs 1 to 3. The procedure and the control statement shall be defined in the business plan.
Compensation of undercover or overlap
§ 4. If, on the basis of the application of the calculation methods of this Regulation, the first balance sheet date following the entry into force of this Regulation is to be applied to the administrative cost recovery, a cover or cover over the previously formed Administrative cost recovery shall be compensated for within a maximum of ten years, and the compensation shall be paid annually for the commitments outstanding at the end of each financial year, with at least one tenth of the total amount of the total the original amount.
In-and out-of-power
§ 5. This Regulation shall enter into force at the end of the day of the presentation and shall be applied for the first time to financial years beginning after 31 December 2012; at the same time, the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance for the implementation of the Pensionskassengesetz (Administrative cost recovery regulation), BGBl. II No 16/2001, except for force.
Ettl Kumpfmüller